
I Need You To Believe...


01-04-2016, 07:43 PM

Things were... Stressful. Spring had finally come, and with it so would Rivaxorus’ exit from Borealis. He figured Razor and ‘ponine were as good as gone as well. His daughter had come to him saying that they were thinking about leaving with Riv. If it weren’t for Holly, deciding to stand by him despite her friend wanting her to go directly to Abaven. Right now Cypress was torn. He wasn’t sure what to do anymore. Should he go after Sin? Should he go to Fiori with his children? He was lost, so very, very lost... And he could feel his will coming to an end.

The will to lead. The will to carry on. Cypress had certainly fallen into a depression. He wasn’t sure what to do with himself... He’d lost all sense of purpose in life. He missed Arian. He missed his old life. He knew that he was never meant to lead. He was meant to be a shield, a guardian... And he had failed at even that. What would his father think of him? His mother? Surely they would be disappointed... And truthfully Cy was disappointed even in himself.

He would come back to the den that night with an empty heart. Cypress had been eating less. Partly out of depression and partly because it was a pain to eat, since Valentine broke some of them in the fight for Avalon. A... “fight”. Hell, apparently Akemi had done more against the male than he had... And even she hadn’t been able to get a scrape on him. Cypress felt... Useless. He would flop to the earth, ears pinned against his skull, his eyes shimmering with tears.

He.... He missed Arian. She was his better half, his hope, his strength. Without her here he felt like he was just a shell... An empty man... And until he discovered purpose again that wasn’t likely to change.

Perhaps it was that the man was afraid of change itself. He would close his eyes tightly, giving a pitiful whine. He’d curl up into a tight ball, feeling the coldness of the empty den tonight more than ever. Sleep was long in coming, but finally it would settle over the man... Bringing a sense of calm.

He would appear in a place of dreams, a place so very far from Borealis’ lands. His eyes were still closed, and he’d twitch in the dreamworld, uneasy as nightmares plagued his mind.

Only the sweet kiss of an angel could wake him.




4 Years
01-05-2016, 12:52 PM

"What are we doing today really?" She could have sworn yesterday Itsume had come to speak with her. Stretching out her limbs she sighed, ignoring the voice until whoever it was had wandered off. In this place also just considered the after life, she had never felt so alive. All of her limbs worked just fine and there was no pain. While she didn't know what was happening in the other world. It suddenly dawned on her someone who was living had wandered into this meadow.

Her paws would carry her to his form, sleeping in a field. His form was sort of glowing, almost like she could touch him but he was at a lengths away. She smiled for a moment, he looked pained in his sleep. Perhaps to some end she could fix that. As she pressed her nose to his cheek, nudging gently at the male. "Cypress, open your eyes." she told him. Her crystal blue eyes sparkling a bit.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


01-20-2016, 05:37 PM

Cypress would stir as someone gently nosed at his cheek. A voice infiltrated his ears and his bicolored eyes would flicker open, settling upon the form of the woman he missed most. There were no words spoken as Cypress rose, wrapping himself around her form. He paid no heed to his own state, only longed to hold her close. She felt warm, as warm as the day she had left for the battlefield. Cy would feel tears start to form in his eyes, a soft whine escaping him.

“Arian...” Cy whimpered. He could hardly believe he was seeing her again. Was this a dream? Heaven? Cy would give a small shudder. He wasn’t sure what to think, what to feel. He was happy yes... But...

“Am I...?” He couldn’t bring himself to finish the sentence, holding onto Arian close. He wasn’t sure what to think anymore. He was just glad he got to see her again, regardless of the circumstance.
