



4 Years
12-31-2015, 08:29 PM

Of course her first thoughts went to her twin when she returned, well after she had finally snapped out of it and had stopped saying sorry over and over and over. In truth her starry sibling had not been very high the list of things at the forefront of her mind. Glacier’s news of the lost child had pushed most things down a few ranks in truth. Still they were the celestial triplets in their sibling’s eyes and she’d be remiss to overlook her sister in the end. The sun was a star after all, and she did orbit it.

So she had set out across the pack lands to locate her starred sister, though her she had other motives with her need to reacquaint herself with the pack lands. So she padded through the long grasses, pale orbs turning skywards occasionally as she gazed upon the night sky for the first time in such a long time… not that it mattered yet, her moon would not be visible quite yet. Still if the stars were out maybe her sister would be too.


[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png]



5 Years
12-31-2015, 09:16 PM

Astrea true to her word to Voltage had been away mostly. She was constantly searching for little Illume, so much so that she had slowly started to decay in her health. She was much thinner and paler than she was before her nieces loss and frankly she was not nearly done looking. No she would not give up on the light of the pack, she would search for her until she is found or she falls over dead...

Astrea pulled her weary body back home, her mind still focusing on those locations she had already look along the coast... She had not moved far in the hope that the current had not pulled her off to sea and brought the pup back to land but had not found head nor tail of the child... Astrea could not help but feel and little discouraged but unlike her beloved brother she would not let that feeling consume her, she will never give up on little Illume. But with that in mind she again needed a little rest and food, and Zori needed rest as well, the poor bird seemed to be as determined as Astrea was to find the girl and was flying herself into the ground.

Astrea hummed to herself as the cool night seemed to grow colder as the wind pelted her face, she felt Zori's protest as she burrowed deeper into Astrea's fur. The Star Dreamer closed her eyes and faced into the wind, letting it hit her fur and think about what she was to do next. She would take a few days to recoup and then she would go north to the beaches closer to the volcano, with that she would be gone for a little bit longer than her current trips where... But she was willing to give up parts of her life for the family, she was willing to give everything up just so that Voltage got his happiness back...

Her feathers rustled as the wind shifted again and another scent slammed into her. She gasped, her eyes snapping open as she turned and saw the figure walking through the field toward her. Her eyes widened as she realized what her nose was telling her. "Selini," Astrea whispered to herself as the moon dancer moved closer without seeing her star speckled sister. Astrea did not move her sister came right upon her and then she spoke loud enough for the other to hear. "Welcome home sister."



4 Years
01-01-2016, 04:18 PM

It occurred to her as she was walking that maybe she ought to try and clean herself up… she was sure she still looked like hell, she felt it for sure.   Damn She wished she had thought of that earlier. She was just about to stop and settle down for a much needed grooming session when the voice of her sister made her jump. She scanned for her sister, finally picking out her star dotted form. Astrea’s words finally clicked and she felt a small tired smile rise to her face.

"Good to be back." She shuffled for a moment, unsure exactly how to proceed. She settled upon her haunches with a sigh and gazed out at her sister. In truth Astrea looked about as good as Selini felt. "I’m sorry for any worry I may have caused you… Glacier has filled me in on what happened since I left and I’m sorry I couldn’t be here to help… I should have-" But what could she have done? A pack full of wolves had still not been able to locate her lost niece…

"I just wish I could have met her… "


[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png]



5 Years
01-01-2016, 07:53 PM

Astrea could not help but smile at her moon sister. She seemed to go right into the explanation on the goings on of the pack and remorse on her not being here for them all. Which Astrea understood, hell, if she had not come home when she did she would have miss all that drama too. "No need to say anymore sister. I understand the need to leave for a while, to find your own path..." Astrea smiled at her then, here pale eyes shinning. "I too had made my own way, that is how I got my new additions to my fur, I know you could not have missed them." She swished her tail causing the three feathers on them to flow to the movement. "I have one for each of our siblings, so that they are always close, yours is in its rightful place next to Sol's"

With her thoughts turned back to little Illume Astrea understood the need and want to have done something more, do anything to make it right... That is what she was doing, she was out trying to find the child. "No sister, there was nothing more that you could have done, do not worry to much, we will find her, I will find her, even if I die trying." A distant look came to Astrea's eyes as she turned her head up, she thought about the few moments she had with little Illume, she had been confused and hurt that she was not allowed to do anything. She had felt smothered by Volt's protectiveness. Astrea had tried to free the girl as much as she could but the damage had already been done, Astrea had failed Volt's girls by not protecting their spirits like she should have. If Astrea had been with the pack at their birth could she have change the outcome? Would the girls have been exploring this very field instead of the sea?

The Star Dreamer shock her head then, knowing that even if things had been different but what is is, and she could not change it now even if she wished it on the brightest star in the sky. "I think you would have liked her." Astrea turned from the sky her head tilting to her sister. "She is fawned of our spot, always wanting to get close to the light, like I try to get closer to the stars."

"She reminded me of us when we where her age. but mostly of you... She is vocal about her wants and outgoing where Sol and I are not. I just wish we could find her and bring her home, the family is missing the light we did not know we needed until her birth..." Astrea gave the Moon Dancer a very piercing look then. "Just like we found that we needed the bright glow of the moon when she left, as they needed the stars to guide when I went... Everyone of our family is needed and important to the health and happiness of the family and we only learn that when they are gone."

Astrea got up then, moving to her sister, the one that she found that she was miss like the sun missed it. She may not be a star like Sol was, but she did share the night with her where Sol was not able to, The stars and moons where companions where the sun was not. When she was close to her sister she nuzzled her neck showing Selini that her words where true, that she was missed and loved, even by the stars.




4 Years
01-02-2016, 12:19 PM

In truth she had not really remarked on the feather’s adorning her sister’s pelt till Astrea drew attention to them directly. As her sister explained the vixen couldn’t help the smile that rose to her lips, it helped to put her mind at ease a bit that in spirit at least she had been right there alongside her siblings.  That thought soured some though as the reality of where she had been hit her again and the smile faded just as quickly as it had risen.

Astrea spoke words of comfort that Selini took with an appreciative smile though they did little to quell the guilt bubbling inside her. She should have been here… should have seen them at the very least. As it was now she was even less than useless in the search, she would not know who she was looking for even if she stepped upon the lost girl. With each word spoken on her missing family the moon goddess crumpled even more upon herself. Dammit, even if my family forgives me can I ever forgive myself? She was mentally beating herself up.

Tilting her head she peered up at her sister as she continued to speak. The mention of her own absence gave her a strange twinge and she dropped her gaze again as the starry woman fell into silence. It wasn’t till she felt the contact against her neck that she looked up again. Leaning into the nuzzle she thought of how even when her precious moon was gone as it was now the sky would be filled stars, little bits of light when there might otherwise not be.

"I missed you." She whispered almost ashamed of the truth behind it. Astrea had never seen the attention Selini reserved for her brother and the knowledge of that was almost as painful as all she had missed during that year she had been gone. It almost felt odd, she felt like she ought to be teasing the star child for the sentiment and yet here she was buying right into it.


[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png]