
peppermint winter ♥


12-04-2015, 05:55 PM

Snow! Snow, snow, snow! It there was one thing she loved most in the world besides her family, it was snow. It was cold, but it was soft and just...wonderful! She's never really expressed her love for snow to anyone, not even Bass. That might just be because she's always pregnant during winter...pft. Well that explains something. Now she was free! Not quite free of her two youngest, but...right now, they were off exploring, enjoying the snow. Now it was her time to return to her puppy days. Wren slowly wiggled herself out of the warm den and emerged into the snow, eyeing the little paw prints that formed a trail. Sandpiper and Tordo...little munchkins knew how to sneak off, eh? Wren giggled and shook her head. She knew they'd be fine. They were already getting bigger...and they had each other.

Wren sprinted away from the den, only to dive into the deep snow and roll around. The frosty white powder covered her, but to her amazement, she wasn't cold. She was just happy to be free to jump around despite her age. The girl continued to travel away from the den until she was rolling in the snow around the freezing rapids, her body thrashing and flailing about. She would even trot around like a reindeer and attempt to catch flakes in her mouth, or ram into a tree and allow herself to be showered in icy cold snow. It was wonderful to be her own wolf without having to carry pups around all the time. She felt light and free. It was the best feeling in the world. If only Bass wasn't so busy...he could build snowwolves with her.

"Wren's Speech"
"Bass' Speech"



7 Years

12-04-2015, 06:34 PM

He was just about to make his way back towards the den when he decided that one last loop around the rapids was needed. It had been a little bit since he had checked that edge of the borders, having been focused on their new territory and keeping it the freshest of them all. He was sure that even now after half a season, some would still think that it was unclaimed. But Bass wasn't going to put up with any trespassers, not in this harsh of a season. He couldn't deal with anyone taking prey away from Abaven, it was scarce enough as is. Shaking the unhappy thoughts from his mind he was about to cut across the snow covered land to the borders when a very familiar scent crossed his nose. He paused, its very distinct aroma still had the power to stop him in his tracks. Wren. She was here, alone. It had been awhile since she had probably been able to get away from the pups, with Tordo's endless questions and Sandpiper's even more endless energy. She surly put her parents to shame with all of it. Snorting, Bass turned and started to follow her trail, his massive paws cutting into her more delicate paw prints.

It wasn't long before Bass saw Wren leaping about in the snow, acting very much like a child herself. Smirking he took a seat, not saying a thing as he watched his mate dance around in a carefree fashion. He pretty much blended into the background, only his brown markings and golden eyes making him stand apart from the snow covered territory. He bit his lower lip to stop from laughing as Wren slammed herself into a tree, a rain of snow pouring down over her tan and white back. He hadn't seen her act like this for such a long time, it was nice to just sit here and enjoy the show. Not wanting to interrupt her he didn't dare say a word, although his weight shifted across his two front legs in an urge to join her. No, she was having fun by herself at the moment, Bass would give her all the time that she needed to enjoy it.



12-04-2015, 06:57 PM

Wren continued to dance about, sometimes dropping completely just to roll in the snow and let it soak in how nice it felt. When suddenly, when her nose was clear of white powder, she noticed an all-too-familiar smell reach her. She froze. Bass had a habit of watching her from a distance like a ghost, ready to launch at her as if she were prey. But usually, due to him being so familiar, she caught him before he ended up pinning her to the ground and covering her in his usual "shower of kisses." The thought made Wren smile as she pushed to her feet and twirled around, humming softly. She acted oblivious to his presence which was all part of her plan. Even if he knew she knew he was there, it would work out fine. Romantic, yes. Not cheesy? Absolutely not. Wren finally stopped and sat, lifting her head. "Oh, how I wish someone would come play with me." She said longingly, staring up at the trees, a frown on her face.

Just as she sat, she stood to her feet again and skipped around in a circle until she formed a nice little island of snow. Then she nosed it all into a pile, shaping it into a pretty ugly ball of snow. But it was...round, at the very least. Once Wren assured the ball was stable, she climbed up and sat there, looking around. "Its so lonely playing in the snow all alone. Where is my dashing prince?" She hummed, her voice slow and fluid. She knew Bass was around, and she knew he was aware that his presence was discovered. But she was excited to see how Bass would surprise her this time. Because her times with him never got boring.

"Wren's Speech"
"Bass' Speech"



7 Years

12-11-2015, 08:25 PM

His eyes lit up with humor as Wren carried on like she didn't notice him, although with her words it was very obvious that he had been discovered. She was playing the part well though, continuing to dance around like nothing was happening at all. Bass bit back a chuckle, slowly raising to his paws as she began to make a pedestal of snow. With curious golden eyes he tried to sneak up closer to her, pressing as light as possible with his paws so that they would not make a crunching sound as he stepped. His body was low to the ground, ears flat against his head as his tail dragged out behind him. For the extra measure, he even rubbed his face in the snow, trying to cover the brown marks on his face that made him stand out. It clung to his features here and there, but was not a perfect mask. Plus, his yellow eyes gleamed against the white, and he wasn't about to walk around with his eyes closed. He still had faith in his plan, and slowly made his decent upon her throne of snow.

As Bass got closer he looped around so that he was right in front of Wren, trying to move without her seeing him. When he was close enough his rump wiggled like a cat, and he sprang up and towards her. Bass aimed to gently hit his chest against hers, hopefully sending her tiny frame backwards and into the snow. Bass aimed to wrap his massive front legs around her as well, hopefully flipping them in mid air so that it was his back that slammed into the snow. With an oof he landed hard on his back, a big pup like grin on his maw as he stared up at Wren, leaning forward to adorn her face in a mess of sloppy kissed. "You called?" he asked teasingly, knowing very well that he had been there the whole time. But she had asked for her dashing prince, and here he was. All coated in fluffy white flakes.
