
white daisy passing


08-20-2014, 06:39 PM

Whatever Lorelei had expected to find when she left her home, this was not it. The thought of chasing her mother had enticed Lorelei, coaxing her from her home shortly before she reached a year of age - and now she found herself in a massive, unexplored world. Why, the possibilities were endless! She had years to find her mother - and years to explore this continent from tip to tip. The thought made Lorelei giggle to herself, white and gray tail wagging enthusiastically as she skipped along.

She was as lost as anything, and had no idea how to get anywhere, but the thought didn't exactly get her down. With nowhere to go, she didn't see any problem with her current state. It wasn't like she was in any rush to figure out where she was, at any rate. Lorelei was only a year old, which meant she had plenty of time to sort out her life. And that, of course, meant that she wasn't going to get started any time soon. The girl was full of energy, but she rarely put that energy towards the 'right' thing.

With nowhere to go, and no rush to get anywhere in particular, of course Lorelei was running. Her dappled paws carried her across the earth, and the girl raced herself, thundering forward. Whatever noises she made were not quieted; even her laughs carried far on the still, quiet summer day. And it was not until Lorelei was completely exhausted that she slowed down - even this, however, she did with gusto.

One moment, the yearling was sprinting, and the next she was sprawled out in the grass, legs sticking straight up in the air as her tongue hung from her maw. Panting heavily, the girl remained in that strange position, waiting to regain her breath. This was fantastic! No rules, no mothers telling her to 'be careful,' no bedtimes - in these moments, Lorelei was a little girl who had just gone to her first summer camp. She was reveling in the freedom that she had suddenly discovered, and enjoying every moment of her new life.




5 Years
08-21-2014, 11:40 PM

Canta was wandering, as it seemed she was want to do from time to time. Right now she just had to get out of the pack, had to escape for a while; the summer had brought with it her second year of life and her first season of heat. It almost felt like she could feel it rolling off her in waves and left her feeling rather uncomfortable? most of the time. There was another feeling all together when she thought of Mercury? one that honestly scared her more than anything. If he stomach had fluttered at the thought of him before, now it was ready to fly away all together.
Shaking those thoughts from her mind the young Destruction picked her way across the territory, ears perked and nose twitching to make sure she no one snuck up upon her. A gay laugh echoed through the air and black cranium lifted, emerald optics scanning for the source. With a few more careful steps the girl found herself watching a dappled grey and white female racing across the flat expanse.
One moment the girl was flying across the terrain and the next... Canta blinked scanning furiously before wavering limbs caught her attention. Frowning she trotted forwards, calm words weighing upon her tongue. ?Are you alright?? She stood a few feet from the girl, an eyebrow quirked up as she watched the strange yearling.


Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire, Thank you Nine!
[Image: oLGAaTF.png]


08-23-2014, 02:10 PM

One moment, Lore was sprawled out on the ground, completely alone and in love with it all - and the next, well, Lore found herself staring into brilliantly colored emerald eyes. There was someone else there. Caught off guard by this, the girl remained still for a moment, frozen as her mind worked through what was happening; she was no longer as alone as she had thought she would be. Suddenly, there was company. Another moment of confusion passed before Lore managed to react, however.

"Oh!" Lore leaped to her paws, tail wagging joyously as she gazed at the ebony colored female. "Yeah, I'm great! How are you?" The girl questioned, head cocking slightly to the side. A thousand questions burst into her mind, but Lore bit her tongue for a moment, struggling to allow the other the time to react to her questions.

Aaaand that lasted about five seconds. "My name is Lorelei! But you can call me Lore, if you want! Who are you? Do you live around here? What's it like?" The steady stream of questions was interrupted only when Lore needed to take a breath, and only then did she hesitate, gazing at the other wolf - the first that she had sen in these strange lands.




5 Years
08-30-2014, 10:44 PM

The girl seemed frozen for a moment and Canta shifted uncomfortably, unsure exactly what to do when the dappled female suddenly jumped up. With an exclamation she was on her paws, tail beating against the air and Canta took a small step back. The girl was yammering and Canta struggled to keep up, taking a moment to even begin forming an answer. ?I?m ah-? But then the yearling was speaking again. Canta watched wide eyed and feeling all the more awkward with each passing moment.
A stream of questions spewed from the girl?s mouth and Canta had to take another moment, briefly using it to once more gaze over the girl, making a mental note of her distinctive eye color. (Gee where had she seen that before?) The girl finally stopped, taking a breath and Canta took her chance to interject. ?Canta.? She offered up her name before mentally running through the other questions. ?Yes I do, it?s not bad. I live mostly with my family, which has its own ups and downs.?


Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire, Thank you Nine!
[Image: oLGAaTF.png]


08-31-2014, 08:13 AM

Canta. Lorelei tested the name out mentally, sounding it out inside her head as she eyed the other. She was promptly distracted from this effort on Lore's part to memorize the other's name when Canta spoke again, referencing a family. Lore felt almost jealous in that moment, but that passed as swift as a summer storm. There was no room for jealousy to stick around in this happy girl. "What's your family like?" Lore questioned, head tilting slightly to the side as she examined Canta.

In an impressive display of self-control, Lore remained silent to allow Canta a chance to respond before opening her maw to say anything else. Family was something that she actually was curious about; something that she was rather sensitive about. She knew that her mother had not been the wolf who birthed her, but that didn't mean that Lethilan wasn't her mother, right? Family was confusing. And maybe Canta's family had similar issues.

Somehow, Lore doubted it. Still, she wasn't about to let that get her down. "Wait, is your family big? I've always wanted a big family." Her voice was bright and Lore found her tail wagging at the thought. What if she had a giant family? It would be fantastic! And someday, Lore knew, she would find her mother and the rest of her family. It was only a matter of time.