
I know that it's time to leave

Viridian 1


3 Years
12-10-2015, 10:47 AM
Not a terrible amount of time had passed since the silvery girl had left the lands of Donostrea. To look at her now you would never suspect she had been on death's door only a few weeks prior. Since the fiasco she was taking much better care of herself, going on regular hunting trips, sleeping, and the like. That lesson had been hard learned, but she still didn't smile. She would take care of herself physically but her mental aspects were very much being neglected. Viridian needed some entertainment, something to take her mind off of her impossible search. Not that Viridian had any idea of what she needed right now, the young girl was completely focused on her task.

Even more so now she missed her brother, he had always been the one to make her smile, to create a game out of nothing. He had been much less serious than her, and now that he was gone she missed him more than anything in the world. Her heart ached to know where he was, or at least that he was still okay. She was more of the protective one, and he was the goofball she could never get to buckle down and get serious. That was the hardest part of his disappearance. He was never serious about anything, how could he so easily leave her behind? She couldn't help but think that something more terrible had happened to him.

All these depressing thoughts would fill her mind as she slowly made her way down the snowy bank of the river. She still had no leads, not a single clue that he could be here in these lands. Still, she had to continue her search.