
I must confess



7 Years
Extra large
01-05-2016, 12:50 PM

These woods seemed to be a nice place to relax now that spring had rolled around. Quelt was only just getting used to having half of his vision. As his paws carried himself carefully through the trees, their long spindly blue leaves brushing over the top of his body. He raised his head, single eye looking out to take in his surroundings. Since he had been going from place to place, it was always the most boring mundane of things. Well, all he was really trying to do now was survive. Leaving behind the scars of the past was not easy.

He settled down into the warmer dirt, not daring to close his eyes or taking his senses off alert. There was always something behind his shoulder - and if that woman had so much as followed him here. He'd make it his mission in life to make sure she stayed away from Abaven and the kids. Quelt had not gone back because he trust them to take care of them. He had all but abandoned his own identity. He was useless otherwise, there was no going back or making amends for his decision otherwise.




11 Years
Dragon Mod
01-10-2016, 01:21 AM

It had only been a few days now. A few days since he walked away from his old life from one pack, and into a new one with new opportunities. In all honesty, that new step had been a complete game changer. He had someone to take care of, someone that needed him. Someone that should have been depending on someone else, but instead, she was depending on him now. Not that he minded, after all, he wanted to be someone she could depend on. But today, he would leave her to practice her skills with one of her pack members while he went out on a walk. Left alone with his thoughts, the tall male stalked quietly with all the grace of a shadow as his thoughts began to wander towards his brother. He was none too pleased with him, and he wondered what would happen if he found him. A low growl rumbled in his throat. Whatever the reason for leaving, it wasn't right that he had chosen to abandon his child. No, children. But it seemed, they had all disappeared without a trace.

He would return soon, but first he needed to try and clear his head from these distracting and ill thoughts. But of course, it wouldn't happen. Out of nowhere, a familiar scent would cross his path. Scarred gaze would lift, ears flattening slightly as he lashed his tail. Teeth baring slightly as he loped forward at a quickened pace. It did not take him long to find his target, a low growl audible as he came up from behind him. Crimson gaze narrowed on his brothers form as he lied in the dirt, Kakashi's shadow falling across him. "So this is where you've been? Laying around in the dirt while your kid is all alone? You're a fucking idiot Quelt!" His voice was none too kind, in fact, he was very pissed off with his brother. Here he was, and he doubted that his brother had a very good explanation. And even then, Kakashi didn't care. He waited a moment to see what his brother would say.




7 Years
Extra large
01-10-2016, 01:58 AM

It seemed wounds would still burn as some scent filled his nose. His ears swiveling back as he listened to the harsh voice. His paws found themselves twitching, as well as his scarred face when he tried to put two and two together. It almost felt as if he had forgotten all sense of who he was regardless. What really had the damage of the others around done to him, and what was he left with to be a wolf only eating, drinking, escaping. A shell of what previously was. His hefty body was left skinnier than it used to be, with no pack to support him and abuse causing his muscle slightly to be sore if he over worked them too much. Finally his head turned and his body faced his brother. Showing off the glossy eye as Quelt tried to focus on him. A painful smile appearing on his maw - so he was safe then. And from what he took it his children too, well that was a given, they were in Abaven.

"Ahhh.... Kakashi. I never thought I'd hear your voice again. This entire time no, but an idiot yes I am. So.... they are well. In Abaven their home? Because I.... I'm not strong enough." he didn't think it would make him this emotional. He didn't think it would be this painful. He was swindled - and he didn't want to be the one to tell his kids their mother was a devious devil. Hell, maybe his brother should have seen through it. "I don't need to explain, because - you wouldn't believe me right? If you've been taking care of them I thank you. They should remember their parents as they were, not as they are now." he bit down in his bitter tears. Shaking his head as he opened his jaws to take in a intake of oxygen. "Heaven's forbid I wasn't able to stop her, I still can't bring myself to forgive her brother! I love her and.... she just.... she used me. She used them to get to me." his single eye dilated for a moment. Quelt looked at Kakashi - he truly searched for some sort of guidance. For a mentally physically broken man. Maybe he needed punishment - maybe he needed to be abandoned again. He couldn't he couldn't do anything worse than what he had been doing. Just making sure she stayed away.




11 Years
Dragon Mod
01-10-2016, 03:00 AM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2016, 03:08 AM by Kakashi.)

He waited. And his brother wouldn't immediately acknowledge him. His eyes narrowed when Quelt finally did turn around, and Kakashi wasn't amused. In Abaven? Where else would they be? He snorted, tail lashing as his fur bristled. What kind of stupid game was he playing? "Quake is there...your son is missing. Assumed to be with you and his mother. What game are you playing here? Do you think it's okay to abandon your daughter without a word?" Should he even tell Quelt that he had decided to go to Abaven as well to take care of her because of his irresponsibility? "I don't need to explain, because - you wouldn't believe me right? If you've been taking care of them I thank you. They should remember their parents as they were, not as they are now." His lip twitched. What the hell? Gaze narrowed further at him, the male not suppressing his growls this time. "I fact, I even left my pack to join Abaven to do that. I don't regret, but you should regret leaving..."

