
Today's Another Day



2 Years
12-25-2015, 10:27 PM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2015, 12:42 AM by Ren.)
Ren Agatsuma
They had neighbors. He always knew, they had existed for as long as he had been born, but he always stayed away from the strange scents, the strange smells. Now, though, he had a pack. And he was heir. Perhaps it was foolishness, or perhaps good that he now desired to meet with those of the borders - and so he would find himself walking with purpose to the edge of the border, hoping to see what lay beyond his own borders. A soft call would leave his lips as he stood on his side of the border, in the Fern Gulley, eyes searching across the plains that Donostrea had claimed.




6 Years
12-25-2015, 10:39 PM

Voltage Elementas

Voltage was wandering around rather aimlessly, his paws dragging in the grass and snow as he moved. It was rare nowadays for him to leave the beach, and he felt the pull so strong in his very soul. But he reminded himself, over and over, that someone would see her if she showed up and he would be the first to know. So instead he searched, though deciding not to leave his pack today. So he decided to search the grass lands they claimed despite the fact that there wouldn't be a sign of her here. No fur, no scent, it had all washed away ages ago when the first snow fell.

He had been so distraught in his loss that he barely knew the goings on of the packs around him. He knew nothing of a new neighbor, not until he reached their shared border. Stormy eyes would grow wider as he stared out at the land. This had been the other land Secrutua had owned, right? This wasn't them returning, right? He sighed softly then, turning to walk along the border before a new and fresh scent caught his attention. With a tilt of his head he'd look down the line at the younger wolf, taking in his blue fur. He couldn't help but smile softly. Well, now was as good time as any to meet this new pack. And perhaps they had a hint of where Illie might be!

Stepping towards the stranger he would dip his head slowly, smiling at him. >"Hello there" He said softly, his signature grin pulling at his lips nearly reaching his eyes. >"Becareful, another step and you'll be in our land. Then I will just have to invite you for a tour. How awful." it was a joke, but he was ready incase this pack wasn't the most friendly. He blinked slightly at the thought, wondering what they would do if an unfriendly pack moved in next door.




2 Years
12-25-2015, 10:48 PM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2015, 12:43 AM by Ren.)
Ren Agatsuma
Friendliness. That was the vibe he got, when he spotted the bright yellow male... and bright yellow! This man was as colorful as his siblings, and a color he had never seen before... on another wolf other than his mother. It was fascinating. The boy would hesitate only a split second before returning the smile. Friendly, right? He was slightly terrified - last time he left somewhere it had been to the battlefield and nope nope nope he wasn't doing that again unless it was to fight.

Ren felt the smile slowly reach his eyes as he looked at the wolf. "Hello," he greeted softly, tail wagging. "Although I might say the same to you," he returned, a soft laugh spilling from his maw. "I am Ren Agatsuma, Polaris - or heir - of Borealis. Who are you?" It felt weird attaching his title, but it was appropriate... or so he thought.




6 Years
12-25-2015, 10:59 PM

Voltage Elementas

A rare, and oddly placed joy filled him as he looked at the young child. Quite brave, though some might say naive. It wasn't very smart for someone as young as he to approach a border he didn't know, unless of course the alphas knew the elementas in some way. Anyone who met them would know they couldn't hurt a fly, unless of course they were hurt first. God save the creature who harmed his family. Perhaps Glacier had met the boy previously, or the family that owned the lands. If he did it made sense that he wouldn't tell Voltage. Lightbutt had been rather one track minded lately, anyways. He blinked himself free of his thoughts and looked down at Ren.

Oh, he loved children.

"How professional of you, sir Polaris." He said with a gentle laugh, his eyes crinkling in his joy and mirth just slightly. He would tilt his head then, humming softly at the new information. He would move to recline on his haunches then, his tail shifting to cover his hind paw. "Who am I? Well, " He smirked then and puffed his chest out. "My name is Voltage Elementas and I am the great king of Donostrea." He said with a grin, before shaking his head with a gentle laugh. "Well, sorta. My pack, Dono, is really just my family, and I'm their big brother, so I lead them. Along with my littermate of course." He said with a gentle smile, glancing over his shoulder to look out at the packland before looking back at the child. He couldn't be much younger than his daughters. A couple seasons? Nearly a year? Spring...spring would be their birthday. Perhaps they had that in common. "How long have you been here, young prince? I haven't been to this border in...well, a season." His voice would grow slightly quieter at the end, but nothing too noticeable.




