
Never Far Away



5 Years
12-16-2015, 12:21 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

As she often did, especially now, Anais lay curled and tucked against Glacier's large, protective form, nestled against him for comfort and warmth. Winter was upon them, but she hardly felt it snuggled up beside her mate, so content and at peace. The knowledge of their future litter growing in her belly had only drawn them closer as a couple, further solidifying their relationship and how much they meant to each other. Feeling his chest move beside her with each restful breath, she silently waited for sleep, expectantly anticipating the fluttery movement within that signified the life she carried, life that would very soon, she imagined, enter the world and begin their own lives properly. Thoughts of the safety they would all share inside of the pack calmed any nerves she might have felt, and the gentle love she held for her growing family accompanied her as she drifted into slumber, her sleeping expression relaxed and at peace.

For a while, she slept soundly, peacefully, but eventually was drawn into a dream. As she stood, still in her current state of pregnancy, she blinked her yellow-gold eyes and looked to either side around her, feeling a sense of familiarity. These trees... I know these trees. Had she been here before? Explored this snowy forest at some point? She sensed that she must have, sensed a safety and comfort about the place that made her instantly feel at home. In the distance, she could hear a quiet rushing noise, a sound she recognized as rapids rolling over rocks, and suddenly she knew. The forest, the river... This was her old home!

Unexpectedly excited, the golden brown hunter leaped forward into an easy run, smiling as she went. Yes, she knew this place, had explored these forests and the riverbanks so often she felt she could navigate through them even with her eyes closed. Even after all her time away, she still felt confident in her ability to traverse the territory, and to prove it she did so, carving a path through the woods and toward the river. She was closing in, she knew it, could hear it as the sound of the river grew louder and louder. Laughing aloud to herself, she continued to bound through the snow and trees and then skidded to a stop as she reached the edge of the churning waters. This is it. The Rio Grande. Smiling brightly to herself, Anais glanced along the length of the swift moving river, feeling strangely at peace here despite being away for so long.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



11 Years
12-17-2015, 12:04 AM
Winters bite never bothered him in this corner of Somnium. The snow covering the hillside had chill to it, had weight and occasionally a blizzard would roll through home and shelter would have to be taken within his den. But it always turned out ok in the land of the dead. Especially with Tahlia by his side. The she wolf in question lying in the snow beneath the old wolf and very much under assault by Bane's nips and nuzzles from an ambush preformed moments ago. His tail wagged lazily across the surface of the snow as it always did upon, even just catching a glimpse of his mate through the trees when they were both doing their own thing made Bane feel warmth in the fishers presence.

A gentle whine left his muzzle as he nudged Tahlia's neck, a nip administered against her collarbone before drawing his tongue along all the way up to her chin. Their noses touching, the grey male stared into his mates eyes as a passionate kiss was giving past her lips, a rumbling growl vocalized as he skewed his muzzle to press his tongue further into her maw. With a quick pant Bane broke apart, ears perked and alert as his attention was brought to the bottom of the hill. Laughter, a short foreign sound not vocalized by he or his mate. It had been different but strangely familiar, thinking that perhaps another had found their way here by chance and were passing through. Somnium was big, very big, and although throughout the years only a few glimpses of other wolves had been seen along the horizons and hilltops his curiosity was undiminished at potential contact.

The snowy forest betrayed no other secrets save for the trees with the Talutah mark carved into the trunk, and with a quick shush to Tahlia the wolf began to prowl forward towards the river. Carving a path through the snow was effortless, ears forward and searching for the source of the noise again. Hoping, waiting for another sound to confirm another was here. The urge to howl was snuffed out, surprise wanted in this venture. A further step was almost given, however the churned snow was a source of pause. The tracks had no beginning save for the path at led away towards the sounds of rushing water. Assured that he wasn't going mad by the find Bane swung his head back towards his mate with concern as if to silently ask if she saw what he did.

