
How Many Licks Does It Take?



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
12-10-2015, 01:43 PM

Head held high, the male walked along the borders of the thickets on his usual patrol route. He'd been keeping to himself mostly, no sign of Starling anywhere. He was a little irritated that Starling had poofed in a sense, that kid had been his only friend since being here. He wasn't sure he could call that Karabela a friend...yet, anyway. They just seemed to get along in a different way. Blowing air from his lips, he sulked along the borders until eventually he decided he would go beyond them for a little while. He hadn't gone too far, but he doubted it mattered anyway. Nobody cared about him, so he was sure that even if he suddenly went missing, nobody would notice. Or if they did, they'd be glad he was gone.

Aqua blue gaze stared with boredom at the usual scenery. When was the last time he had gone exploring away from the pack? He couldn't exactly remember now that he thought about it...but then again, he didn't have anyone to explore with. His siblings had been loads of fun to explore with, but here? He reminded himself he was alone. And it made his heart ache. With the morning sun at his back, the large male padded along, lost in his own thoughts of self-pity.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



2 Years
12-10-2015, 02:33 PM


Once more Alna came to the borders of Abaven but this time she would take a small detour through one of the places that they must have recently acquired as it was new to her. Last she could remember uncle Bass only owned to places so it made her wonder when he got a third. The scent of a abaven member was near her current location but it wouldn't stop her from pressing on wanting to visit her uncle a second time but this time all by herself. Without hesitation Alna would make her way to the unfamiliar member well unfamiliar to her anyway but maybe her pa knew this man. But once Alna got there to see the stranger the pup was in aww at the man's large size but rather unique and quite frankly interesting markings. The way that he was moving caught Alna's attention rather quickly maybe he needed someone to talk to it must have been lonely to patrol the borders by himself and so with no doubt on her mind the lass would come close to him but not close enough to be viewed as intruding into his personal space, "Hello there is something the matter? you seem kinda down".

She wouldn't pry any further than that it wasn't any of her business to dig into it if he didn't want to say what was on his mind but perhaps she could help brighten his day just a little before making her way to the Monument Rapids. Her recent visit to see her uncle might still have the scent of Bass upon her fur even in the slightest since the previous trip wasn't too long ago. Hopefully Alna thought to herself that maybe she could do some good here and earn herself another friend though from the looks of it, this stranger might be a bit tougher to get to know after all he was out here and alone but it couldn't hurt to try to get to know this male even if he was quite a few inches taller than she was. Alna would plan out what to do incase there was a wall that needed to be smashed to tiny pieces, torn down brick by brick, Alna would work hard to be someone that others can learn to rely on when she is needed even if its just for a silly conversation.




11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
12-11-2015, 02:06 AM

He was alone for but a few moments. His pace slowing just outside the borders as he let winters cool breeze ruffle his fur. wasn't quite as cold here as it was back in the Northern tundras, and he wondered to himself why he decided to settle in the east rather then then northern lands. As his glowering blue gaze searched for nothing in particular, a scent unknown to him would find it's way, causing him to find the source. It seemed, however, that it had found him instead. A kid, of course. This pack was full of them, oh wondrous joy! He snorted at her question, rolling his eyes as his face showed clear displeasure. "Beat it, kid." It wasn't any of her business anyway. She was probably one of them. A Destruction that cried so much about family, but that was something probably reserved for their own kind. He wasn't part of their family, but maybe someday he'd prove that a name didn't make you all high and mighty. Not that he tried to be, he just...wanted to be accepted and show he was just as capable as any of them.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



2 Years
12-11-2015, 09:57 AM


Beat it kid was all the male would say to her. Alna was caught between why he would say that and most of all what did she do to get that sort of response from him. Alna would keep her composure before the brute, "I'm sorry if I offended you sir I never intended to do so, I just thought I could do something to keep you company for a little bit before I go and speak with my uncle Bass and try to patch things up between him and my father Allen he ran Abaven for a short time before returning it back to Bass" it was true what her business here was but the detour was something she wanted to take. For now her focus was on Zell and perhaps it was time for her to break out a hammer and chisel to get through to Zell if all he could say was beat it kid. Either his vocabulary didn't expand further than that but not many would have such a tiny vocab at their disposal or he was just being Mr. Grumpy. Despite how he said it Alna didn't back down nor did she intend on whining to him. The pup was patient and willing to chip away at him even if it took awhile.

There wasn't a lot to discourage Alna at this point because there was a lot to do and if he continued to hit her with that same three word line then it meant she would have to change tactics. Hopefully including her father's name into what she stated would get Zell to maybe give her a chance even if it meant he only tacked on a few more words into his sentences. Her green gaze looked taking in Zell's appearance and he was rather interesting and without thinking nor hesitating Alna would let it slip out, "You look interesting in a cool way and for one your size you probably are amazing in a fight... but surely you could at least take a little bit of time to give me a chance to talk to you before I have to go and take care of business with Bass as I may have slipped away from the pack lands I have been residing within to do this without my folks prying eyes since this is a personal matter and my father and mother's well beings are at stake in this as they so badly want to return to Abaven and I'm not sure if they'll be able to handle the storm for much longer".

What Alna had said was true the matter of business was important but she could take some time ever since making it out here on her own to talk to others before meeting her uncle again. Oh where were her manners as Alna quickly spoke again, "I apologize again sir, I'm Alna" she would stand for a moment to bow to him before taking a seat on her rump once more. Hoping that he wouldn't just say beat it kid again to her and instead actually hold a decent conversation with her. Anything positive from him would do until she could continue to chip away at him. Prove that even a pup can hold their own in a decent dialogue with another and prove that she wasn't a kid ok maybe she was a kid by appearance but Alna believed that the way she had been acting lately brought the maturity level of herself a bit higher than most.
