
It's Not Easy



6 Years
11-29-2015, 11:45 PM

She had been making her way up through Alacritis since her run in with her sister slowly but steadily. She had intended to pay a visit to her family's old home, but the closer she got the more she was dreading it. She just couldn't make herself do it, especially since she knew her parents and siblings wouldn't be there to greet her. That fact just made going back to that place, or even being close to that place, more depressing than like a homecoming. She sighed as she thought about it, frowning and softly saying to herself, "Oh well... I didn't need to go there anyway."

In an attempt to put that out of her mind she focused on the area around her. She hadn't really been paying much attention to where she had been going so she was a little surprised to see the desolate land she had ended up in. Curious, she went over to one of the fallen logs near her and she hopped up onto it so she could get a better look around. She was too short to see very far from the ground. Just as she was scanning the area the log under her began to tremble and her ears fell back against her head. "What the...?" Everything seemed to shake around her for a few moments and it startled her enough that she lost her footing tumbled to the ground, landing hard on her right shoulder.

A few moments later everything was still again and she groaned as she pulled herself up again. Her shoulder was aching, but it wasn't anything worse than when she rammed her shoulder into an opponent. What really got her was the scratch she had gotten across her paw pads and across her cheek as her skin caught on the rough bark on her way down to the ground. She made a soft hissing sound as she sucked in air though her teeth at the stinging pain. She could feel the blood seeping into the fur on her cheek, but she ignored it for a moment as she sank down onto her haunches to carefully lick over the cut across the pads of her right forepaw.




5 Years
12-02-2015, 03:14 AM

Across the prairie laid hills he hadn't yet explored. As he lumbered through the terrain with his companion settled contently settled upon his head, an odd feeling crept over him. Where were the singing birds, or the scuttling of undergrowth creatures scurrying away? This area was void of any life, but why? It seemed adequate for living. As if his very question was answered, the ground beneath him began to shake. Confusion flashed across his features as he dug his claws into the earth, trying to steady himself. Sharp pain seared through his skull, and momentarily he realised it was his companion also bracing the shakes. He winced, praying for the trembling to finish. Tiny teeth clung onto his fur whilst claws sunk into his skin. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough for the light creature, who slipped over the side of his head with a squeak of surprise. In a split second, he shifted and lifted a forepaw, quickly raising it to catch the spiny animal. At that point, the shaking had stopped, and he gingerly set the hedgehog down on the ground, feeling as if the trembling would start all over again. His companion crawled out from his quivering, tiny ball and gave him a grateful nod, still looking a bit frightened. They wouldn't travel far with both of them walking; he'd have to stop every once in a while to wait up for the small creature. However, it was better than clinging onto his skull, where it seemed to be dangerous when the shaking came along. That was another thing - the trembling. How odd; he hadn't experienced such an anomaly before. No wonder the land was barren of any life; he too wouldn't want to be disturbed by the shaking all day. Nevertheless, there had to be some herbs that didn't mind the annoyance and so he set off, senses alert.

First the stench of blood hit his nostrils, then the scent of a canine. Oh, so it seemed this region wasn't deserted after all. Still, the blood smelt fresh, and with the trembling so recent, the healer assumed the two tied together. Picking up his pace and leaving an irritated companion behind, he followed the scent until he found an ashen form seated by a fallen log. From afar she appeared unharmed though as he approached her he noticed scratches on her cheek and paw pads as she licked them. "Are you alright miss?" he inquired in a concerned tone, inwardly cursing himself for not bringing along a travel bundle of herbs.

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*



6 Years
12-03-2015, 10:22 AM

A voice caught her attention and her vibrant green gaze snapped up to look at the brown and black wolf in front of her. She was slightly startled by the fact that she hadn't even noticed his approaching her and just blinked at him for a moment. That tumble must have knocked her off balance more than she thought it had. "Oh... Um, yeah. I'm alright. I was standing on that log when the earth got all shaky and I fell off. Bruised my shoulder and cut my paw and cheek on the bark. But I'm fine. It's not the worst injuries I've ever gotten."

