
Acting Out



4 Years
Extra large
12-29-2015, 11:33 AM (This post was last modified: 12-29-2015, 11:41 AM by Artemis.)

Alright, so... Maybe she was being bad. Daddy had been very clear, telling them not to wander too far from the den, because there were scary things out in the wilderness. But Artemis was not so young that she didn't recognize him running himself ragged to keep the monsters away, so really she was just putting her faith in him! Right? Becuase how many monsters could even be left with the work he'd been doing? Artemis was trotting through the tranquil forest with her tail held high. This place was awesome anyways and maybe her Daddy had never even seen it before! She'd bet her butt that Iskra hadn't, or even her extra stupid sister Leto. Boy, the look on their faces when she brought them here for the first time, she couldn't wait! She'd be able to brag for days on end, and she planned on it. Before that happened though, well... She had a bit of a problem.

Artemis had no idea where she was. I mean sure she had a general sense of how long she'd been walking for but the trail she'd taken wasn't a trail so much as it was meandering swirling mess. She could be twenty yards from familiar ground, or twenty bazillion miles! She didn't know, and she was only a little bit scared. Not actually scared of course because that was for babies and she was NOT a baby, but she did really want to go home. The blue fae sat down with a huff and looked around. Maybe if she just hung around for a while someone would find her! That seemed like a good idea, so she settled for that and was promptly distracted by an unusually large butterfly meandering its way through the clearing.

"Talk" "You" Think
Artemis' family members are always allowed in her threads!