When his brother told him the other things, Kakashi shook his head. What the hell was he talking about? He had never met Limno, didn't know anything about her. All he knew was that they left their children to fend for themselves--or rather, for their pack to fend for them. He felt his chest tighten with anger. If Quelt thought he was going to feel sorry for him, he had another thing coming. Kakashi had a sense of honor, of upholding his promises. He didn't turn his back on family that needed him. And Quake needed him the first day he met her, which in truth, was no more then a few days ago. Crimson gaze met Quelt's now single dual toned gaze. What the fuck kind of trouble did he get into this time? Kakashi had his own shit to worry about, and here his brother was lying in the dirt and seemed to refuse going back. It pissed him off...and Quelt would find out soon enough. "Are you saying you're running away from what you created? Do you think it's okay to procreate and leave it like yesterday's kill?" He shook his head. He was so very disappointed in his brother. "You're such a selfish bastard!" At this point, the emotional disgust was evident in his voice. He could not believe his brother was this much of a coward.




7 Years
Extra large
01-10-2016, 03:18 AM

His muscles twitched, as he listened to every word he said. Something about this was all wrong.... abandoned. His son was missing and with.... HER? Games, right. Like when he had been jumped - violated. Forced to have blood spilt on his tongue. He still remembered those screams, and it tortured him silently. Did Kakashi feel the same? His brother sacrificed so much, a smile cracked through his crying lips. He might have been deemed insane, but he was so happy. So happy! All his siblings had left, and with Kakashi being the only one left, just like with Limno. He would love them even if they hurt him.

"Selfish, yes. I was - I was when my mate who gave birth to my children tore me away from a seige I was supposed to be defending my pack against. When I looked into the eyes of her monsterous mates, two of them. How I was torn apart and was PROMISED if I ever returned harm would come to them. Thrown into a fighting ring, betted against with blood and drugs. And finally..... finally when I had the strength to rip myself from my hinges. I said - this was the last time. The first woman I fell in love with I left - the second vanished into thin air and I searched EVERYWHERE for her. I've left Abaven Three times Kakashi - I wouldn't be allowed in because I've torn the alpha's heart out. How could I... how could I ever tell my kids that their mother was a lying cheating whore? How could I say it wasn't my own fault, I WAS selfish. I wanted a family when there was one right before my eyes. Now my son's missing..... and it's all my fault." his smile vanished and he fell onto his front paws. He hadn't cried not once since that night until now. Only would he show his brother his vulnerability. "It's okay to hate me..... because I hate me too." his body shivered as he looked at the ground.




11 Years
Dragon Mod
01-10-2016, 03:42 AM

He listened, unwillingly silent as Quelt spilled to him what happened before he started crying. None of that answered the questions...none of that fixed what had been done. And truthfully, Kakashi couldn't feel anything. He had lost so much in his life that he had, at one point, emotionally killed himself. He had gone beyond the point of no return, and it would take a hell of a lot more then this to make his emotions budge. From what it sounded like, Quelt wore his heart on his sleeve and dove into the first girl that looked his way. But Kakashi? He had never had a mate before. No kids. Nobody to love until he found his niece. His family had separated far too early, and the only friend he had ever cared about had been killed because they had been goofing around on a mission. No matter how much he had cried, no matter how much he had wished and begged and prayed, his friend wasn't coming back. The past couldn't be undone. And life would go on, and you could only change the future. And yet, it seemed his brother wouldn't even do that.

"You're telling me that you were taken by your mate and her mates? Are you seriously telling me this? You didn't even try did you? Of all the years I've known you, I thought you were a fighter...I thought you were smarter. Your alpha isn't the only one whose had his heart ripped out, Quelt! Your daughter has been wondering where you've been, and I'm pretty sure your son is too if he isn't already dead in a ditch somewhere!" His hackles were bristling now, stance rigid as his eyes burned with anger. No. He wouldn't listen to this nonsense. Wouldn't listen to the excuses. While he didn't think his brother was lying, he certainly wasn't showing that he wanted to try. Instead, it seemed to him like Quelt was running away. Accepting his fate. That pissed him off was no wonder Kakashi stopped believing in his brothers Gods...