She sighed and looked down at her paw again, frowning at the cuts there. "Those are going to be a pain to walk on later." She rested her paw on the ground again, curling her paw so that the top of her paw was on the ground to keep from her paw pads being on the ground just yet. She lifted her gaze back up to his and said, "I'm Jendai by the way. Nice to meet you I guess, given the circumstances." She smiled a little, trying to be friendly. Getting hurt always made her grumpy, especially when it's in dumb ways. If they had been from a fight or if she had gotten them hunting she wouldn't have been nearly as annoyed. But she had gotten cuts and bruises from falling off a dumb log.




5 Years
12-05-2015, 11:12 PM

With a tilt of his head, he intently listened as she explained her injuries. They were nothing serious, and he could probably heal them with his eyes closed though without his supply of herbs it wouldn't be as easy. The bruise would have to heal on its own, however he could find something for the pain as well as something for those nasty cuts. Then there were the scars on her features which he had just noticed. Luckily his last training focused on healing old wounds, though he wouldn't bring them up. In fact, he wouldn't stare for too long, in case she took offence to it. "I'm a healer," he stated, looking back the way he came to find his companion lumbering a few metres behind. Looks like everyone here was hurt; an exhausted hedgehog just to name one. Well, someone had to find those herbs; and smaller paws were ideal. "I can go get something for those cuts."

She introduced herself as Jendai, remarking that it nice to meet him, in a way. Well, had the earth not shaken, he might not have stumbled across her. What an encounter indeed. "Terrae," he introduced with a nod, returning the smile. "What brings you here anyway, Jendai?"

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*



6 Years
12-09-2015, 04:03 PM

She looked at him with a little surprise when he mentioned that he was a healer. The only healer she really knew was her sister so it was interesting to find someone else that was a healer as well. She had never really thought about males being healers... Not that there was anything at all wrong with that, she just had never considered it much. Jendai grew even more curious when he glanced back over his shoulder and her gaze would shift to follow his. Her eyes grew wide with surprise when she spotted the cutest little creature she had ever seen running toward him. Before she could ask about it, he mentioned getting some herbs for her cuts. That pulled her eyes back to him and she was quick to wave the offer away. "Oh you don't have to do that! I mean, if you really want to I guess I won't stop you, but I'll be fine. I've been getting along fine." She had no choice but to learn a few tips and tricks about healing here and there with her constantly getting herself in fights and hating to ask anyone for help.

He would introduce himself and would question what brought her here and she would shrug. "I'm not really sure to be honest. I've been thinking about visiting my old home, but I haven't brought myself to head that way just yet. So for now I'm just wandering around and killing time I guess." She glanced at the log she had fallen off of grumpily. "I thought I'd get a better view of the area and see if there was anything worth taking a look at by getting a better vantage point on this thing, but that didn't turn out well obviously." She'd sigh and bring her vibrant gaze back to him. "What about you, Terrae?"




5 Years
12-11-2015, 09:49 PM

The woman didn't appear desperate for medical aid, though that was probably out of politeness. She left the decision up to him, and being the considerate soul he was, he wouldn't ignore her injuries. "It's not trouble at all, really," he assured her with a warm smile. Alright, maybe it would take time to find something in this barren world, though like she stated, she could survive without the herbs. However, he wanted to help - that was what a healer did, no? There was also the risk of infection, which was another reason he wouldn't leave her scratches untreated.

He looked down to find his companion, who curiously stared up into his bronze eyes. "Could you find something for this dame here?" he inquired in a quieter voice, occasionally looking up to meet her vivid green gaze. "She is hurt." The hedgehog gave a quick nod before scrambling off into the undergrowth in search for herbs. Hopefully he'd be more successful than the canine with his advantages in size. Meanwhile, he'd keep a conversation going between them to pass the time as he awaited the creature's return.

The man intently listened to her response, seating himself on his haunches to lessen the weight he put on his sore paws. It seemed she was a loner, wandering around as of lately though she spoke of having a former home, one she contemplated returning to. She then explained how she had fallen off the log, wanting to have a good view of the hills though of course, it hadn't resulted so pleasantly. "Well, as a healer, I'm on the hunt for herbs to restock my supplies. Winter isn't the ideal time to look, though it's best to be prepared," he explained with sigh, glancing around at their surroundings, feeling slightly daunted by the region's abandoned state. "I wondered why this place was void of any life, but I guess I already got my answer."

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*