
Abandoned pup


08-29-2014, 01:38 PM
Hello everyone, I had placed an abandoned pup in a thread. I need some applications for someone who would be willing to play this little pup. It's mother had passed away and Aoto and Tallulah are thinking about taking the young one in. The pup is not a newborn and is four months old. Due to the fact that it's mother had passed on, it has more of a depressed manner yet warms up with Tallulah during a couple threads and or posts. It was a loner like its mother, so pack life is something that it is not used to. Here is the application:

Name:---(you can name it whatever you want)

Gender: (whatever you want)

Looks: (75 words or more)

Personality: (150 words or more)

Rp Sample: (150 words or more)

Alignment: (Make it between Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral)

Image: (if you could put a picture of what it looks like so i know, that would be great. If you can't, that's ok too)

History: (I will help you with it so that you know what to put to help you) It had been a lone pup ever since it's birth. It's mother was very ill when she was born with the young pup, and not having many friends he was very much alone. Its only friend was its mother since the father was never really in the picture. It had been sent into the desert, its mother beside it when she soon became dehydrated and passed away. The pup, however, miraculously survives. It soon meets Aoto and Tallulah and is adopted by them.

Thank you for helping me out and we'll see who will be good at playing it. Good luck! ^^ Hope the history info helped you out.



Easter Egg Hunt 2023ContributorEaster 2022Rapid Poster - GoldArtist - SilverToys for Tots
08-29-2014, 09:20 PM (This post was last modified: 09-01-2014, 10:22 PM by KatG6.)


08-30-2014, 07:45 AM
Hon, you need to post a couple times because you need to purchase a rogue pup pass in the gem store and it costs 400 gems if you want to play the pup. You're a good rper but those are the rules.



3 Years
08-31-2014, 11:38 PM (This post was last modified: 09-01-2014, 09:52 PM by Mirabelle.)

user posted image

Name: Trahearne

Gender: Male

Alignment: Lawful Good.


BASE + Grey

EYES + Brown

HEIGHT + 36"

WEIGHT + 120 pounds

BUILD + Trahearne is a wolf with an average build - well proportioned. Not inclined to speed nor strength.

MARKINGS + He has a grey undercoat, followed by a brown layer and then a black layer. The brown layer shows on his legs, slightly on his neck and ears, and on his face. On his face he has a mask of brown, going around both eyes, avoiding hte bridge of his nose, then connecting to cover the top of his muzzle and stretching down the side to a point. The rest of his muzzle is white. The bridge of his nose, under his eyes on both sides, and his head is black with grey ticking. Along the back, his fur is mostly black, with some brown peeking in about midway. On the front half there is white that peeks through. The top of his tail is black, followed by brown, and the tip of it is black as well. His belly is a soft cream, slightly lighter than the shade of brown.


DISTANT + If there is one word that would fit Trahearne, it would be distant. Emotionally distant, to be precise. Trahearne is very wary of getting close to someone, because the last time he did that they were sick whenevr they were near him and eventually died.

LOYAL + It may be difficult to get close to Trahearne, but it isn't impossible. And once you pass a certain level, he is yours for life. He will protect you until his death, and not question his thinking when it comes to protecting you.

HONEST + Trahearne cannot stand lies. When he was young, his mother would tell him lies - that everything would be alright; everything will be okay. It wasn't true. As a result, he becomes adept at picking up lies and he absolutely refuses to lie himself, regardless of the consequences. However, Trahearne is clever in what he reveals and doesn't reveal - just because he tells the truth doesn't mean he volunteers it, nor does he allow anyone to see all facets of him.

DETERMINED + Once he says something, he won't back down. No matter how impossible it seems, he'll keep trying. He has no problems asking for assistance - as long as he reaches his end goal, he doesn't care. But he will reach his end goal, and only death will stop him.

RIGHTEOUS + Perhaps it was something he just picked up or something he was born with, but Trahearne will speak up against any injustice. If he sees something wrong, he's going to try and fix it and make it right. This trait of his personality also makes it very hard for Trahearne to see any creature who has done bad to go without proper punishment.

Roleplay Sample
Dawn. The word etched itself in his mind. Dawn. It was the beginning of a new day, the end of a night. The beginning of a life, and the end of one. The end of suffering, and the beginning of suffering. It took away evil, but also brought its own kind, that of heat, dehydration, cunning fools and sweet words to hide evil thoughts. It washed away darkness, cold, the thieves and the murderers. One would say one either night or day was better, but Trahearne knew better. He knew they were equal. Opposites... but equal.

The boy flopped down, tongue lolling out of his mouth. Today... today would be a break. He would keep working, but he had a feeling his adoptive mother would quickly put an end to that, saying he would need rest. So he just decided to rest now, instead of working and making his adoptive mother force him to stop. It would be wrong of him to do such a thing to her, and he would not harm her. Besides, all arguments she would pose would be correct: he couldn't train all the time, nor watch the land consistently. He needed breaks to keep his strength up, otherwise he would miss very important things.

Regardless, he couldn't stay still for long. After a short amount of time, he rose, stretching his legs out and trotting to a small stream for a drink of water. The coolness of the water startled him - it was quite the opposite of in teh desert. The water was cooler than the air, yes, but no where near the icy freshness of this stream. He still wasn't used to it, even after a few months. Shaking his head as he stepped away, he turned towards the den. Likely, they were worried about him. The ones that found him and nursed him back to health after he got out of the desert. It felt wrong for him to make them worry, so he trotted dutifully back to the den, calling out, "Tallulah, Aoto."

[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]


09-01-2014, 09:59 PM
Congrats to Kea who gets to play the pup. Reply in the thread "Across the Barren dunes, my love, " once he is accepted. Maybe, once Aoto and Tallulah have their pups, you can play one of them and ill pay for the pup. Thanks to the both of you for submitting.