That scent however was unmistakable. It was burned into his memory. It's owner's face would always be recognize, her voice unmistakable and pelt one of a kind. With a renewed purpose to his loping gate Bane stuck his nose just above the crisp layer of snow and inhaled and set about following the tracks. Anais. His baby girl. Bane was dead certain of the scents owner, however a new anxiety awoke within him. Had she passed on as he and Tahlia had? Was the rest of the family ok? As each question surfacing and was just as quickly replaced by another the male’s pace evolved into a dead sprint. Powder sprayed behind him with each contact of snow before being ripped into the air by splayed paws. On the hunt one more time. And quickly he came upon a lone figure standing next to the river, the she wolf was facing away from him as he slowed harshly to a stop. Her pelt was the same as he had last seen it, restored eyes staring at the figure facing away from him in disbelief. “Anais?” Bane panted, wanting her to turn, to see his daughters face once more. The male paced to the side a step and hung his head low to try and catch a glimpse of a muzzle, a cheek. Anything to let him know that his baby girl was here before him.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
01-01-2016, 11:43 PM (This post was last modified: 01-01-2016, 11:50 PM by Tahlia.)
Walk | Talk | Think

Pinned beneath the form of her captor, Tahlia wriggled. A wide, happy grin stretched candidly across her lips as she made pitiful attempts to push the large dark wolf off of her, fighting against him just for show. She was in no danger; in fact, she was right where she wanted to be. She giggled and laughed, giddy with delight, as her captor - her husband - nipped and kissed at her neck, nuzzling into the soft fur and eliciting a quick shiver that raced through her body. It did not matter that they were dead, that whatever world they lived in was only a shadow of the one they had inhabited with the living. What mattered was that his feelings for her still burned as brightly as they had before his death, and hers for him were just as strong.

"You scoundrel," she playfully accused him through another chuckle as he whined and licked along her neck before making her melt into his kiss. She would have kissed him again, initiated it herself, if her own ears had not heard what it was that Bane had heard as well. Turning her head, her dark golden eyes took on a confused, worrisome look as she stared through the trees, unable to spot anything or anyone though she was certain someone had laughed. "Bane?" She whispered his name, but he only shushed her, and silent as he stepped away she rolled to her stomach and pushed to her paws. What was this? For so long, they had been alone here, with no one but each other for company and potential others staying at a distance. How was that changing now?

Bane said nothing as he began to stalk forward through the trees, and Tahlia followed like a shadow at his heels. Her mind became abuzz with nervous thoughts, unsure what had created the laughter and unable to even guess why they suddenly heard it now. Was it merely another wandering soul venturing a little closer to their portion of paradise? Could darker spirits lurk here, seeking to prey on others? She had never given much thought to the afterlife, what became of wolves once they died, but now that she was among them it became suddenly important. She did not know how to begin voicing her concerns to her husband and kept them to herself as he stopped and examined something upon the snowy forest floor. Striding up beside him, she met his eyes before following his line of sight, and saw the tracks that led away toward the river. A trespasser, Tahlia mused, but as she inclined her head and caught a whiff of the scent attached to the pawprints her throat almost closed.

She knew that scent. Recognized it even though it had been almost two full years since she had smelled it. A mother never forgot her children, and Tahlia knew almost at once that this belonged to her daughter. Lifting her head, she turned as if to address her husband, despite the growing lump in her throat, but Bane had already set out again, racing ahead of her. Desperate to search now too, the russet brown wolf ran after the scarred male before her, following his path and trusting his judgment to find their daughter. Is it really her? Can it be? She should have worried the same way that her husband did about the fate of their daughter, but she just wanted to lay eyes on her one more time, just one. It had been too long.

