
Time for tea and discussions



2 Years
12-04-2015, 12:32 PM
Alna wanted to get this out of the way now. Would there ever be a better time than the present? Alna had found a  particular spot in the gulley that was out of the way from prying eyes. Only thing to do was howl out for specific  individuals to be exact those individuals would be for her parents and Noen if he wished to attend as well as Holly and  Cypress. This was something that she knew was going to be difficult to ask but it was time to try. The young girl would  lift her maw to the sky and let loose short but multiple howls calling for those she wished to see and have meet her here.  Everything about this was for Holly the pup no not just any pup but her best friend her angel. Alna wanted her  everyone of them here to maybe bring them all together to discuss what was on her mind and explain just what was  weighing down on herself. Alna knew what Cypress was going to be doing and that was going after the same person  who killed Holly's mother. What would happen if Cypress lost that fight too would she no longer be able to see her BFF  if Holly went to another pack that had family.

This was something that needed to be discussed now before it was too late. What was she going to say and how would  she say it. Thinking that what was about to be asked was going to be no small easy task it was asking her family and  Cypress if her family could adopt Holly into their own. Just everything about what was happening in the pack was not  something she would hope for nor wish upon any other pack especially Abaven. Thinking about her uncle Bass for a  moment only able to recall what she remembered of him and that was mostly his voice. To Alna, Bass was a kind man but  what really happened between Allen and Bass. Alna wanted to go back home to Abaven but she refused to go back  without Holly. Best friends didn't abandon each other especially when they needed one another the most. Though if  anything and Alna's plan to bring them together and talk about this maybe she wouldn't have to worry about losing  Holly. Not when her BFF could be her adopted sister but even then they would still forever and always remain best  friends forever.


12-09-2015, 06:27 PM

His daughter was up to something. Allen would pull himself from his lump of a state, thankful that Nona was there with him. Without her he knew he wouldn’t make it. He’d had considered simply leaving Borealis. Leaving this pack behind with his family in tow.... But the aging man was afraid of what might happen out there in the world. What dangers they could potentially come across. The man wasn’t sure he could protect them if they left... But what place was there for them here?

Arian was gone. The glue that held them to this pack. Those thoughts were in his head as he approached his little girl, coming up behind her with a lumbering gait. The gentleman would then kiss her head, speaking in a soft tone. “What are you planning, Alna?”

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah


12-09-2015, 06:28 PM

Noen was wondering the same thing that his father was. He would pad along curiously, ears pricked, with his dark gaze shining. Whatever Alna was planning it was likely something good. His sister had a good heart, much like their father, and Noen trusted her. His own act of antisocialism was going to end tonight -- he would heed her call along with the rest of the family.

Upon arriving Allen was already there, questioning his little girl. Noen would slide up beside her, grinning some. “Yeah, spill the beans!” He’d say softly, though his voice was clearly excited.



9 Years
Dragon Mod
12-09-2015, 07:52 PM

She'd been woken up in her den, hearing a series of howls that called for not only her, but her father and Alna's family as well. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, the girl yawned and stretched, the scent of herbs wafting in the air around her. It was so warm and cozy in here! Where outside it was cold! She didn't make it a debate, however, as she finally exited her den and trotted along to find Alna. The place where Alna was, was a little hidden and away from the eyes of everyone else. She tilted her head, skeptical, but she was sure she knew what it was about. Tracking her down, she soon found her already in the company of her dad and her brother, her own tail wagging as she stepped among them. "Hi Mr. Allen, hi Noen!" She sat down among them, a little towards Alna's right shoulder as she nudged her playfully. "Hi Alna, what're we doing today?"



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



2 Years
12-10-2015, 01:01 PM


So far so good Alna thought to herself at least her father, brother, and even her sister shown up at least for now she could divulge a little bit about the plan that was cooked up. With a bit of a time clearing her throat to speak clearly and concisely the pup began,

"For now despite Nona not being here my mother I'm sure she has a reason to be absent from this little meeting I've called for but my pa has shown up which will do for now and thank you Holly and En for showing up too... before I begin divulge my full plan do know it is not one that should be taken lightly and I wish to say that Holly to me is my sister to me" the pup would take in a breath momentarily and breath out before continuing on, "As you all know Borealis is not what held us all together it was Sonticus, as such because of the changes that glue has begun to crack and I'm not sure where all the pieces will fall so what I'm thinking is we adopt Holly into our family... it wouldn't make Mr. Cypress any less her father it would just mean she would also always have us to turn to as well and if we're ever able to return to Abaven Holly would be given a chance to be with us there as well if she would so choose but nothing is truly decided yet until Cypress has arrived".

