
My bloody valentine



6 Years

01-06-2016, 03:01 AM

Her breath came out in heavy puffs as she loped across the territory. She had to slow her pace for a bit in order to catch her breath, before she'd continue running. She'd just come from the meeting, the forming of the new pack, her new home in the Emerald Valley... oh gods, what was it called again? Argead! That was it, right? It had been such a spontaneous decision, and for the duration of the meeting she'd felt like there were ants crawling through her pelt - she could hardly focus. She couldn't get away from there fast enough. She hardly knew her Alpha's name, nevermind anybody else's. Everything about it made her uncomfortable - the mass of unfamiliar faces, the pressure of committing herself to something she wasn't quite sure about... what had made her decide she should join at all?

The scent trail she was following. Miksa's scent. She was sure that was why she had chosen to join a pack. There was no other reason that would drive her to plant her roots somewhere. She hadn't seen him at the meeting, so now she had to find him, to let him know that the home he'd been offered had finally been secured. She was surprised that he'd missed it, that he'd come so far south, but he needed to know that he wasn't homeless anymore. But the further she got, the more muddled his scent became, mixing with the scents of other passing wolves. She felt like she was losing track of his trail quickly as she made her way to a stunning oasis, smack in the middle of this desert region. The few trees were exotic, plants she'd never seen before, and she could see why this place might draw a lot of attention from passing travelers, or even regular visitors.

Then she saw it. His white coat, nearly unmarked by any other color, save for the dark markings around his eyes. Smiling, she waved her tail and bounded toward the ivory-coated figure, but as she drew closer, something started to seem... off. Her joyful parade slowed to a more cautious pace, and within moments she realized it was not her friend. It was a woman, whose features seemed to mimic those of the man she was seeking. She didn't know this wolf. Her brow furrowed as her paws came to a halt, and she squinted through emerald eyes. No wait... she did know this wolf. Not well, at all, but she remembered meeting the woman briefly during her visit to Threar, before the pack had been destroyed. Surprised to see the elegant woman so far from her original home, Esarosa decided that it might be worthwhile to approach Varda. After all, she'd been a friend of Miksa's right?

So, more slowly and with restraint, the roughed up, midnight-coated wild woman approached the much more refined, well-groomed lady. She made sure that she came within the other's line of sight well before she said anything. Her paw steps halted an appropriate distance from Varda, and Esa nodded to her. "Varda," she said the lady's name, wondering if the other had even a vague memory of her existence, "You were from Threar, right?" If Esa's memory was correct, and she was certain it was, then there was a great possibility that this she-wolf knew where Miksa was. In fact, Varda was probably here for the same reason as Miksa. Their pack had dissolved; they'd been left without anywhere to go. Perhaps she could let them both know that the new pack had formed and there was somewhere to go now. Little did she know that there was more than one pack forming in the west, and things were not as straightforward as they appeared.

"Speak" "Listen" Think



4 Years
01-06-2016, 04:43 AM

She had travelled a few lands away from her new homelands, realising why the plains had been chosen in the first place. It had to be the only habitable region in the west, for she passed through an arid and dry landscape. Oh how she missed the east. Exotic lands for her to explore at a satisfying temperate climate all year round. Her paws grew sore with every step upon the cracked earth, feeling the heat get to her, increasing her thirst. It needed to be slaked; she needed a drink. Preparing to head back to the grasslands, a fleck of green caught her bicoloured eyes. Narrowing her gaze, she studied the distant objects in disbelief. Were those what she thought they were? Glancing around, she lifted her shoulders in a shrug. It wouldn't hurt to check it out, as long as she got that drink in the end. Trotting, she made her way over only to discover a small oasis - palm trees surrounding a sparkling pool of water. My, was it a sight for sore eyes. She had to agree, the western territories were the strangest of them all; full of surprises. At least she now had her water, and without hesitation she gracefully lowered her crown to take a peaceful sip. The coolness of the liquid soothed her dry throat, and she took her time enjoying the long-anticipated drink.