Bane stopped ahead of her, and Tahlia slowed to a breathless stop just behind him, eyeing the young woman who stood on the river's edge. My little girl. Even before the golden brown form of her daughter turned to gaze at her and her husband with a look of shock that instantly morphed into overwhelming joy, she walked toward her, knowing that the figure before her was none other than her child. "Anais," she muttered, her voice wobbling as she spoke while her vision blurred with tears. Even as those tears spilled, she reached forward and wrapped her neck around her daughter's in a tight embrace, drawing her as close as she could while they cried against each other. "Oh, Anais. My darling, my sweet girl." Her words were mumbled, almost incoherent, as she held her now grown daughter and openly cried her joy, but she was far too happy to care about her typical vanities and conduct. She got to hold her little girl again.



5 Years
01-02-2016, 03:48 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Anais grinned as her tail wagged, feeling almost like a child again. That same sense of adventure and fun that had swept her up in her younger days returned and made her giddy with the possibilities. Maybe she could find a quieter spot in the river and try fishing again. Maybe she could try to locate her old den and see if anything from her days here remained. Had the trees here been marked the same way they had in the real world? She could hardly recall from her sudden run, but she assumed they would have been. It brought to mind memories of her father, her mother, of her family when they had been whole and together. Maybe if she found the den, she could reconnect to that part of her life that was so far behind her now.

She tried to steel herself before she went to search for it, drawing in a deep breath and letting it out slowly from between her lips. It might have fogged a little in the air, but the cold failed to reach her. All for the better; she had little ones to think about. The thought made her smile, lifted her mood immediately, though sounds of paws beating against the snow behind her pulled at her attention. There were others here? Perhaps it was her brothers, drawn from her memory, ready to drag her away on a hunt. She felt no sense of worry, no nervousness, even though she had not glanced behind her to see who had approached. This was a dream - her dream - and she knew these woods were safe.

A voice spoke her name, but while it held hints of her brother's tone she knew it was not him. But she recognized it, instantly, and felt her heart constrict. Her face falling blank in a moment of shock and disbelief, Anais quickly spun her head around to peer over her shoulder, the rest of her following suit so that she turned to face the grey and brown wolves standing behind her. "Dad?" Her voice was barely a whisper and half whine, and her yellow-gold eyes began to fill with tears. "Mom." It was them. How could it be them? Two years - two whole years - she had missed them, longed to see them again, to hear their voices. Could they really be here now?

Her mother reached her first, not hesitating the same way that Bane had, and as the woman pulled her close Anais let herself crumple against her chest, burying her face into her mother's fur like a child as she sobbed. The feel of Tahlia was not completely the same as Anais knew she ought to feel, but she chalked it up to the conditions of the dream. What mattered was that she was here, she could touch her, hear her speaking her name, and knew that she had been missed just as much as she missed them. She could not think of any words to say, and was not sure she could have said them as she continued to cry and sob against her mother. She whined her longing for them, stepping closer as she nuzzled into her mother and opened her watery eyes to peer at her father, still not quite able to believe that she was with them after so much time apart.

"I missed you," she finally said, her voice still broken as the tears coursed from her eyes and she moved in to bury her face next into her father's neck, "I missed you both so much."

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



11 Years
01-20-2016, 10:37 AM
A shallow whine itched his throat and Bane anxiously switched his gait to turn around and pace in the opposite direction. Eyes never left the brown she wolf before him. Tahlia however was already moving past him even as the female in front of the two mate's turned and revealed her herself fully to them. "Anais." Bane inhaled sharply as his daughter spoke the titles of parentage. It had been so long since he'd been called 'dad'. So long since he'd had another face to see besides his mates. Tahlia however was already wrapping their daughter up in an embrace, already conveying the love lost between the wolves time separated and Bane eagerly darted forward to comfort the two women before him. Hell, he was even choking back a sob of pride at his girl's healthy and happy appearance if one could look past all the tears.

