
To whom may hear



2 Years
12-04-2015, 02:15 PM
The time had come after pestering her mother many times over about wanting to see uncle Bass she got her wish. The trip was rather long but with Nona's knowledge on herbs it went without too much trouble. However when Nona and Alna approached the borders of Abaven Alna had noted that her mother didn't want to come any closer but that didn't stop little miss Alna from coming ever so close. Then with a halt she would stop right on the edge of the border. Lifting her head up to look into the sky taking in the sounds of the rushing rapids before she let out a howl as loud as she could get calling for Bass. She truly wondered how the man would take her visit still only being a pup but so close to a year old and all the way out here. Then again she had Nona her mother to thank for the opportunity. Alna was actually excited about seeing Bass after all she was larger than she was last time he probably saw her. Would he be happy to see her too was one thought that crossed Alna's mind since they arrived. She had completely forgotten that her brother was with her too so they could both see their uncle Bass.

Hopefully Noen would also be able to make his presence known to Bass as well but perhaps their uncle was that much faster and able to get to them just by her own howl. While they would get to see their uncle, Nona had told Alna that she was going to gather herbs. Alna wanted to cross the border just to have stepped foot into what used to be home once more. However with respect just like she knew her father would do Alna would sit and wait patiently for her uncle to arrive. Hopefully he would be the one to answer her call anyways.



7 Years

12-04-2015, 06:20 PM

Bass had just made his way around the borders to mark their territory when he heard the little howl. He lifted his head and grinned, he knew that voice! It was little Alna, although she wasn't quite so young any more. Happily he picked up the pace and cut through the snow, clumps of ice clinging to his legs as he made his way back towards the borders. He hoped that she didn't come here all alone, it was freezing out and the snow was piling higher and higher, it was no place for a pup to get lost. Sure, she was probably full grown by now, but still. It made him feel slightly concerned, but as soon as he saw her waiting at the borders his raised tail began to wag quickly behind him. "Alna!" He barked happily, skidding to a stop in front of her. Bending down he pressed a soft kiss on the top of her head, picking up the scent of Nona fresh on her coat. Oh good, it would seem that her mother took her at least some of the way here. That was good, a lot better than her wandering all this way by herself. "I have missed you! How have you been? Are you settling into your new pack well?" He asked eagerly, tail still wagging behind him.




2 Years
12-04-2015, 07:50 PM
Alna thought she was going to have a heart attack with how quickly Bass had showed up but she couldn't help but let out a bark of joy when her uncle Bass gave her a kiss on the top of the head. Already starting into the questions was he not that Alna could blame him after all it had been some time since the family had been in Abaven and they were ill. Sadly Alna had news that wasn't entirely cheerful at all and thus she began to answer her uncle's questions,

"I'm trying to hold it together uncle Bass but I feel like I'm slipping not only that but I feel like home was not only ripped out from beneath me and Noen once after father had us go with him to Sonticus which isn't even Sonticus anymore but Borealis who is going to be lead soon by someone else I don't know but I have made a true friend while there and her name is Holly however I... I feel like I failed her somehow... I feel like I should have been there with her on the battlefield to help her stop Arian from giving up her life to Sin in a fight to the death... I tried to do what I could for her to comfort her as best I will ever know but no matter as of late I feel like I have failed and I want to come home but with Holly... she and Allen and my mother as well as Noen are the only reason why I stay there..."

Alna couldn't fight back the tears as she was choking on her own words she didn't care about the border now as she pressed herself into her uncle,

"I want to come back home with my family and my best friend somewhere I know we won't have the safety and security ripped away from us while we continue to grow... I'll do anything you need me to uncle Bass, if you need a healer I'll do my best, a fighter I'll strive to become the best, a hunter I'll work so hard that other pups won't ever know what starvation is... I know I ask too much of you already uncle and I'm sorry but I don't want to stay in Borealis I'm tired of the reminders that it brings so tired feeling like I've failed to help my ma and pa when they also need that safety and security to know the can rely on me to help..."

Once again she choked on the words. Alna answered the best she could thinking that no matter what she wouldn't break down but the flood gates of her heart were open and the water was rushing out eventually she would have no more tears to shed but here they were now. The snow made it worse as she shivered a little but being close to her uncle made it somewhat more bearable. What a mess she made before him where was daddy's little girl now Alna thought to herself. Would Allen be disappointed in his little girl for crying and pouring her heart and soul out to Bass hoping he would truly understand how much she wanted to return home away from what was supposed to be her new home but Borealis wasn't home it never was. Only her family and Holly made the thought of going back to that pack worth it in her list of reasons to go back.