Mid-drink, an ebony figure came into her peripheral vision, and she lifted her head to meet an emerald gaze, feeling droplets of water drip from her chin. Momentarily she recognised the female, who seemed to know her own name. "Esarosa," she addressed with a dip of her skull, trying to recall when they had last seen each other. Ah yes, she had visited Threar just before it had fallen. And a friend of Miksa's if she remembered correctly. Was she here to join Celestial, merely to see the male like before? She shook the thoughts aside; it had to be her heat messing with her mind. After all, the coal-furred woman seemed pleasant from their first encounter. "I was," she answered with a nod, vocals tinted with the faintest melancholy. Her heart still ached to return to her former life, no matter how many times she told herself her old life was never coming back. "Though it was overthrown." Perhaps she she should mention where she had brought herself after her many weeks of wandering. Surreal could use an extra member, if the female had still remained a loner. "I'm now in Celestial." Those words sounded foreign rolling off her eloquent tongue. It just didn't feel like herself. She was so accustomed to saying Threar. A silent sigh slipped from her lips. She'd have to get used to it. One day it would all seem normal, and she'd look back on these days wondering how she could have ever perceived it to be strange.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years

01-19-2016, 12:54 AM

When the woman looked up and addressed her by name, Esa knew she was right. She'd met this lady on the borders of Threar. Her ebony crown nodded when Varda clarified that she was indeed from Threar, but it had been overthrown. The melancholy tone in the woman's voice was evident, revealing the heartbreak she'd felt losing her home and family. It must have been hard. Esa felt lonely enough at times, even though she'd left home intentionally. "I heard what happened to Threar," she murmured, not knowing what to say about it. It was all an unfortunate, cruel event, but there was nothing that anyone could do to reverse it now. Her eyes cast to the ground as she floundered for words that wouldn't come, her mind preoccupied. Then she looked to the water. After her long and fast trek to this territory, her throat was dry.

She padded toward the small oasis, her eyes shifting over to Varda once more to indicate she was still listening. Esarosa bent down to lap at the water, ears flicking toward the other woman when she mentioned that she was now in Celestial. She stopped drinking, brows coming together in a furrow as she lifted her head and faced Varda. "Celestial?" she repeated, confusion clear in her face and tone, "Is that a pack here in the west?" She had to wonder about it for a few moments. That couldn't be the pack Miksa had been talking about, a pack that hadn't been established yet. After all, she'd just come running from the place where a brand new pack had come together. So, what exactly was going on?

"Speak" "Listen" Think



4 Years
01-20-2016, 09:30 PM

It seemed everybody knew about Threar and the mere memory it now was. Word must have travelled far and wide across the continent. For a moment she wondered how a loner could have obtained such information, though she soon realised that she must have encountered Miksa at some point in time. That or she found other former Threar wolves, though if that was the case she would have told her by now. It didn't matter so much anymore. In fact, she tried not to think about it. Sometimes she feared recalling the memories would return the depression and overwhelmed her, but she also wanted to remember her family and keep the pack alive inside her head.

She watched the other woman lower her head to lap at the water, pausing mid-drink to echo the new pack's name, confusion evident upon her ebony features. Of course the name wouldn't be familiar, for it had just recently formed. Had Miksa not informed her about it? Well, that was if they had recently seen each other, and it strangely felt like they had. "Yes, it is," she replied with a small smile creeping to her expression. "It was formed not long ago." She found it best not to give too much information away...just to be on the safe side. Perhaps she would be interested in joining, and if so, she'd be willing to exchange as much knowledge of the pack she knew. It wasn't much, however; the pack still felt foreign to her, though hopefully not for long.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years

01-21-2016, 02:00 AM

Esarosa narrowed her eyes slightly as Varda replied with no more than a few words and a tiny little smile creeping up on her face. What was that expression? "So, it just formed recently..." she muttered, lips curving to the side in dismay. Feeling a little impatient, she would choose to cast aside any inquiries she might have about Celestial, especially now that she was part of another pack. "Well, I just came from Emerald Valley where a pack called Argead got together. There were already quite a few wolves there." Why was she telling Varda all of this? The point she'd really wanted to get to, the reason she'd come this far from her new home, was to find Miksa so he didn't have to be alone anymore. As far as Esa knew from the last time she'd met him, he was homeless and waiting for a pack in the west to form. But... she was starting to get a bad feeling that things wouldn't go as she'd planned, now that she'd met Varda here.