The father and husband gathered up the two females in his forelegs and gave them a tight embrace. Oh this was a joyous reunion for the family as lost time was easily starting to be made up by a simple embrace. Anais's gaze was met as she removed herself from Tahlia to press her face against his neck. The old wolf's legs gave a wobble as they slipped away from Tahlia's shoulder to hold Anais fully. Feeling each breath she gave as he was treated to the strange not-touch between them. "I've missed you so much my little Talutah. So, so much." Bane whined and tried not to blink and rid his eyes of the building tears that way. He didn't want his little girl to see his sorrow at this reunion and instead planted a kiss between her ears and took to rubbing her shoulders. He gave a Tahlia an anxious smile, so glad that their first offspring between them was here now but bursting full of questions as to what had happened since the last time he'd been with her since he died.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
01-29-2016, 01:17 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Tahlia lifted a foreleg and wrapped it securely around her little girl as Anais leaned in and cried against her, tears still spilling forth from her eyes. Oh, she had longed for this moment for far too long, had held on to so much guilt over the way she had departed from the natural world. She could not count the number of times she had wished to be able to hold her daughter as she was, to express her love for her and how much she cared. The russet brown hunter understood that what was taking place was special, that this meeting was no small thing to take place. However long it lasted, she planned fully to enjoy every moment, to say as many of the things that she had not gotten to say before.

She felt Bane swoop in and wrap them both up in a tight embrace, laughing through her tears as she finally pulled back enough to look between her mate and daughter. It was such a happy, joyous moment, her heart aching with the emotion that pumped through it. "My beautiful child, no words can convey how happy I - we - are to see you," she said as her daughter turned to nuzzle Bane more directly, taking that moment to step back and attempt to compose herself. Her dark golden eyes blinked and quietly she sniffed, but she felt too frazzled to fully pull herself together. It was a small price to pay, however, for having a piece of her family returned to her.

With a little effort, Tahlia was able to stop the tears if not completely dry her eyes, and with an impatient exhale she decided to ignore them altogether. "There now," she spoke, more to herself than either wolf present, and drew her still watery expression into a smile more befitting of all the poise and dignity that she attributed to herself. "Please, we have missed so much. Tell us everything, anything you can. Is everyone alright where you are?" Even as she said the phrase, she recalled her own confusing arrival, and how what she had only presumed to be a visit had turned out to be a more permanent arrangement. Feeling her chest grow cold with worry, she hastily added with greatly nervous undertones, "Are you alright?"



5 Years
01-29-2016, 01:37 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

She was welcomed wholly into her father's embrace as she moved in to nuzzle him next, her eyes closing once more as she basked in the love and safety she felt in being there again. These feelings had long been accepted as gone with the passing of her parents, but it did not surprise her in the least that they returned with such force, turning her from an expectant mother to a lonely pup wishing for nothing more than the comfort of her father and mother. She laughed, a wobbly, watery sound, as her father referred to her by nickname, smiling at him as the tears continued to slip from her eyes. There seemed to be no end to them, but that was alright. They were just another extension of her happiness.

Leaning against her father as he kissed her forehead and held her against him, Anais turned herself so that she could look once more at her mother, who seemed to be composing herself bit by bit. She did not understand why, but it warmed her heart greatly to realize that the proud creature had not changed her ways so much in this afterlife, that her vanity was still intact. Her father remained silent beside her while her mother led the conversation, speaking for the both of them Anais assumed by the state of her questioning. Oh, where did she even begin! She let out a little breath, blinking back tears as she considered everything that her parents had missed, everything that they would likely wish to hear.

Though with the final, worry-filled question the golden brown hunter found her direction to speak. "No, no, I'm fine," she assured her mother, adding a smile that she hoped would convince her as she turned her gaze on her father to reassure him next, "I promise, there's nothing wrong." Which did not in the least bit explain why she was seeing them now. "I don't know how - or why - I'm here, but..." Maybe that was not altogether true. Had they noticed the change in her body? Could they note the difference in her scent as Lior had? "I'm absolutely perfect, the happiest I could possibly be." Her eyes glittered with tears again as she smiled at them both, moved by the heavy weight of what she wished to tell them. How did she even begin?

