
Adopt a Beauchene



2 Years
01-04-2016, 11:40 PM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2016, 08:28 PM by Estelle.)
I decided it's finally time to try and bring Estelle's family to Ala... or rather most of her siblings since they were actually fleeing from their father.

So the story so far: 

Danniell Beauchene was a promising young heir to a pack, a brutish war lord he expanded his power by force. He was however, as rumor went, charming and charismatic and well loved by those he ruled if not those he conquered. It was by that charm that he won over the heart of Lisette Labelle the daughter of an alpha he had just overthrown. He agreed to play by the rules of her pack's courtship, which required months of continues courting. The pair were well liked by Danniell's subjects and their marriage was assured long before the ritual actually finished.  

It was only mere months after their marriage that Lisette became pregnant and shortly after that she bore her first litter. Three healthy pups were born, two males and one female. As soon as the pups could walk in a straight line the training began, Danniell swore he'd never allow his children to be weak. The training was intensive, weakness and failure were not an option. 

A year later Lisette gave birth to their second litter, three girls this time named for the sun, moon and stars respectively. These girls were put through the same training as their older siblings, all of them flourished into great warriors beneath their father... all except the runt of the second litter Estelle. She was often the subject of her father's ire which only grew as he began to experience failure in his conquests. 

Finally one day he snapped completely and attacking his daughter impaired her permanently, taking a leg from her. It was only through the care of her mother that she didn't fall victim to infection. Things grew worse for the family as Danniell became more and more violent towards them, though Estelle bore the brunt of his anger. 

Finally at a year old she managed an escape with the help of her siblings. 

-- Estelle leaves for Ala--

Having lost his favorite punching bag Danniell's disposition soured even more. During an argument with their mother he removed one of her eyes. Though she would survive the fight Lisette would later sub come to infection and passed away. It was then that the children decided they would be better off  away from him and so hatched a plan to gradually all escape. 

Well almost all. It was realized that in order for them to avoid their father tracking them all down one would have to stay, sacrifice for the good of the group. Finally after much debate (in which the younger litter were outright told they would not be allowed to stay) the only girl of the first litter Pierretta would remain behind to allow for her siblings to escape. 

And so the remaining children all escaped, leaving at separate times with the agreement to meet up later so they could all travel together to track down their wayward sister. 

Onto the designs: 

[Image: Ambroise%20full%20size_zpsbesgbyr6.png]
Ambroise, Male - 3 years old

[Image: Burkett%20full%20size_zpsrf3bpikv.png]
Burkett, Male -3 years old

[Image: Soleil%20full%20size_zps9oiau5yw.png]
Soleil, Female -2 years old
A bit hard to tell but Soleil has turquoise eyes, a bit darker than Estelle's.

[Image: Lunette%20full%20size_zpsw2xg8ugz.png]
Lunette, Female -2 years old


  1. I expect those that adopt these guys to be active with them, failure to be active can result in my taking them back and re-adopting them out. As I see fit! 
  2. The Beauchene family would only have a rudimentary understanding of the common language (english) upon arrival at Alacritia. The siblings speak french as their first language and I'd like to see this reflected in posting. They may pick up english through development but none of them will grasp it immediatly. 
  3. As an extension of this rule, please include translations in your posts when using french. I have a hover code for those who'd like it. 
  4. Designs and names are not negotiable, sorry. 
  5. Birth season should be winter for all!
The code: 
[b]OOC Name:[/b]
[b]Applying for:[/b] (Name of the wolf you wanna apply for here)

[b]Height:[/b] (Should be in the medium to large range, will consider extra large though)
[b]Alignment:[/b] Lawful good to Chaotic neutral
[b]Personality:[/b] Site word count requirements apply
[b]RP Sample:[/b]Site word count requirements apply

[b]Any plans?[/b] Once your character gets here what will they get up too?

Currently no closing date so go nuts!

Estelle only has a rudimentary understanding of the common language, her mother tongue is French

[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]



6 Years
01-10-2016, 12:20 PM
OOC Name: Secret

Applying for: Soleil

Height: Large, 36in

Alignment: Nutral good

Personality: Soleil, though very sweet can also be quite the sarcastic pain in the rear when irritated. The easiest way to irritate or piss this girl off is to mess with her siblings. She will defend them with her life if she has to. Harming her family will bring out a level of crulety that no one thought possible of such a sweet energetic wolf. Much like her father, she hates failure so she works hard to keep from failing. Unlike her father she would sooner help somone who is stuggling than maim them. A bit of a hopeless romantic who flirts alot and eventually wants lots of pups.

RP Sample: The girl had been traveling with her siblings for quite some time. Tired and hungry the rabbit that darted away had easily cought her attention. "je reviens tout de suite!" she would call out telling her siblings that she would be right back. She didnt stick around long enough to hear anything they may have said.

She darted away from the others in pursuit of the rabbit. Quickly and quietly, Soleil would track it from the last place she had seen it. It was easy to to find the rabbit catching it however was a completely a different story. It was fast and could turn more easily than she could, and it had a body guard.

Just as her jaws were about to clamp down on the animal that should have been lunch another set of jaws were snapping in her face. Startled the mostly white she-wolf slid to a stop. The moment she realized she had been intercepted by another wolf she was half infuriated and half charmed. Furious that she had lost her meal she'd started growling at him. Que se passe-t-il! Ce fut mon déjeuner vous..." what the hell! That was my lunch you was cut off the moment she realized how handsome he was.

"Look lady, you cant eat my companion. Find something else to eat." his words would bring her out of her examination of his very muscular, very attractive chest and shoulders and would receive a confused look. Her head would tilt to the side and her ears would perk toward him. She had no idea what he had just said, but what she did know was that he had really pretty purple eyes. "Je suis désolé, je ne parle pas l'anglais" she would apologize and tell him she didnt speak english only to be met with the same look she had given him. A sigh would escape her as she tried to remember how to tell this gorgeous man that she couldnt speak his language.

With a thick French accent she would stumble through a few words he could understand only to fall back into her mother tongue to say she could speak was french "No...No English, juste Français" he would put his paw over the rabbit and shake his head "Mine, no eating" with that said he turned and walked away with lunch following him while she stood there trying to figure out what the hell it was he said.

Any plans? other than to find her sister, its still a work in progress.



2 Years
01-13-2016, 08:27 PM
And Secret gets Soleil!

No rush to get her up and running as none of the other siblings have been adopted out yet but I can help develop a reason they may have split up if you wish to bring her in soon.

Estelle only has a rudimentary understanding of the common language, her mother tongue is French

[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]



2 Years
01-20-2016, 01:56 PM
OOC Name: Blueberry

Applying for: Burkett

Height: 36 inches

Alignment: Neutral Good


RP Sample:Site word count requirements apply

Any plans? Once your character gets here what will they get up too?