"I was kinda in a hurry, so I guess what I really want to know is have you seen Miksa around?" she asked, finally forcing herself to get to the point, "Last time I saw him was in the valley, and a few days after he left, that's when this pack came together. I didn't see him there, so I thought I needed to find him and let him know, just in case..." Her words trailed off awkwardly, and she took in a deep breath; she hated sharing this with the other woman, but it was important enough for her ask. Her tail flicked, reminding her of the season - it would seem that the springtime heat was afflicting them both. At that thought, she dearly hoped that Varda would say she hadn't seen the young man she was looking for. "I guess you're okay, since you're in a pack now," she added, completely tactless, "Otherwise maybe I'd say you should come to Argead, too."

What was this woman going to say in return? Esa wanted to be nice to her, to this elegant lady who seemed amiable enough, but her heat was making her more irritable than usual, and she could feel a sense of competitiveness rising within her. She just couldn't bring herself to be more friendly, or polite, or interested in anyone else right now. Sighing to herself, she shuffled her paws restlessly as she waited for some sort of answer.

"Speak" "Listen" Think



4 Years
01-22-2016, 02:58 AM

She watched the ebony woman echo her words in a thoughtful manner to herself, remaining silent though intently listening. Her mismatched eyes examined the other female in their usual, natural way, studying her complexion. It seemed like she wanted to inquiry about the pack, though thought better of it and decided not to. A frown came to her face, the expression soon fading from her features as she listened to the woman speak. Another pack had also formed in the west by the name of Argead, and she couldn't help but to be curious over the new empire. If she hadn't reunited with Miksa she would have certainly considered this pack as a new home, for it sounded promising indeed. "Have you joined it?" she asked with a fluid tilt of her head, unsure if the female had just visited it or truly had become a part of it.

And speak of the devil, look who she was talking about. The very reason she had wandered out here was to see Miksa. She couldn't help but to inwardly scoff at the sight, her gaze narrowing, occasionally sending cunning glares of contempt when the other female wasn't looking. Did she actually care for him? Oh please. It seemed like he hadn't told her about Celestial, or the fact he had joined it. Good, she thought to herself. Let's keep it that way. She had Argead and she had Celestial - that was how she wanted it to remain. She could have Miksa all to herself. But what was she to say? She was an honest woman who found no pleasure in deceiving others...but this was a different situation. "I saw him back in the east," she replied with a shrug, trying to be as vague as possible. It was true - she had seen him in the east. It wasn't the last time, however. On the inside she prayed for the other woman to change the subject, though knowing Esarosa she most likely would raise some questions. "I'm doing well," she responded, forcing a smile onto her features as she looked into the woman's green gaze. "If not for Celestial I would have considered Argead." Nothing was changing her mind, however. She was happiest with her friend, the only canine she trusted and was close with. Never did she want to be apart from him, not since they had been separated for so long.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years

01-22-2016, 11:56 PM (This post was last modified: 01-22-2016, 11:58 PM by Esarosa.)

Esarosa watched the ivory-coated woman scanning over her facial features, emerald gems meeting the duo-toned gaze. She saw the frown form upon Varda's face, as though disappointed they weren't talking about Celestial further. The expression was brief, as apparent curiosity replaced it instead - was she actually interested in Argead? Without asking any other questions about the new pack, she would simply ask if Esa had truly joined it. Ah, so Varda wanted to know if she'd settled. Shaking out her thick pelt of obsidian, Esa stood tall and let her chest puff out somewhat proudly. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I have," she replied in a brazen tone, green orbs glimmering boldly as she eyed Varda, "And I'm going to be a hunter." And she'd be a damn good one, too, she'd make sure of that. After all, she'd learned from the best, and had provided for herself since she'd left her birth pack in the dead of winter, before even her first birth season.

While she asked about Miksa, she caught sight of Varda's narrowed gaze, instantly feeling on edge about it. What was that look...? She cringed inwardly as she realized her suspicions and feelings of jealousy were justified. Varda didn't want to talk to her about Miksa, most likely for the same reason that Esa didn't want to talk to her about him either. She snorted and lifted a brow as the woman replied quickly, saying she'd seen him back in the east, but didn't mention whether or not she'd seen him recently - she wasn't sure whether to believe the woman. Esa knew he was in the west, that's where she'd met him last, and it hadn't been long ago. He said he was going to be living in the west. Her eyes shifted to the water and she leaned down to quench her thirst abruptly as thoughts ran through her head, missing the nastier looks the other woman shot at her. So, she hadn't seen him... if he wasn't in Argead, and Varda hadn't seen him... where was he? Her head lifted then. She would find him first and convince him to come to Argead. Her royal emerald gaze shifted back to Varda. But what if this woman wasn't telling the truth? Her hackles rose ever so slightly, remaining silent and trying to read the other's expression. Her train of thought wouldn't fade even as Varda spoke again, with what now looked like a forced smile as they made eye contact once more.