Maybe just a general run down to start. "Everyone's doing well," she promised with a nod of her head. "Nako's kind of taken over watching Kailos and Espirit. He has a litter of pups, too; three girls, and a boy he adopted. And Jakart may have a girlfriend." She added the news even though she was still somewhat skeptical of the girl's identity. "I've found a pack for myself and Lior," Anais explained, her smile hopeful as she began to touch on the biggest personal news she had to offer them. "It's in the south, run by a family known as the Elementas." She fidgeted. "One of their leaders, Glacier...oh, he's wonderful. He's so kind and sweet, and generous."

Easily, she could have gone on and on about her mate and everything that she loved about him, but now did not seem quite the right time for it. Anais cleared her throat quietly, her cheeks coloring softly beneath her fur, and she tried to get the conversation back on a proper track. "I've known him for about two years," she stated, avoiding her parents eyes as it was all very close to the time that she had lost them and making that connection was emotionally hard for her, "I think I've loved him for just short of that. He took Lior and me in even though his pack is just composed of family, and he lets the boys visit whenever they want." Once more, she fidgeted, feeling the blush in her cheeks darken. "I'm...we...are actually expecting puppies." Anais held her breath as she glanced nervously between her mother and father, uncertain how her parents would receive the news but still hoping for the best.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



11 Years
02-03-2016, 01:05 AM (This post was last modified: 02-03-2016, 01:07 AM by Bane.)
The father and husband drew the two females in even tighter as the mates reconnected with their daughter, Bane returning Anais's nuzzle with fervor. Tahlia was echoing his own questions about the life Anais was now living, about their sons and her sister and how everyone was currently fairing ever since they had all last been together. The smaller brown she wolf would look between her parents and pause as if to think on a great many a happenings before final beginning with stating that nothing was wrong with her. Or anyone for that matter. A fact that was a source of instant relief.

Nako was mentioned, and as the eldest child Bane had no doubts that he would continue to be the head of the family in keeping everyone safe. And he was with child. Bane fought to keep his smile hidden from Tahlia but his eyes clearly showed the pride in the announcement and of Jakart in the process of possibly courting a female who's name went unsaid. Lior and Anais were both in a pack, surprisingly. A fact that visibly made Bane sit a little straighter and with more attention as Anais went on, and on, and on about an alpha. Glacier, the mention of the male caused his daughter to babble for but a tad to long and Bane gave his mate a knowing grin. Anais had found someone, the thought resting comfortably with the elder wolf as his head came to rest on Tahlia's shoulder.

At the news of pups Bane gave his daughter an approving smile and spoke against Tahlia's ear. "Sorta like us right?" Bane was joking with his mate, him and his wife's relationship beginning far sooner than Anais was describing to them. "I'm proud of you Anais. I was the moment I left with you beside me." He was resigned that he didn't have much of a say in the matter and that made it much easier to accept as he gave his daughter a kiss on the cheek. Anais was happy and so Bane was happy as he simply stared at his daughter in wizened contentment.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
02-04-2016, 03:40 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Her worries, though soundly based, were unnecessary it seemed as Anais assured both of her parents that she was perfectly fine in the world of the living. The news relaxed Tahlia visibly, and she released a soft breath as the corners of her mouth turned upward slightly in relief. She had been so worried that her daughter's arrival was the result of something tragic or even dark, but a visit, through whatever means so long as it was only temporary, was much better news. It reminded her just how strongly she missed the girl, how much her guilt still ate at her that she had left them in the manner that she had, but Tahlia was doing her best not to focus on her own personal issues and spoil the happy reunion that was taking place.

