
in my dark times

Icarus 1

12-11-2015, 09:02 PM
The silence that surrounded Icarus truly was deafening. Despite the quiet of the world around him, his mind was anything but. He could hear the pounding of blood between his ears, roaring like the sound of an ocean wave. Each loud boom was more painful than the last, sending a flash of white light to obscure his vision, and he winced at the feeling. Softly he would begin to hum as he moved, a soft note rising up from within his throat, with each step that he took.

Soft lilac gaze would dart around him as he examined the forest he was treading in. He had not been here before. The sounds and the sights were terrifyingly unfamiliar, and his gait was cautious as he moved with painstaking carefulness. Each step could've very been a mile, by how mentally exhausted he grew by the second. The newness of this place was almost nauseating, and he swore the world had begun to tilt and sway around him. His humming would grow slightly louder, now audible if anyone was nearby, a gentle sound that held no real tune. The sound would calm the pale-furred man's soul as he crept onward into the unknown.


01-09-2016, 09:27 PM
She blew a hot puff of air through her nostrils and grunted in displeasure. Nose to the ground, she circled while taking in all the scents her nose came across. She had just been on the trail of potential prey, but lost it here in this spot. Stopping she turned and strode forward going back towards the direction she came from. It was quite a few steps until she hit the trail again, but found herself confused again. The scent trail did not go any further, it stopped right where she had lost it. Snorting again she lifted her head and let her bright blue eyes look around. What had happened to the creature? Looking around she tried to figure out where the creature had went. It wasn't open enough in this spot for a bird to have snatched it and she knew it was a creature that could fly. Looking to the ground, she couldn't see a hole for it to crawl in so she was completely confused. Growling in frustration the female sat down, her eyes going back over the area looking for clues that she may have missed. She waited for a bit as her mind rambled over the options of what she would do next.

Icarus 1

01-16-2016, 06:51 PM
Everything came far more easily when he was occupied with.. well, anything. It was the uncertainty that slowly drove him to the brink of madness. The silence taunted him; his mind reeled, straining to fill the void. The slow shuffling of paws, in the near distance, calmed him like a mother's touch might calm a child - his aimless humming grew softer, though was still barely audible, as he moved toward the sound. It had been what felt like weeks since he'd seen anyone, and while that was largely his fault, he found himself craving the presence of another, even if this desire was mostly subconscious.

He paused when the stranger came into view, and recoiled when he heard a faint grow echo from her general vicinity.. though it didn't seem like it was directed towards him.  "H.. hello.." he called out in an uncertain voice, taking a few very timid steps forward. "I'm.. not interrupting anything, am I?" Icarus inquired gently, not wanting to upset this stranger.. and her growling likely signified she was already in a foul mood.


01-16-2016, 08:44 PM
She huffed lightly deciding to give up on the prey, maybe later she would get another opportunity to hunt. She was used to prey being light and going periods without meals. Hunting didn't come easy from where she was born and raised. She knew it should be nothing for her to fret herself with. Moving her position slightly she tried to relax, easing her muscles and getting herself ready to find something else to do. She would need to start looking for a temporary den for the night and depending on her travel plans she may use that den for a few days. Her right ear, the normal ear, flicked backward as the voice of another reached her. He sounded uncertain and asked if he was interrupting something. She shook her head 'no' before standing and turning to face the light colored male.

"No, not now at least," she replied.

Her bright blue eyes and her body showed she was relaxed as she looked to the male. He was light colored with a few abnormal markings. He was also a wolf she had never come across before, but so far did not look to be a threat.

Icarus 1

01-20-2016, 06:58 PM
Icarus's posture was timid and unsure, growing more tense with each step he took. His eyes lowered to the ground as she began to speak, for he'd gotten a quick look at her and.. truthfully, she looked a bit terrifying. Like maybe she'd won more fights than she'd lost, and he couldn't say the same went for him. Shuffling his paws, he heard her speak, finally gaining the courage to lift his gaze again to get a better look at her.

Yep, she looked as rough as he'd thought. Her face was scarred and she wasn't smiling, though she didn't look like she was angry either. 'No, not now at least,' she answered him, and his nose wrinkled, a slight look of bewilderment crossing his features. Did that mean he might be interrupting something soon? Did she want him to leave? He took another step forward, tail flicking as he curled very slightly between his hind legs. "I.. my name is Icarus Walker," he would offer tentatively - as though offering his name might quench any uncertainties she had.


01-23-2016, 03:25 PM
She remained relaxed hoping it would help calm the male so that he didn't look so terrified of her. She knew that it didn't help that she was scarred and rough looking, but it was something she couldn't change, it was also hard to make them look less scary. The male introduced himself and she took in his name letting her mind go over the name to memorize it for however this meeting would turn out. Right now it didn't look to promising, but she wasn't going to jump to write this meeting off.

"My name is Senka Dragovich, it's nice to meet you Icarus," she replied. She shifted slightly to sit more on the left side of her hip instead of being straight. "Do you live around here Icarus?" she asked

Icarus 1

02-03-2016, 07:06 PM
Though often timid - and frequently anxious - around others, the distraction helped quell the voices that spoke from within the darkness of his mind. His gaze was wide and inquisitive as he eyed her slowly shifting into a sitting position. For now, Icarus would remain standing, his posture shifting as he moved his weight from one paw to another in subtle discomfort.  "N-nice to meet you, too," he'd manage to get out finally, his voice quiet and wary.

Her name was Senka. Senka Dragovich. He placed the name in his memory, deciding it sounded quite tough, like her appearance. Nothing at all like his name, which seemed so much more gentle in his head.  "I don't live anywhere," Icarus would admit after a long moment. "I haven't for a long time."