2 Years
12-25-2015, 11:26 PM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2015, 12:44 AM by Ren.)
Ren Agatsuma
Had Ren known that this pack was home to Glacier, the blue boy would have been quite overjoyed - he remembered the blue giant, so huge... especially to the season-old youngling he had been at the time. He was, of course, still absolutely a youngling, even if he was trying his best to be professional and adulting and the like.

His head tilted at the words 'sir polaris'. Was that mocking? There was laughter, but it didn't seem to be mean like how Zephyra's could be. He'd follow the golden wolf's lead, sitting down elegantly, though his tail was flopped behind him instead of prettily curled around his paws. He'd crack a grin at the king of Donostrea, chuckling again at the later sorta. "That's really awesome," he commented. A pack, completely comprised of family? Both scary-sounding and awesome sounding. And littermate? "Who's your littermate?" he questioned, unable to resist the curiosity bubbling up inside of him.

He'd feel less bad about being so curious when Voltage asked his own question, and he'd tilt his head. "Well, I've lived here my whole life. But we only became a pack a short while ago." After Arian died, the mate of the wolf whom Marina was replacing as alpha.




6 Years
12-25-2015, 11:42 PM

Voltage Elementas

It was a good thing this kid was crowned a prince, heir..polaris, whatever. He certainly seemed to have a knack for being friendly and well behaved. Illie had been the exact polar opposite. If he were sitting across from his energetic daughter right now he knew she would be bouncing around, ready to explore. He shook his head at the memory, trying to keep himself in the present. Any thought could trigger his depression, and he wanted to stay here, now, with this young prince. He would blink at him then, smiling at his curiousity. "Ah, yes. My Big Brother, Glacier. The best friend I could ever ask him. Since we're neighbors you'll probably get to meet him." He blinked then as a thought came to him, and a genuine grin crossed his lips. "Know what? We should have a beach party...when it gets warmer. And you all can meet my family, and I can meet yours. " An odd excitement was coursing his veins then, and it was rare. He adored parties, but ever since Illie had...disappeared, and current soon after he barely thought about it. Now that he did, though, spring was on the horizon.

He had better get moving! Another birthday bash right around the corner. That made, what, three on the beach?

When Ren said they had been there a long time, he'd tilt his head and look at him. Surely that wasn't true. If they had had neighbors, volt would have had to know about it. But he did the math, and he had been very...preoccupied ever since his daughters were born. It made sense why he didn't know about it. "Well, what better reason to have a beach party. A little...pack warming celebration." He'd tilt his head, brow raising slightly. "Say, when's your birthday young one?"




2 Years
12-25-2015, 11:59 PM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2015, 12:45 AM by Ren.)
Ren Agatsuma
Wait... Glacier? That was familiar... Glacier! Glacwa! He remembered now! The big blue giant, who said Ren looked like him. The boy immediately straightened up, staring at Voltage with pricked ears and sparkling eyes. "Glacier? I've met him!" Here his exuberant side showed: his tail started beating against the ground, and tension - excitement - caused the boy to lean forward towards Voltage, even while more family was mentioned. "I'd love to!" he chirped, grinning fully at the much older man. A party thing when it was warm? Definitely! Especially if Glacier would be there, and this man - Voltage - too! And the rest of the family, if they were as friendly... it would be so much fun!

His tail would beat further against the ground. Yes, a party! Yes, a truce between his two packs. Yes, he could do this! He could learn to be an alpha, to be a good heir! Yes, yes he could. "That sounds like a wonderful idea," he confirmed with a nod of his head. The question made him blink and his mind refocus; what did his birthday have anything to do with... well, anything? Well, regardless. "I was born in the spring," he confirmed. "Mid to late-ish spring." At least, that's what Mama had said.