A lot had changed, she realized, as her grown daughter began to speak of her siblings. The eldest, Nako, had children of his own now, and though she did not know all the details involved - whether he had taken a mate or whether the children had been spawned in much the same way that he had - Tahlia was delighted by the news. Grandchildren. She was a grandmother! Though her smile brightened, her dark golden eyes stung with tears, so very happy for the children to be beginning their lives but also saddened that she would not have a chance to see it for herself. More of that guilt returned, but a glance at Bane confirmed for her that her fate had been sealed at the moment of his passing. She could not have survived peaceably without him.

There was a pang in her heart upon hearing her youngest son's name - she had not been able to recall it herself since her wits had come back to her after passing on - but the conversation moved so fast she was able to keep herself together. Jakart was mentioned after the other boys, now on his way to beginning a relationship himself, and both of her daughters had managed to find their way into a pack. It was reassuring to hear that the family still stuck together, even if they were separated by borders, though she could tell in an instant as soon as Anais began speaking of her new pack's leader that family was not entirely all that was on her mind. She shared a look with Bane, understanding just as he did that feelings were definitely developing, and leaned her head against his as he moved to rest his against her shoulder.

But what she mistook for a crush was actually much more deeply felt. Anais was not simply in love with the wolf she spoke of, but expecting his children. Tahlia blinked, stunned, but her heart soared in happiness for her young girl. "Oh, Anais, that's wonderful news!" Her smile brightened, and an ear twitched as her mate whispered in it, almost earning a chuckle in response. "Almost," she replied in as quiet tones as she peeked at him, though she understood their relationship had moved much more quickly. She hoped, at least, that the love her daughter felt for this man she had taken an interest in was as strong as what her mother felt for her husband, and wished that it would be returned just as strongly.

Bane offered his sentiments first, and Tahlia took that moment to collect her thoughts before moving in after him to offer her daughter a nuzzle and kiss to her cheek. "Congratulations, sweetheart. I could not be happier for you," she said sincerely as she smiled at her daughter, at last taking a good look at her and seeing for herself the subtle but telling signs of her pregnancy. "Grandchildren. I know they will be absolutely lovely." She avoided any reference to how much she wished she could be there to see them, how she wished to be a part of their lives. It would do no good to say it aloud, not now. "How far along now, Anais?" she asked, her curiosity growing and the natural questions that surfaced around a situation like this filling her mind and demanding to be asked, her mood lifting as she gave them voice.



5 Years
02-04-2016, 04:35 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

The smiles on both of her parents' faces sent the breath she had been holding out in a rush, relief flooding through her and making her feel light with giddiness. They were happy! Of course they would be. She had hoped from the moment she began to tell them about her joyous news that they might read her happiness and her obvious good health to mean that she was content with where she had ended up and that she was being protected and taken care of by those that she had joined with. She had no complaints about the Elementas family, and she desperately wanted her parents approval in the matter, even if they had not been given the chance to meet the man that she loved in person.

Whatever whispered words her parents shared were lost to her, but what they did have to say brought tears to her eyes again. Her bottom lip wobbled as she smiled at her father and leaned into the kiss that he placed against her cheek, her bright golden eyes growing watery but not spilling the tears that collected there. Her mother leaned in to do the same, and Anais returned her nuzzle eagerly, ignoring the oddness of the touch in favor of simply receiving it. She never would have thought she would get the chance to tell them both the news of her future children, and she was still amazed that she was with them now. It was all so surreal, and she hoped she remembered every moment of it once it was over.

Anais gave a watery sort of laugh as her mother spoke of her expectations for the children, and the golden brown hunter internally echoed those hopes. She wanted them to be gentle like Glacier, playful as she remembered being as a child, strong as her mother was, and as full of love as her father. It was possibly a lot to ask of such small things as pups, but it did not stop her from hoping and expecting that they would be perfect. "I think they will be," she answered with a contented smile, resisting the urge to glance at her own stomach wistfully. "I think maybe a month more? Or about that. Whenever they're ready, really," she laughed, feeling her excitement and nervousness overtake her again. It was so stressful and yet she found she was thrilled by the whole experience. She could not wait to be able to see her babies and hold them to her one day. "Lior was the one to tell me," she admitted, happy to share that particular piece of the story, "she was the first one to figure it out."