Something was making the snowy white lady tense. When she finished speaking, Esa disrupted the silence with words of her own. "Good to hear that you're well," she began in an even tone, revealing neither genuine nor antagonistic intentions, "It's too bad you couldn't come to Argead, it would be nice to have a familiar face around. Maybe if I can find Miksa... since you haven't seen him, he must still be alone." Openly, she would shoot Varda a glare through slit eyes, ears folding back slightly. If the woman was lying about having seen him, Esarosa would get her way soon and find out one way or another. She'd be found out eventually if she tried to with hold anything. If their friend truly hadn't been seen, then she would go to find him and she'd not rest until she had.

I won't lose to Varda... I can't!

"Speak" "Listen" Think



4 Years
01-24-2016, 08:57 PM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2016, 08:58 PM by Varda.)

She couldn't help the small yet warm smile sliding to her features as the other woman stood tall with her chest puffed out proudly. Memories of her early days flooded back to her mind as she recalled the times she would meet others and patriotically boast about Threar. Such were the days. Hopefully she would feel just as prideful being a part of Celestial for it seemed to be where she would spend the rest of her years. "Oh!" she exclaimed with surprise when the woman stated her role of a hunter. The field was indeed popular, she had to admit. "That's what I am as well." Competitiveness began to bloom somewhere inside of her. Though they weren't of the same pack, she wanted to be the one that received the promotion first. The master hunter was where she strived to be, then perhaps the Shieldmaiden.

No questions were asked about the alabaster male, and that spelt trouble for her. She looked at the ebony female occasionally, hoping to appear relaxed and not hiding any secrets at all. When she did look at the female she studied her complexion, wanting to get some sort of clue on her suspicious thoughts. With a subject like this, Esarosa wasn't one to just drop it; what was going on inside her head? Whatever it was, she didn't like it.

Momentarily the woman spoke again, and Varda took it as an opportunity to uncover her intentions. Her even tone brought an uncomfortable feeling over her, though she remained still with a straight expression unchanged. So she would find Miksa for herself, would she? Bring him home with her to Argead? Interesting indeed. She wants me to break under the pressure, she thought to herself darkly. Spill out everything that I know. She wasn't stupid. Though she had twisted herself into an magnificent mess, she wasn't one to go down so easily. "Perhaps I'll go find him as well," she said with a mock smile, lowering her crown to take a few sips of the oasis' water and flicking her silken tail in a teasing gesture.  

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years

01-26-2016, 12:59 AM

She raised a brow when she saw the small smile spreading on Varda's face when she announced her joining with the new pack, and her ambition to become a hunter. She hadn't expected the woman to even bat an eye. Then the ivory she-wolf with two toned eyes exclaimed that she was also a hunter. So that's why she was interested. Esarosa had to stop her jaw from gaping, her right eye twitching slightly with the effort, though she just had to clack her tongue. She's a hunter too? she thought, incredulous, I have to outdo this woman in everything! I'll be a better hunter, and I'll win over Miksa! "I guess if we're both hunters, one of us is going to be better than the other," she said, voicing her rising feeling of competitiveness. And in a way her tone implied that there was rivalry between more than just their hunting interests.

The next words to leave Varda's mouth caused Esa to gasp and immediately blurt out, "No! she exclaimed, then realizing too late that she'd made a blunder, she tried to cover up her initial reaction, stumbling over her words. "N-no, I mean, uhm, just - don't worry about it - I-I can find him on my own," she said, trying to act oblivious to the fact that she knew Varda was after him, just like she was. Except the mock smile and teasing flick of the tail gave Esarosa the feeling that Varda wasn't wondering where he was. She watched the other woman, eyes narrowing once more, her tail lashing once. What did this woman know that she didn't? "You... you know where he is, don't you?" she demanded, her eyes narrow slits - her patience was growing thinner, and she didn't like the feeling she was getting from all of this, "Why don't you just tell me? I need to make sure he's okay."