6 Years
12-28-2015, 12:24 AM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2015, 12:26 AM by Voltage.)

Voltage Elementas

Voltage liked this boy very much, but he generally either liked others a lot or didn't like them at all. The later was far rarer than the former. A rolling, rumbling laughter burst from his lips, full and loud and just as exuberant as the child. His eyes shone with a mirth and happiness he hadn't felt in too long. He hadn't felt this happy since the earth had died, and he knew this was it repairing itself. This child held a future he dreamed for illie, and he felt...happy. Not jealous, not resentful. The world would continue and have futures because children were born and laughed and had shining eyes, just like she had. "You have?" He said finally with a bubbly laugh, his teeth showing in a full toothy grin as he ran his paw along the grass. "He sure must've left an impression on you, little prince." He smiled softly, tilting his head ever so gently.

When the boy, Ren, confirmed he liked the idea, Voltage couldn't help but laugh again. Happily, such a strange emotion. He then slowly lifted his gaze from the boy to the large blue sky, sighing softly. However, everything paused when the young prince said he was born in the spring. A sort of...shock ran through him, coursing through his veins, and he had to remember to take a breath. He slowly shook his head then, forcing another smile on his face before looking back at him. "You turn one?" He said softly, tilting his head the other way as his smile faltered slightly. That's right...her birthday was coming up.




2 Years
12-28-2015, 12:40 AM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2015, 12:53 AM by Ren.)
Ren Agatsuma
Ren would watch with merriment - oh, this male was so cheerful, so nice! He had made a good decision - this so made everything worth it. He felt himself relaxing in the company of the alpha, blue tail tapping against the ground happily. He hadn't seen another wolf so happy - he wondered what made it so. Was it his family? Was it his pack? He was curious - but first, conversation. And Glacier. Oh, Glacier. He laughed then - impression indeed. He gave an affirmative nod to Voltage before speaking. "Well, sir, he was quite big... and I'm pretty sure his paw was bigger than I was," he chuckled.

That smile would remain on his face - that is, before he saw Voltage's emotions... change. They took a darker route, and the boy's smile dropped faster than one could blink. Ever so slightly, he leaned forward, eyes narrowing as he watched the male. Shaking of the head... another smile, but forced, maybe? Reluctant? Hesitant? He couldn't tell, but either way he didn't return the smile. And then... the words, so soft and quiet compared to before. Something, something to do with spring. He didn't know what, but it was something. "Yes," the prince confirmed quietly. "I turn one." What was it that bothered the male? Even so, a concern glimmered in the young male's mind, he knew something was wrong - and he wanted to help.




6 Years
12-28-2015, 12:56 AM

Voltage Elementas

Naturally the subject of Glacier's height came up, and he nodded gently. "He's so big he had this habit of giving other wolves piggy back rides." He said with a laugh, shaking his head. He remembered when he was small enough to ride on Glace's back, when they were younger. He had been on the small end until he was nearly two, but Glace had always been larger. "'specially little kids. He might be able to give you one at the party!" He said gently, grinning before he shifted on his paws gently. He knew the boy had noticed, and he smiled softly at the concern in his eyes. But it was really nothing that Ren should know about. He'd talk to the alphas later about it, Ren didn't have to be pulled into this mess.

"Oh, so this is your fi~rst birthday?"  He nearly sang, grinning brightly then. "We have something in common, though I've seen way more spring's than you have." He laughed then. "What should we do at the party, Ren. Any ideas? My sister, Locha, she can get us a feast of fish. Do you like fish?" He wanted to distract from the downward curve his emotions took, just a bit. He'd be happy again, each day a little longer than the last. But sometimes there were things that just...struck him, reminded him off his loss and his desperation and it took a lot not to bring everything down in the process. He was enjoying this chat, and he didn't want it to end so soon.




2 Years
12-28-2015, 01:16 AM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2015, 01:17 AM by Ren.)
Ren Agatsuma
If Glacier was as big as Ren remembered, Ren could believe every word Voltage said. The man was massive... and to be honest he had to giggle at the picture of him sitting on Glacier's back. He wasn't quite sure he was that tiny anymore. He remembered wanting to reach Glacier's size; he knew he wouldn't - he was smaller than his sister, who he didn't think was anywhere near Voltage's brother's height. Nevermind the fact that the boy was shorter than his sister, and Zephyra at that. Of course, Kait and Nixie were... munchkins compared to him and Zeph; they could walk right under them.

