
Friendly Faces

Marina I


7 Years
12-26-2015, 09:05 PM

There was a part of her heart that was raving with joy, and yet, there was another, that felt a tad bit guilty. Borealis was her pack, yes, but, in a sense, it wasn't. Cypress was a man who had let his hope leave him. He no longer wished to lead, no longer wished to carry on the legacy his wife had tried to build. They had been targeted it seemed, and, in the end, that seemed to break their former leader. Marina could still remember the fight, or what she had caught of it, and she felt horrid for seeing the woman fall in such a way. It was bloody... violent... and not at all pretty. There was no peace in that death, but perhaps the afterlife was kinder.

Marina was patrolling her borders that fine winter morning. Spring was getting close, and with it would come Cypress' retirement. He seemed to be hesitant about going after Sin now, mainly because of what his children had wanted. He was a good father, a good man, and Marina felt horrid that she was taking away his life. Sure he may not have wanted it... but was it right to receive it from him? It felt almost like her new life was handed to her on a silver platter.

Well, perhaps it had.

Marina had even chosen her heir, not that she was in any hurry to pass on the pack as Cypress was. Yet she wanted to be prepared. Wanted the future of Borealis to be secure. The femme would breathe in the crisp air, taking the time to glance around her home. This is where her babies had been born. Where she and Nako had met. She missed the male, hoping that all was well with him. Though they were not mates, they were a father and mother pair. It was something she appreciated deeply. Their children were, in her eyes, absolutely perfect.

Marina definitely knew she had to count her blessings. But as she patrolled the borders, she would consider the scent that lingered on them. Just on the other side, rather, was another pack. The scent was one she recognized as well. It had been... quite some time since she'd seen the owner of that scent. The femme would pause, furrowing her brow in thought.

Perhaps it was time to meet again. Throwing her head back Marina would let out her song, calling the man; Voltage.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

Table by:: Briena

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



6 Years
12-28-2015, 01:28 AM

Voltage Elementas

Ears perked when a call for him rang through the air. He blinked slowly, one brow bone raising slowly in confusion. Someone was calling for him? That was strange...that was rare. That was, well, kind of welcomed right now. He was bored, which was also a nice feeling. He couldn't remember when he was bored, and that meant that his brain had fianlly managed to stop and rest. It was strange, he had never liked being bored before. But maybe...maybe this was a good thing. Shaking the thought from his head, he looked towards the call before two thoughts struck him at the same time. One, that was coming from the direction of that little blue prince's pack. Two...maybe they knew something of illie!

Jolting to his paws, he burst through the packlands, bounding towards the call. His hopeful eyes took in the female standing at the border, searching around to see if the white little pup of his dreams were at his side, and he couldn't help but feel immense disappointment when she wasnt there. He faultered in his steps, slowing down before looking back at the woman. He blinked, first confusion replacing the disappointment and then recognition. "Oh! Aren't you a sight for sore eyes!" He called over the distance, a smile touching his face when he recognized his friend. So, that's a nice thing isn't it. He couldn't help but grin as he ate the rest of the distance between the two.

"This is sure a surprise! We're neighbors." He laughed brightly, grinning at the woman as he stood on Dono's side to the border, stormy eyes shining and not an ounce of his earlier disappointment shining in them. "How've you been little lady." He said with a smirk and a chuckle, though she stood above him. But then again, he was used to it.


Marina I


7 Years
01-04-2016, 10:11 PM

Marina was not left waiting long. It was kind of funny how long she’d been neighbors with the black and yellow male, yet she had not called for him yet. It was overdue for certain, and curiosity burned within her mind. What had changed since they last met? Had his family grown? Did he have pups of his own? The thought that her children could potentially meet others hopefully close to their own age was an exciting prospect. Sure there had been Cypress’ brood... But they seemed to be on their way out.

She would not miss the moment of disappointment that first registered in his eyes. He seemed to be looking for someone, and Marina couldn’t help but feel a stab of guilt that she did not have whomever it was with her. It might not have been her fault, but surely the woman could sympathize with disappointment. It had been crossing her face more and more each day. It seemed... It seemed Spencer had disappeared completely... And that broke Marina’s heart.