She was beginning to feel more and more irritable, and a little bit frantic. If Varda truly did know where he was, then could that mean... they were in the same pack together, again? Had Miksa already settled with this other pack, when she so dearly wanted to bring him home to the pack she'd found? No, it couldn't be true. She'd given up her freedom, chained herself down. What was she going to do if they were in opposite packs? Wolves from different packs weren't allowed to mix, were they? She clenched her jaw, grinding her teeth as she waited for Varda to say something. Please say you really haven't seen him, and please let it be true, she thought desperately, her brows furrowing together anxiously.

"Speak" "Listen" Think



4 Years
01-27-2016, 10:28 PM

It seemed a stronger competitiveness arose in the other woman, one that dared her to verbalise their similar thoughts. My, how their pleasant conversation had taken a feisty turn. From the ebony female's tone she got the hint there were many things they were rivalling each other against, not just hunting. All the more fun! " of us is going to be better than the other." Those words echoed in her head, and it was in that moment she realised she would have to be better in everything. "Indeed," was all she would murmur, her mind deep in thought. Never had she developed such a rivalry, met such a challenge. She had always pushed herself at more of relaxed pace, never wanting to be better than anyone else. To be honest it was a bit overwhelming for her mind, which was buzzing with stress and worry. Calm, she told herself. I'm the only hunter in the pack. If she was to talk with Surreal, show how wonderfully ambitious she was, she was sure to be promoted. After all, the Celestial leader once knew her alpha parents, and descending from such a lineage would perhaps increase her chances. "I just wonder who." She flashed the female a cocky smile, hoping to end the subject there.

She raised a brow with intrigue when the other woman suddenly blurted out a no, stumbling on her own words. Did she not want her to see him? Did she think she was the only one who could talk to him? The Destruction snorted, rolling her eyes at the sight. "I can see whoever I want to." Especially since they belonged to the same pack. Oh what a shame it would be for the other female to discover that they were worlds apart, never able to be together...Varda couldn't help but to laugh internally at those thoughts. And it appeared just at that moment the night-pelted woman had figured it all out. Her challenging emerald stare and desperation to know that the male was alright were indeed quite amusing. At that point she couldn't be bothered denying it, why, it would be a good chance to rub it in. "Of course I do," she spat with a grin. "If he cared enough for you, he would have told you, wouldn't he?" She sighed with mock melancholy, "Unfortunately he didn't." She could work the rest out. She could put the pieces together and uncover that the male had wanted the ivory woman to come to Celestial, rather than his other friend.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years

01-30-2016, 01:57 AM

The tension had finally snapped between them. It was all coming out - nothing was being with held now. Esa glared with narrowed green eyes as Varda mirrored her feelings of rivalry, for their aspirations in hunting, among other things now. With a snort, she would leave that topic in the dust, sneering hotly as the other woman ended her words with a cocky smile. What a look! The arrogant expression was one that Esa would love to swipe off of her regal ivory mug, however, she may have been feisty but she was not violent. She'd dig her nails into the ground and grit her teeth. The only thing left was to work hard and prove which of the two was better. Esa was sure of herself, equipped with both strength and agility, as well as the right knowledge and know-how, she knew she would excel in her chosen field.

As the conversation continued and she at first stumbled over her words, she saw the rolling of two-toned eyes. How dare she? Esa thought to herself in outrage, That attitude. Ugh! Her hackles spiked along her shoulders and spine. "I can see whoever I want to." The midnight hued she-wolf felt her lips twitch involuntarily. She was sure she'd figured it out by now - Varda knew where he was, and they were indeed in the same pack. When the other woman continued on, her tone more brash than before, Esa could feel the angry turmoil twisting her stomach into knots. Varda had been trying to omit the truth, but it was all coming out now, and with venomous words to follow. She felt like she was going to erupt, but she hesitated for a moment. Miksa wouldn't have left her out of it on purpose, would he? She shook her head, trying to clear the woman's words from her mind. She's just trying to mess with me, the ebony woman assured herself, I can't let her get to me. Miksa's a great friend, he would never...