And he got side-tracked. Oops. Still, he heard all of the man's words - including the unspoken message of my business that was so gently delivered, simply by not touching on the subject. The boy would let it slide, of course; he did not know the king as well he did his won mother, and he certainly wasn't going to pry into the mind of the neighboring pack's ruler. Well, not most of the time.

He nodded again to Voltage's singing, chuckling softly. Yes, he was turning one... yes, Voltage was quite a bit older than him. "Fish? I've never had fish..." he confessed, head tilting at the yellow king. Okay, maybe he'll pick the brain just little bit... because who'd like fish? How would one even catch a fish? They were so fast in the water, after all... It seemed a bit odd. "Also, why a party in spring? Because it's your birthday, or is it because it's the start of new life?" He had once been told both - he remembered, vaguely, his mother being slightly religious, and she said spring was when the dead things in winter grew back, when they lived again. Trees would come back, and flowers too, and a lot more than he remembered seeing. It was all very exciting, and it would have Ren shifting on his paws in anticipation.




6 Years
12-28-2015, 09:14 AM

Voltage Elementas

Voltage would chuckle good humoredly down at the child, a gentle grin on his lips. Oh he loved children, he couldn't say that enough. Their innocence just...lifted his spirits. He'd shift again, looking out beyond the child as he seemed lost in thought, more than a little curious about his pack and who was all in it. He had never explored their territories and, now, he was scared that he wouldn't be allowed. But if the alphas were as kind as this child, then maybe he would be able to get himself a tour. But then again, you couldn't entirely judge the parents by the child. At least, not always.

He blinked back to himself when Ren spoke, and he quickly turned his full attention back to the child. It was something he was getting better at, giving all his attention to something. It kept his mind from wandering. Strange that he'd learn self control after something so awful. He blinked away the thought and smiled at the child. "You haven't had fish!? Well, its so tastey but it also has tiny bones so you gotta be careful when you eat it. But we got the prairie's too" He said, motioning behind him. "So if you don't like fish I'm sure we could get other things/" He'd laugh softly then, wondering who had been doing the hunting since he had been out of it. Ani, right? Wait, again, full attention Voltage. "Well, my family is very large and we have all been blessed with spring birthdays. So instead of figuring out the exact time of each litter's birth, we just have a massive birthday bash on our beach." He said with a grin. "But do I really need an excuse to hold a party? Spring is warm, the ocean will be lovely. Spring is the best season, I think. A happy birthday to us, and a welcome life." He said then, smiling at the end. He hoped Illie and Current would be home before the seasons change.




2 Years
12-28-2015, 09:39 AM
Ren Agatsuma
Ren would listen, completely focused on the male: he didn't seem to have much of a problem focusing, and never had; it just came naturally to him. As it was, his attention was focused on... the man in front of him who was just about the opposite of focused. Amusement quirked his lips as the king would blink rapidly, the attention shifting back to Ren. Ahh, the king had returned - and he was speaking.

Attentive - that was one word to describe the young boy as he listened with near rapture to Voltage's words, trying to picture all that was said - tiny bones in fish, how would one eat those? Carefully, he supposed. Some fish were only as big as his paw! Or so he thought, he could never make an exact comparison. He nodded eagerly; he wanted to try the fish, he did! Also, learn how to catch them. Then he and his family would never be hungry in the winter, not even a little bit!

Wait. His entire family? The way Voltage made it sound made it seem like... "How big is your family?" Ren blurted, eyes wide. Each litter? What? Ren blinked rapidly, shaking his head to cast off the bewilderment. "Wow," he muttered, staring at Voltage. "I've never seen the ocean," he commented sadly, before perking up. "But maybe I can see it soon! and the whole of spring, too. I don't remember much from when I was born." Hmm... new life, children? "Are wolves in your family having children during the spring?" he asked, curiosity in his voice as he did so. Nevermind the fact that it may not be too appropriate.