But now was not the time for grieving. As the man recognized her Marina couldn’t help but let a smile cross onto her face. It was indeed wonderful news -- being neighbors with someone you knew. Someone you were on friendly terms with. It seemed that the disappointment that was once in Voltage’s eyes had fled, He would come to stop on Donostrea’s side of the border. The femme’s tail would begin to wag behind her, gaze bright as she looked at him.

“A surprise indeed.” The woman would coo softly, her smile widening. "Glad that we can meet again at last.” Marina would let out a light laugh.

“Oh you know, I’ve been alright. Fighting my inner demons, raising a litter of little ones, becoming an alpha...” Her tone was a bit teasing. It wasn't all sunshines and daisies for certain, but she was a happy femme. “How about you?”

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Fox

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



6 Years
01-06-2016, 03:11 AM

Voltage Elementas

Voltage wouldn't let his previous disappointment color his meeting with the rainbow woman he had befriended so long ago. He was able to feel it so vividly and then let it pass before he had even stopped walking. His eyes shone brightly as he grinned his signature grin, shifting and fidgetting on paws that had never known how to stay still. He wanted to ask her all sorts of questions, wanted to know what had happened in her life. He wanted to share what had happened in his, wanted to tell her everything. He was quite amazed that a little chance meeting on an island off his coach, and a little teasing could lead to something that he cherished as a friendship. They hadn't even met since then, and yet he greeted her like an old friend! And, truly, she felt like it.

At her teasing voice, he laughed himself and leaned forward before leaning back again. "Oh, you know. About the same." He said with a cheeky grin before he looked down. His smile would slowly fade before he cleared his throat slightly. "Actually I just...lost my daughters. The ocean has not been kind to us this year..." He said softly, keeping the story short as he looked up at her, smiling sadly. "But my brother, Glacier. He just had children. Our pack will be full of little feet again." He said with a small laugh, shifting his gaze to the side then before he remembered something. "Oh! I met your little prince the other day. Ren, sweet boy. Very professional. I'm sure he's your protege? He certainly has have blue on you right?" He asked with a cheeky grin, leaning to the side as if to see her fur colors to try and find the blue that resembled the young prince.


Marina I


7 Years
01-06-2016, 05:55 AM

At first it seemed only playful banter awaited them. When Voltage responded it made Mari’s heart feel warm. She had befriended this man in one meeting, and certainly it was a cherished meeting. At the time she’d been lost, truly lost, with Lydovne’s fall and all... But Voltage had showed her that not all wolves were out to get her as she thought. That the world was not her enemy. His kindness that day had been the first strike in forging what looked to be a strong friendship, withstanding even time.

It had been far too long since she’d seen him, and seeing his smile fade had the woman’s heart pang once more. He had lost his daughters... The ocean...? Had one of them drowned within the waves? More than one perhaps? Marina’s own smile would fade, and she’d speak softly. “I’m very sorry to hear that...” Perhaps, if he had been looking so expectantly only to become crestfallen, had he been looking for one of his children?

Voltage would continue on, saying that his brother Glacier had children. Now it was Mari’s turn to smile sadly. “It seems we’ve both lost something in our time apart. My own brother seems to have gone missing...” She’d shake her head. “But that is great news on Glacier’s behalf! It’s wonderful to hear that he has had little ones.”

It surprised her to learn that Ren had already met with Voltage. She would let out a warmhearted laugh, her spirits lifting once more. “Yes, he is. Our Polaris, as Borealis calls it. You know it’s ironic, Voltage...” Mari’s gaze would soften as she recalled the day she first discovered Ren. “He’s not actually mine. I found him as but a babu when my girls were born. His eyes were still closed and I fell in love with him at first sight. I’ve raised him as nothing short of my own and it seems the two of us share the strongest bond, blood or no blood.” She would switch the topic again, smile fading again.

"Voltage... not to pick at wounds but... are your daughters merely missing or...?" The femme would dip her head apologetically. "I could keep an eye and an ear out for them." Her voice was a gentle offer.

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]