Fire raged in her leafy green eyes as she stared at Varda. "You... you just stay out of all this," she hissed, her tone seething, "Just stay away from him! He doesn't need you! Once I find him, I'll make sure he doesn't have to think about you anymore, so you better get that smug look off your face. I'd do anything for him. All he needs is me!" She scowled, claws digging into the earth and tail waving high, daring the woman to disagree. At some point, Esa was beginning to realize, she was also going to have to admit to more than just herself that she wanted him as more than just a friend. The level of jealousy she felt at just the thought of Varda being near him made her crazy. She might be worlds apart from Miksa at times, but she would make sure nothing but time and space ever got between them.

"Speak" "Listen" Think



4 Years
02-04-2016, 04:35 AM

At the beginning of her trek over to the oasis she never imagined she would bump into a familiar face, one that she would soon grow to despise. Never did she think their encounter would include some mild tension or jealousy, let alone a verbal fight. After all, she was Varda - she never thought such thoughts. But this, what was this? How had it come to this, this escalated fury? Both of them didn't bother concealing their inner thoughts anymore, instead spitting the raw rivalry against each other. This wasn't how the well-mannered Varda behaved, not the Varda who she had thought herself to be. Had her impulses taken ahold of her reasoning yet again?

Her bicoloured gaze widened with surprise as the woman retaliated with her own raging shouts, telling her to stay away from him. Anger ravaged beneath her ivory pelt and raised hackles bristled, just like when her home had been invaded by the vikings. She had fought that day, and though she hadn't emerged victorious, she had tasted the blood of her filthy opponent. She could do it again, tackle the ebony woman to the ground and snap at her face. Why, maybe then she'd be quiet. How dare she infuriate her so much. How dare she tell her what to do, tell her who to see. How could she dare think about taking Miksa away from her? Lies! Lies! All lies! She didn't even want to hear them! She just wanted to tear those lips right off her bloody face! "Shut up!" she screeched over the other woman's venomous words, lips curling into a snarl.

** fight starts here **

Naturally, a defensive stance fell over her body, and this time she greeted it with open arms. Limbs were planted an even distance apart, weight evenly distributed, abdominal muscles tightened, shoulders rolled forward, hackles raised, head lowered, legs bent at the joint, eyes narrowed, lips curled into a snarl and ears folded back. The adrenaline was pounding in her veins, making her muscles tense and screaming at her to fight. Her mind didn't control her anymore; only wild, chaotic impulses. This wasn't Varda. "Just shut up!" And with that, she would attempt to close the distance between them in a swift lunge, approaching Esarosa's right flank side-on. (ref here) Without hesitation, she would attempt to ram her left shoulder blade into the the other woman's right shoulder blade with as much power and force, hoping to inflict bruising and disrupt balance. Simultaneously, her chin would tilt downwards as she attempted to grab a hold of her opponent's scruff with her canines, and at the same time she would raise her left forepaw upwards, redistributing her weight in the process, and attempt to slam it down on Esarosa's right forepaw, hoping to bruise the paw if not dislocate a few bones.

VARDA vs Esarosa for raging hormones DOMINANCE
Round ONE of two?




6 Years

02-05-2016, 02:42 AM

Things had gotten out of control. Their tense banter and bicker had turned into something serious, jealousy boiling over into fury. Instinct took hold as they spewed insults back and forth. When would it ever end? How could it, when neither of them seemed ready or willing to back down? Things were only escalating, and there was no sign of it reversing. How could this end in anything other than physical confrontation? Still, Esarosa wasn't sure what was going to happen, even as she clenched her teeth furiously. Her breathing accelerated as anger pulsed through her, intensifying when she heard the woman screeching at her, commanding her to 'shut up'. As if! Infuriated, she bristled as the woman glared at her, her muscles tensing and lips curling into a snarl.

Then the tension erupted into violence. Varda launched herself at Esa. The dark-coated woman froze for a moment. Was this really happening? She'd never been in a fight before - sure, she'd scrapped with her sister as a pup, but they'd never really hurt each other. Varda wanted to hurt her. But as the ivory she-wolf closed the distance between them and Esa braced herself, she realized that she wanted to hurt Varda, too. Well, this would be her chance. She crouched into a defensive posture with legs bending at the joints, her shoulders rolling forward and scruff bunching up to protect her neck. Her paws spread equal distance apart, toes splaying and claws digging into the ground to provide better balance. Her thick coat bristled, hackles rising all the way down her spine. Her head lowered, chin tilted down to protect her throat. Her ears folded back and emerald eyes narrowed protectively.

