
Scratch my back, I'll scratch yours



9 Years
12-14-2015, 11:39 PM
The silver-eyed hellion had been traveling now for some time, without a place to call home, nor even a family to meet with. He'd felt an itch lately, he didn't know what it was, but he needed to meet just the right someone to find out what exactly was gnawing at him. He knew where he'd be spending most of his time for the winter, but he was taking this opportunity to explore lands he'd never seen before. And so, he found himself in the plains, parting his way through the tall, dead grass. Each browned strand was crisp with frost and there was a light dusting of snow, making his pawsteps much noisier than he preferred. He typically liked to make his way around in silence, but it seemed that would not be possible today.

Catching scent of a small creature, he paused in his powerful stride, crouching low as his ears flicked in every direction. It was pure luck to come across small prey like this during the winter. At last he caught the hare's trail, and slowly, ever-so-painfully slowly, he crept toward the rustling noise and mouth-watering scent. He paused, pinpointing the source of noise, quieting his breath. Then he leapt through the grass, unable to see but he was certain of his aim nontheless. For a split second he saw the mottled brown pelt before the creature took off, but with expert precision Xephyris strode forward, flatting a clump up grass under his paws, the writhing creature trapped beneath. Hungry jaws reached forward, and with one severe bite, he crushed the hare's spine in his jaws. He unburied the body from the grass and began to dig in at once, suddenly aware of his rumbling belly, throwing caution to the wind as he ripped into the lean animal's flesh...