Ok so maybe she just divulged her plan but as she had said nothing was settled until Cypress was here too. He also would get a say in all this hopefully Cypress wouldn't get mad that Alna told him of her plan as well. She knew that Holly was on board for it but it was time to convince her brother and Allen but also Holly's father. This would be no simple task of course but what else was there to do when the world around them was crumbling because Sonticus was no longer here but a empty shell of its former self to be led by a stranger. Not that Alna doubted miss Marina but her heart and mind were elsewhere and not with this pack. She didn't want to linger in this false place called home any longer and would soon after this meeting make her way back to Abaven to see her uncle a second time. There was much on Alna's mind that forced her to grow up faster than was to be expected of her. This tid bit of news had to come out as well to make her family aware just as much as make Holly aware,

"I intend to take another trip to Abaven to discuss things with uncle Bass whether he agrees to what I discuss with him will remain between us unless we both agree to speak of it, I know Borealis is still kind of new to us but in order for us to still remain in contact with the others who choose to remain here who still hold their loyalty to Mr. Cypress we need my Uncle to agree to something even if it doesn't exactly benefit Ms. Marina though it could? I'm just tired of sitting here twidling my paws doing absolutely nothing to help us so for now I shall play messenger and mini leader if you all would be alright with this?"



12-13-2015, 10:07 PM

Cypress had heard the call, but he was in no hurry to get there. Winter had, in a sense, frozen him to the core as well. He moved very quietly, almost in guilt. He felt like everything that was happening now was his fault. Riv leaving... Arian’s death... The poor man couldn’t get a break. Was it so wrong he wanted a leader that Valentine hopefully wouldn’t want to push around? Cypress was tired... Damn he was tired... Tired of it all.

He would come in to hear what Alna had to say. It was the middle of her speech, but he heard well enough that she wanted Holly to be a part of their family. The man wasn’t sure what to say. He would sit, slowly, in the snow, gazing at the femme with a saddened gaze. “Holly is free to do what she wishes...” He’d say in a quiet tone. He wouldn’t look at any of them after that. He was thinking about how it seemed to be, even after he changed his mind on going after Sin, he was losing his family.




9 Years
Dragon Mod
12-26-2015, 01:29 PM

She listened quietly to her friend, a smile peeking when Alna wanted to try and adopt her into her family. Holly was all for it, of course, if her own family decided to split up first. She was a little upset with her father still, but the more time she thought about it, the less she became angry with him. Was it fair to keep him from doing what he wanted to do? She would hate it if someone told her she wasn't ever allowed to work with herbs...and she used that as a comparison. Dad wanted to be with their mom, the one he loved. It wasn't fair to keep him from that. Before she said anything, she caught sight of her dad walk towards them and sit. He tired. So Her ears pulled back and she stifled a whine. She didn't want to see him like that...she didn't want to see him die either, but maybe he wouldn't hurt anymore.

Getting up, she walked over to her father and sat next to him. Leaning into his side to comfort him as much as she was trying to comfort herself. The world sucked, but the harsh reality of it was...she would be no better then the ones who sought to destroy, if she kept her dad from doing what he truly wanted to do. Turning to the others, she offered a small smile. Yes, she would love to become part of their family...she could have two! It wouldn't make her any less of a daughter to Cypress. Right? "I love the idea Alna, and I would love to join your family! But...when the time comes to go to Abaven, I would like to stay here with my father a little longer. He needs me as much as I need him, I...I realize that now." She looked up at her dad, pressing closer to his side.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


01-16-2016, 10:10 PM

Hmm... It would seem that his young daughter had been doing a lot of thinking. Thinking on how to make things better for not only her own family, but her close friend as well. It was something that Allen could say with certainty that he respected. Alna was turning out to be a miniature leader indeed, with a big heart. He could see taking Holly in as an adopted daughter, and though Nona wasn’t here to say with certainty he was pretty sure that she would do the same.

He knew that they couldn’t stay in Borealis forever either, and the thought of being able to go home to Abaven, go home to Bass filled him with a sense of hope. He was hoping, praying with every day that it would be soon. But all things happened in time. He knew that he couldn’t force Bass’ paw on the matter.

“I see no reason that can’t be arranged, so long as Cypress agrees.” Ahh and here came the man. He had heard Alna’s words it seemed, and hearing his voice made Allen wince slightly. Had the other man given up hope? Hearing Holly speak up made him feel slightly better about the situation... But still... He’d glance to Alna, speaking softly. “I do hope this is fine by you?”