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



11 Years
02-20-2016, 03:26 PM
Espirit. That was the name of the son. With the two females chatting away Bane reflected upon the missed long he forgot to address. Finally, the name of his last child was know to both of the elder wolves. Tahlia however brought his attention to his whispered question, that yes, Anais almost, almost had a relationship like her parents. A fact that made him smile as his head rested on his mates shoulder. Tahlia shifted and he straightened himself as she nuzzled their daughter in celebration of being with child. Bane only listened as Anais was asked how long she had known of her pregnancy, her response revealing she was at the halfway point.

He supposed that he couldn't really tell the difference in Anais's figure, he had been next to fully blind the last year of his life and had left the bounds of mortals almost two years ago. A little round around her belly perhaps, but Bane's heart nearly leapt for joy when Anais mentioned that Lior had been the one to discover his sisters condition. "Lior's a healer?" Bane looked at Tahlia in joy. Even after leaving Ebony in the middle of his youngest daughter's training hadn't stopped her. "Liors a healer Tahlia." He repeated, this time far more glad at the news as he stared into his mates golden eyes. Lior finally was getting a chance to live out her dream. A wag of his tail was given as he kissed Tahlia on the cheek at the good news. There was a pause as he surveyed the surroundings, eyeing the sun and wondering what time it was in the waking word. Hopefully Anais had more time. If not... then there was a hope the she could visit in future dreams until she was ready to join the elders in the afterlife.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
03-16-2016, 08:47 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Tahlia could not believe it. Only a month! Already her daughter was halfway toward starting a family of her own, and Tahlia was just learning about it. It made her wish over and over again that things might have worked out differently, that her family could have somehow still been together instead of separated by death. There was nothing to be done about it now, but it did not stop her from considering the what ifs and what could have been. She is happy at least, the guilt-ridden mother reasoned, and that gratefully eased some of her regret. Her daughter was strong and was getting on with her life, doing everything that Tahlia had hoped she would.

It was indeed a delight to learn that Lior had been the one to recognize Anais's pregnancy, and, as Bane had pointed out, that her healer's knowledge had been increased. Tahlia felt immensely proud of her two girls, not only because of their individual accomplishments but because they were still together. She had never truly doubted her family's cohesiveness, but unable to see them and watch their lives play out she often did fall into periods of worry. There was simply too much she did not and could not know. A soft chuckle slid from her lips as her husband kissed her cheek, sharing in his delight. "It is wonderful to hear it," she agreed, turning her brightened golden eyes from Bane back to Anais, "It sounds as if you both have found what you were looking for." Her eldest daughter had a budding family and her youngest was progressing in her chosen craft. They were both doing quite well for themselves.

As she watched her daughter, she noticed a shift in the girl's expression, a hint of something that was visible for a second but then was masked. Unfortunately for Anais, she was not very good at hiding things, and Tahlia could read the note of uncertainty rather clearly before it was unsuccessfully tucked away. "Something is wrong?" she questioned, her own worry beginning to spike. Her daughter hastily addressed the issue, and to Tahlia's relief - and equal parts disappointment - it was only that her daughter felt their time together waning. But this was not enough, she wanted to protest, I have so many more questions.

But because she did not want to worry her daughter, she schooled her expression into a bittersweet smile and blinked back the first of the tears. "I love you. I will miss you," she admitted openly as she stepped forward to once more softly embrace and nuzzle her daughter, "and your brothers and sister too. Tell them I love them?" Just speaking the request aloud was enough to send her eyes brimming with tears, and hastily she stepped back as father and daughter said their goodbyes. It was becoming increasingly more difficult for her to keep her composure, and seeing her daughter offer one final parting glance as she disappeared into the wood made her come undone. Left alone with her husband again, torn by the conflicting sense of joy and sorrow that plagued her, Tahlia turned to Bane to cry openly against his shoulder.