12-07-2015, 12:59 PM

He should have been right behind his sister, but distraction from herbs, or at least the ones that would grow in winter, would catch his attention. He was trying to gather the frost bitten lavender when he heard his sister’s howl. Deciding to abandon it, at least for now, Noen would lift his head and let out a soft howl of his own. He was behind, yes, but he’d be there soon to be by his sister’s side. Perhaps their uncle Bass would be seen too. He certainly hoped so... Otherwise this was a a wasted trip.

Noen would arrive in time to hear the end bit of Alna’s words to their uncle. His ears would lower slightly, coming up to her side as he looked upon the pale man. He tried to smile, he did, but it was hard. He’d breathe in, speaking on his family’s behalf as well.

“We all miss Abaven terribly. It’s more than just a safe haven for us... It’s home.” Noen would take a seat, his green gaze fixed on the other man. “I know you and dad had a fight but... Can’t we please overlook that? You guys are friends!” Noen would flick his ears back. “Borealis is not home... This is home. With you.” He’d emphasize.



7 Years

12-11-2015, 08:56 PM

He was overwhelmed by the words that Alna tossed his way, and flopped heavily to his rump with the impact of them. Allen had told him that the rest of the family wished to return here, but he had been so caught up in his own emotions that he had nearly forgotten about it. But from what she told him it was nothing like home where they were at the moment. A small whine slipped free from Bass' mouth, and he was about to speak when Noen showed up and added his own thoughts to it all. "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize how much the fight had impacted you kids..." he admitted softly, golden eyes looking from one young one to the next. They were getting so big now, and so strong. How much of their lives had he missed out on because of their fight? For how long were these two going to suffer because Bass was being stubborn? He sighed heavily, ears pressing flat against his skull. "Me and your dad have a lot to patch up, kids. Its not as easy as just letting it go. And even if you guys came here with your mother, would you be okay with your father being in a whole other pack?" He asked, needing to hear what they thought. Even if he didn't allow Allen back in, something that had been on his mind for a long time, would he be the one to keep his family apart? Bass groaned at the weight that had been placed on his shoulders, shuffling from one front paw to another. "You know that I care you you two very much, but there are things that me and your dad need to work out before you come home. I am sure that it won't be long." He said softly, hoping that they would understand. He really did hope that they saw just how much pain all of this caused him. The last thing that he wanted to do was drag them through even more strife. How foolish had be been...




2 Years
12-14-2015, 11:15 PM (This post was last modified: 12-15-2015, 12:00 AM by Alna.)


Would they be ok if their father was in a different pack even if that meant they could come back? Alna would grumble a little at the question. She wouldn't be ok with that even in the slightest, "Uncle why would you even entertain that idea why even ask me and my brother that? has this spat between you still not come to a end what are we supposed to do in the meantime just go back and do nothing are we suppose to hope our pa doesn't succumb to the natural end of old age before you two patch things..." Where did that come from was it really escaping from her own maw. The feeling caused her ears to pin back and tail to become tucked between her legs and a whine would escape her. What if her father really did pass on before him and uncle Bass patched things up perhaps this would be the best time to maybe expedite the two patching things up however it would take some finesse and some luck that which wouldn't be required if she were a bit older.

No time like the present to get it out of the way as Alna would breath in and then out before speaking up with her tail still tucked between her legs and ears pinned back, "I'm sorry for my outburst uncle perhaps after a little while I'll come back out here and do what I can to help you two become friends again... perhaps show you that me and En have grown not just by our form but by how we act... I guess I overstepped my boundaries of what I could say... I'll go now uncle Bass just know I'll always care about you too but I have to look out for my father and make up for the time I have lost with him dealing with everything that has been going before its his time to go". Tears would begin to roll down her cheeks as she would dwell on the thought of what she would do if her father passed. What would happen with their mother? she was already not doing so well as she was too cracking under the pressure of everything.

Something else came to mind that she wanted to ask, "Uncle Bass I know I don't want to live here without my ma and pa along with En and my friend Holly but would it be alright if I came and trained with you all every so often if I ever come out here when I get the free time to do so? can we at least come to some sort of agreement that lets me and En come visit you more often if we're not able to all come back yet?" that was her last question for now as she moved over to her brother's side and pressed her face into En's side. Alna hoped that Noen would contribute to what could be done so they could still see Bass after all he was also apart of their family even if their father and uncle were still fighting.
