
Ship Wrecked


12-04-2015, 10:50 PM

"Fuck me." She tiptoed away from the tide, her toes touching the frigid waters as they pressed closer towards her, then receded only to come back. What timing! She had come in here seeking shelter from the snow outside, but hell if she knew that this stupid cave flooded from time to time. It irritated her to no end, the femme not even able to appreciate and investigate the pretty stones that were all over. Not that she knew about that yet because well,  she was trying not to get her fur soaked.

Sighing with more irritation, she sat with her back against the wall of the cave, the ledge she had climbed on wasn't too far from the entrance, but there wasn't a whole lot of room on it either. The only other possibility she could think of to do, was to wait for the tide to get shallower and then hop her way further into the cave...or out of it, but then that would mean wet fur and cold winds. Not a great idea. She hated it here...northern Alacritis sucked, but she couldn't return home. She was dead to them, no family left to go back to else she risked being killed. And she had so much more to live for, but she'd yet to discover those reasons.

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'



5 Years
12-04-2015, 11:19 PM
*Set before she comes home to Volt*

"That could be arranged."

Serefina's sultry voice rose from the back of the cave with a giggle, pressing herself forward so that she could be seen in the dull light of the cave. She too had gotten stuck in here when she was looking for shiny stones for Voltage. It was rare that she was even moving around in winter at all, but she had to make her way to her brother somehow. She had tried to find a dry place to sleep, she was used to sleeping the whole winter away. But she was glad that she had crawled into here, her last meeting with the red stained woman had been cut short last time. Her ember eyes blinked slowly as she looked the other one up and down, she looked the exact same as last time. Chuckling again she sat down, her red tail curling around herself as she studied the other. "How have you been? Its been awhile since we first met. You still owe me a spar if I remember." She said with a raised brow. There was no way that they could fight in the tiny cave... or could they? It would make for an interesting fight, that would be for sure. They were both stuck here for awhile, so they could always do something to pass the time. She had been checking the back of the cave to see if there was a way out back there, but it was no use. They would have to wait for the passing tide, she didn't care for the water too much either.


Art by Skylark