
Why did I come here again?



4 Years
Extra large
12-07-2015, 07:22 PM (This post was last modified: 12-07-2015, 07:23 PM by Malus.)
Malus would make his way up the winding staircase of stone taking in the sheer beauty of the landscape around him. Perhaps it wasn't entirely the best decision to come this way but he didn't see anywhere else being better than the last especially when caught whiffs of lands potentially belonging to a pack. The gentle giant didn't quite have the heart to join a pack just yet and the only one for now that came even close to that sort of consideration was Donostrea if it meant he could see Gale again to let her appearance blanket his vision once more it would be worth it. Though for now Malus was quite the distance away from the obsidian beach where he first met the lass. Perhaps he would meet some more unique individuals around here. For now the man would think about what he could make for Gale upon his return to the borders of the beach perhaps something that would benefit the pack she belonged to.

Carefully he would dig through the bundle of random items he brought a few herbs he had no idea about a stick or two in case there was a surface soft enough for him to drag the stick into to make crude plans of what he might do next. Perhaps there might be someone who was also a sort of inventor eventually cross his path during his journeys. Though he kinda wished someone with the knowledge about the herbs he was carrying came around too so he could offload them to someone who would have a far better use of them than he would. The giant did like to collect things though but understood that others out there could have a greater use for some of the items he might pick up such as herbs. Now that Malus's attention went to his items he begun to sort them from what was useful to him and what he could trade. Surely someone could explain to him what plants were what so they might be of more use to him than just trading fodder.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-07-2015, 08:27 PM
Despite the occasional restlessness that crept into her heart, Epiphron generally felt at peace with herself and with the world. Her family was together again - some of them, at least - and not only had Amalia given birth, but her son was soon to be a father as well. There was little more she could ask for in the world than for the happiness of the few family members that she lived with now.

Today, her heart was light. The pale furred woman braced herself against the chilly breeze as she made her way to the falls. The foliage of the forest blocked some of the wind, and she felt herself warming up slightly as she moved swiftly through the underbrush. Her paws would carry her up the steep incline, her toes flexing to to grapple the soil and keep her upright.

The scent of another hit her before she reached the top of the falls.. mingled in with the scent of unfamiliar herbs and plants. Curious, she would continue onward and upward, her sapphire gaze seeking out the stranger. It took her a bit longer to find him, and she would slow her pace when she spotted him, head dropping lower to the ground. "Afternoon," Epiphron would speak firmly, greeting the stranger with little hesitation.



4 Years
Extra large
12-07-2015, 08:45 PM (This post was last modified: 12-07-2015, 08:46 PM by Malus.)
The words would strike the giant's ears as his gaze would follow to where it came from and there he spotted a rather beautiful figure and out of respect to her Malus would speak out to her, "Good afternoon to you as well" out of good faith he would lower his head towards one of his herbs and push it into the direction of the stranger perhaps she might have a use for it something he got from his trip a few days back on the black island. Without hesitating to pick up the the chance of conversing with the woman he began, "I have something that you might have a use for or someone you might know will have a use for it that's a herb I picked up on a trip to the black island a few days back... I'm Malus by the way" for a moment he would clear his throat, "Malus an Chaomhnóra, please won't you join me for a little bit of a conversation before I continue on with my journey to other places?" The stranger peaked his interest she smelled of other wolves a quite a few indeed so maybe she too was a pack wolf like Gale but the scents that mingled with her's weren't of Dono members.

Once more he would dig into his trade pile and push forth a second herb. Both herbs were unfamiliar to his untrained knowledge which made their value to him a unknown worth so it wasn't too problematic to relinquish them to the woman. Gently Malus would smile as he would sit up at his full height once more and bow his head to her. The brute almost wanted to comment on her beauty but again just like he did with Gale he'd refrain from it. Curious as the giant was about the woman For now a simple reply of her name would suffice to satiate the brute's thirst for knowledge.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-11-2015, 08:35 PM
There was little to no wariness in his gaze as he turned to face her. It always seemed as though he'd been hoping for someone's arrival. For a quick moment, she would examine him - noting his fur was as white as her own, and his eyes a gentle gold. At his paws lay a small pile of herbs, and he would push them toward her without hesitation - before she even introduced herself. It was a strange greeting, and though her nose twitched as though she was smelling the herbs, she knew next to nothing about plants and their uses.

"What is it?"  Epiphron would inquire, failing to contain a fair bit of hesitation that had crept into her tone.   "My daughter is a healer. I suppose she might find some use for this." And though this stranger had no apparent malice in his tone, and didn't seem the least bit threatening, she wasn't stupid enough to take a stranger's word.. especially about something that could potentially lead to illness, or even death. Once he gave some sort of explanation, she would be happy to offer a word of gratitude - though in the end, Amalia would be the final say in the matter.

"It's a pleasure, Malus," Epiphron would offer, her head dipping in a slight bow before lifting again. "I am Epiphron Adravendi." And he wanted to converse? It was rare to meet someone so open with their intentions, and she found herself chuckling softly at his open demeanor. "I can't say I have anything better to do, if I'm being honest," she admitted with a slight shrug, her eyes alight with mirth.