5 Years
03-16-2016, 09:34 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

It made her unspeakably happy to see her parents like this, so happy and affectionate toward one another. Though the memories were difficult, she could still picture the way her mother had been just before her death, wasting away with so little energy, so little will to live. Not even her newborn child had been enough to mend the brokenness left behind after Bane's passing, and Anais felt the confirmation very strongly now as she watched them together. They belonged with each other, there was no question to it, and being witness to them gave her a very peaceful feeling.

Her mother's comment sent a stirring of guilt rising up from within as the mother-to-be thought of her sister. She wanted very much to agree with Tahlia, to assure her that both she and Lior were happy and content with their present lives. But could she really say so with certainty? She had spent so little time with Lior lately and knew so little about her progression as a healer aside from the fact she had been the one to recognize her pregnancy. "I hope we are," she answered more noncommittally than she had intended. She really did need to pay more attention to her sister and her life in Donostrea.

The guilty thoughts in her head were interrupted suddenly by an odd sensation. Whether it originated from her body or simply her mind, Anais could not say, but she felt its pull, felt it tug her away from the conversation with her parents toward another world. Her world. The look on her face became worried before she could stop it, fueled by all the uncertainties of the situation - did she have time to say her goodbyes, or would she be hauled away at any second? - and even as she tried to hide it her mother caught on. Guiltily, Anais tucked her ears against her head and answered regretfully, "I think I need to leave."

She hated to say it, hated even more to do it, but there was no arguing with the forces that controlled this dreamlike realm. Her mother stepped forward to embrace her, and Anais nuzzled roughly back into her, cherishing every moment of contact that she could get. Her smile was a mirror to Tahlia's but it wobbled when her mother made her request. "Of course," Anais answered readily, feeling her own eyes fill and spill over with tears. She knew they would love to hear it as much as she had. Trying not to entirely break down, she turned next to her father, nuzzling him just as she had Tahlia. "I love you," she said to him, though loud enough for the both of them to hear and take comfort from it. With her goodbyes said, Anais backed away with a teary-eyed smile and turned into the woods. She tried not to look back but caved under the pressure and did so after a few feet, and when next she turned back around she set off at a run, afraid that she might not leave at all otherwise.

-Exit Anais-

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



11 Years
03-21-2016, 08:12 PM
Bane's once blind gaze now held it's attention on the position of the sun. It was getting lower. A foreleg came up to grip around his mates shoulder and soothing rubbing motion was applied as Tahlia voiced concern at Anais's words. It was time for their daughter to go, Bane's own brow wrinkling at the words. It was all to soon for the reunited family to be separated again and forced to wait until the time would come again when they could all meet through dreams. Eventually they could all come back either to visit or in a more permanent manner, one that he hoped would be a long way off. Bane could only watch as Tahlia slipped from his embrace to give Anais her goodbyes. A request was made for there other children to be told that they were missed and loved, those words causing Bane's voice to had a wordless tremble as he tried to repeat what Tahlia had said. His daughter came up pressed against him, a fact that he so desperately wished that she didn't feel quite right from when she last touched him as he lay dying caused the old wolf to break down even more. "I love you to."

As soon as the last word was shaken out past his muzzle Anais was already leaving. Heading out through the trees with a backwards glance. Tahlia was held tightly as she cried into his chest, the father watching his eldest daughter slip further and further through the trees. The sun finally touched the horizon and suddenly his girl vanished just as she ran behind an oak. Was it a trick of the light or some other unknown mystical force? He didn't know. All that he had to do now was comfort his sobbing mate beside the river, tongue soothingly applied between Tahlia's ears as she was held in a bond so tight it was one not even death could take from them.

-End Thread-
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•