
You shout loud enough to wake the dead.



1 Year
12-07-2015, 07:07 PM


mary prays the rosary for my broken mind

Some say that monsters are simply just a con in a child's playground, a facade set up by parents to scar their children, but yet in reality behind those corridors lie beasts so foul and inhumane that the devil himself weeps in oblivion. But, what the world didn't know was that all these tall tales told around the campfire - were actually true. You see, there are fairy tales and then there are facts, and fact is - well - you lot have a couple of hounds that you let loose on the chain..

The more you ponder, the faster your anxiety expands. The more you second guess yourself, the quicker you turn tail and run. The cycle continues, yet still your on the edge of despair. A blistering bliss penetrates your curled ornaments, sways your body too and fro, but no matter the conditions your stature is rooted to the earths crust - gently teetering. desolation awaits you, your father hates you, your mother has banished you and once the fog clears and the breeze settles the only thing holding you back from taking one leap from the mountains cliffside, is yourself. The harder you try to toy with the heart strings of your past, driving a stake deeper into your own cataclysm, the farther you come from achieving those invisible goals. The past is the past for a reason, there's no need in digging up your grave to get yourself on the right track. It's more of self control kind of thing, in which this damsel of corruption has little to none left in every fiber that lays dormant in her canvas. Life is a bitch and it'll only get better from here.

Where the fuck am I? Those little demons preying off the rage that slowly boiled in the pit of her stomach. Clearly she was in an uproar, being in a new place and new atmosphere was hard enough but to do it alone. That's a whole other ball game that Demonetta is not to fond of. No that she's particular dependent on other organisms, but to have to be thrown out of your old homeland and into a new one is something this gal wasn't accustomed to. She was only a year old for fucks sake! If anything were to be said right now was that her parents were complete, assholes. But their idiocy would never condemn their little girl to a hard knock life, no, she'd keep her wits about her and soak in the knowledge that could be revealed through these remarkably beautiful sectors.

For now Demonetta would prowl, stalk and creep. Becoming one with mother nature, blending aimlessly with her creative layers of wood work. She was not entirely on the bandwagon for meeting new faces and putting names to those faces, but she would be honored to do so with grace and stability, yet triple her artillery with pardons of guns and roses..