His teeth bared at his brothers last words, watching as he started to cry. Unfortunately, Kakashi couldn't feel sympathy. He was stuck in the thoughts that he was so stupid. Choosing to abandon those who were waiting for him, instead of taking the step to return to them. He huffed a breath of hot air as he took a step towards Quelt. Not to comfort him, but instead, he would rather seek to give him a lesson. Maybe then, he would get it through his thick skull! His hackles bristled along his spine, head lowering as his ears pinned in anger. His tail flagged out, toes splayed as his nails bit the dirt. Muscles grew tense and rigid, and without further thought Kakashi sought to lunge towards Quelt. He charged to close the distance of the last few feet between them, seeking to slam his chest directly upon Quelt's right shoulder. His jaws open, teeth seeking to grip Quelt right behind his neck. Top jaws sought to close around Quelt's left side of his neck just above the shoulder, and bottom teeth sought to puncture his scruff.

If his brother thought he would get off easy, he had another thing coming. On top of that, Kakashi had so much frustration and pent up anger, he needed to release it. He was pissed with the way his brother was acting, that because he had mistakes of the past he couldn't do better. That because things had happened, he acted like he couldn't change them. He was giving up. And there was no other words for it.






7 Years
Extra large
01-10-2016, 03:52 AM

He was so... emotionally drained. He was sick, and tired, physically so. Forced to fight, and maybe he didn't try. What could one do against two male wolves their lives bent on fighting who were bigger than even him. Quelt's body shook - and he realized how heartless his brother could be. Suddenly it felt like his training had all been a sham. Yes he wore his heart on his sleeve - followed what he believed in. He had lost everything and now he had lost himself to his brother. If Kakashi really wanted, he could have killed him right then and there. He felt his body go limp.

Quelt simply fell to the ground, his knees locked and he felt nothing. Not even the pain of his brothers fangs sinking into him. His brothers teeth grabbed hold of the scarred tissue already on the back of his scruff, ripping and tearing into pink exposed flesh where the fur had died away. He was giving up, and maybe Kakashi attacking him made him either give up more or move forward. Either way he didn't feel like fighting anyone he loved anymore. He groaned - and not out of pain either. He was just done. "I want to fix it brother... I really do. I just don't know how. Everything I've learned is useless, everything I know is useless. I love you..... and I love my kids." he muttered.

ooc: Not really sure if this really was considered a fight? Default anyway xD


The Judge


01-17-2016, 08:33 AM (This post was last modified: 01-17-2016, 08:35 AM by The Judge.)
Quelt has submitted before the fight has officially begun and thus the fight defaults in Kakashi's favor!



11 Years
Dragon Mod
02-02-2016, 04:17 PM (This post was last modified: 02-02-2016, 04:19 PM by Kakashi.)

He made contact. And his brother would not fight back. Teeth snapped exactly where he wanted them to, but Kakashi would not fight someone who refused to fight at all. Instead, he tore his teeth away and stepped back, fur clinging to his lips as he wiped it away. Crimson gaze narrowed at his bedraggled sibling, and for once in his life...he was ashamed to even call him a brother. He bared his teeth as he walked around to face Quelt again. His hackles still bristled, his fury still raw. A question burned in his mind, but he knew what his brother would probably say before it was even said. "Then get your ass up and go fix it. Just because someone tricked you into loving them, doesn't mean your life is over. You're better then that, and I'm surprised that your daughter is better equipped to deal with abandonment then she should be...especially at such a young age..." He turned away for a moment, remembering then that Bass had said he hadn't been seen since the war. Returning his burning gaze back to Quelt, he had to ask. "And the war? Your child believes you fought with honor...what really happened, Quelt? Win? Lose? Nobody saw you after that."




7 Years
Extra large
02-02-2016, 05:19 PM

Get onto his feet and fix his mistakes. Then that was what he had to do wasn't it, but how would they feel when they discovered that their mother was not who they thought she was? He was terrified, and his friend Bass. How much hurt had he gone through over and over again for Quelt's selfish mind. Selfish was exactly right, he pulled himself up as Kakashi asked what happened. His eyes flexed with anger, exactly he should be angry. Not at himself, but that wench - and he highly doubted he would trust many again. "After I lost I went to return to where the healers were.... My wife or rather previous wife told me our children were in danger. Naturally I was worried - I follower her. I was so startled by her two mates larger then even I - my judgement slipped." he shook his head. "She used me as a goods, in fighting tournaments they betted food, herbs and land against opponents. I was tricked brother but never again." he growled.

"I want to be strong - I know I cannot rewrite the past. I cannot apologize either, but I will face her. And my son I will find him! I have to talk to my friends and my family. Explain this to them. Even if I am afraid of rejection." Quelt looked at his brother with a new ferociousness. "I'm going to move forward with all my strength." this was what he needed. If kakashi hadn't come here, then perhaps Quelt never would have been able to return to his senses.
