
don't you think that its boring how people talk



3 Years
08-20-2014, 05:17 PM

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She'd heard talk of an island off the coasts of the main land mass, called Frost Island. So, of course, the babe had to visit. She had to see if it was a land worth claiming as her own. Surely, she could make it her home base, and take the rest of her family there. Once she found them. Tea cupped paws were coming to fit her long, slender limbs quite well, and she was less prone to tripping over things. That is, when she saw them. Things like pebbles, and roots, still prompted her to fall face first into the dirt. Petite was coming to be the one word that could be accurately used to describe Acadia now.
Long limbs churned the warming waters of the salty sea, approaching the island she was oh so curious about. As she got closer, the waters became much cooler, and scraped icy nails along her flanks, biting through her thick pelt. She was eager to get onto dry land, and see the sights of her namesake island. Soon, her claws scraped against the pebbles on the sea floor, and she began wading onto the beach. Thinning coat clung to her gangly, lean frame and dripped frigid water all over the shores. The patchwork girl started to shake out her coat, ridding herself of the cumbersome weight added by the aqua. Finally, the droplets that fell from her bodice became few and far between, coat becoming shaggy and fluffy from the rushed air dry. Grinning broadly, the lass looked over what she might decide to choose as a ground zero. Toxic pools drank in the ice bound land around her, deciding she rather liked it. Frost island. It had a nice ring to it. She rather liked that she could share her name with her home, by mere coincidence. "Yes, I like it." She would hum to herself, small paws beginning to pull her forward as she surveyed her new home. She could surely bring everyone else here, and they could live happily on their own island.
Double dipped banner swung jovially across her heels, the lanky girl growing quite tall already and nearly up there at her father's height. Narrow shoulders and hips lent her a frame that could easily be known as a lupine bean pole, and she wouldn't be getting very much bigger at all. Coming further inland, the youngster came across a horde of massive hoof prints, pointing to at least one large herd of elk on the island. How did they get here? She wondered to herself, looking off in the direction the tracks led. She would track them down later, and see how many there were. Curiosity is what mainly ran her life, and dictated that she wander where she pleased, saw the sights she desired to see. Pausing at the edges of a frost covered forest, she lifted her head to stare up at the bowed, ice locked branches just above her head. If she could just... Forelimbs would gingerly rise away from the freezing terra that nipped at her pads, hind limbs bearing most of her weight as she rose up to get a better view of the frozen flora. Leathery sensor would soon brush against the cold, dewy ice surrounding the boughs of the conifer, and she sneezed instinctively. The act brought her crashing backwards, the force of her shocked expulsion of air making her tumble right back onto her rump.
Frowning, she would narrow her eyes at the shining conifer. Well then, now she was definitely curious. Propelling herself back onto her hind legs, she peeled her lips back from her teeth, nipping at the bud of flora and latching onto it. She tugged at the branch, but it remained intact. A small, playful growl would erupt from her maw, gurgling past her clenched teeth as she pulled a little harder. Without warning, the whole branch snapped under the weight. An ice locked branch fell straight down on top of the patchwork girl, and it wasn't long before she was flattened under the weight. All four limbs would stick straight up in the air like she was a piece of road kill, and the heavy bough laid itself over her head, and all the way back down to her tail. Flailing her legs wildly about, she barked and yipped in surprise. She had been attacked by a rogue tree! Now would be a good time for some help! She decided, finding herself stuck.

Fenben made me this here arts, thank you Fenben!