She had hesitated too long to avoid or displace Varda's shoulder slam. The woman's left shoulder blade dug forcefully into Esa's right shoulder blade, causing a moderate bruise to form, but her defensive posture allowed her to keep her balance. Esa growled as she felt Varda's fangs meet in her scruff to create mild punctures and grabbing a clump of rolled skin in the middle of the side of her neck directly between shoulder and jaw line. Esa managed to lift her right forepaw out of the way of the paw slam just in time, shifting her weight to her other three legs. Then she would retaliate with a furious shriek. "Get off of me!" she screeched as she attempted to thrust her right shoulder blade into the front of Varda's neck, at the lower part of the throat where it met with the chest. She hoped to choke and unbalance the woman with a hard shove to her windpipe, wanting to leave moderate bruising. Then she would crane her neck sharply to the right and tilt her head left, jaws opening wide as she attempted to clamp down on the front of Varda's right shoulder blade. Her lower jaw aimed for the crook of the frontal shoulder blade where it met with the front of the chest, while her upper jaw reached across the bone for the muscle on the other side. She intended to leave severe lacerations. Lastly, her right forepaw would raise, weight shifting to her other legs as she did so, attempting to slam it down on Varda's right forepaw, in hopes of fracturing the toes of the smaller woman's paw.

Varda vs Esarosa || for Dominance || 1/2

"Speak" "Listen" Think



4 Years
02-06-2016, 05:07 AM

No thoughts crossed her mind as she successfully slammed into her opponent's right shoulder blade - only an animal-like instinct. Moderate bruising blossomed to her left shoulder blade, though the pain was the least of her problems. This woman, on the other hand, was. Her teeth successfully grabbed a hold of the other female's scruff, and she felt almost delighted to taste her opponent's flesh. Her paw-slam, however, hadn't been successful, which resulted in a growl from the Destruction when all she felt beneath her paw was grass. Had it been a lucky dodge or did the ebony woman have some experience in fighting?

Either way, she hadn't been expecting any retaliation. Her opponent's right shoulder blade drove into her windpipe, knocking the wind out of her lungs and inflicting serious bruising in the sensitive area. She did, however, keep her balance with her toes splayed, claws digging into the earth, legs planted an even distance apart and slightly bent and weight evenly distributed. There was a chance her trachea might have been damaged, as she felt pain each time she took a breath, but again, it didn't matter to her. The other woman's jaws dug into the front of her right shoulder blade, lower jaws where it met with chest and upper jaws on the other side, creating serious lacerations in the flesh. She braced herself for the pain, feeling a yowl escape her throat. Remaining alert, she managed to shift her right forepaw to the side before her opponent's right forepaw could slam down upon it, redistributing her weight in the process. During this time, Varda would shift her positioning, now directly facing Esarosa's right shoulder head-on.

"Not until you get off of him," she snarled. It was then Varda would begin her attacks, after quickly resetting her defences - eyes remained narrowed, ears pinned, cheeks scrunched, hackles raised, abdominal muscles tightened and shoulders rolled forward. She would attempt to ram the bony part of her left shoulder into the centre of the right side of Esarosa's neck, hoping to inflict bruising and cause some discomfort. She would then rear up onto her hind legs and attempt to bring her forelegs onto her opponent's right flank - Varda's right forepaw on the centre of Esarosa's left shoulder blade and Varda's left forepaw a foot to the left (Varda's left). With as much force, she would attempt to shove her opponent with her forepaws and simultaneously scratch Esarosa's right flank downwards towards her belly. Lastly, her jaws would unhinge and attempt to bite and grab a hold of the right side of Esarosa's face - upper canines seeking to pierce the flesh just above Esarosa's right eye and lower canines seeking to hook under the right side of Esarosa's jaw.

VARDA vs Esarosa for DOMINANCE
Round TWO of two




6 Years

02-07-2016, 04:23 AM

Hearing the choked yowl that escaped Varda as she struck the woman's windpipe fueled Esa's rage. She'd show her! Even if she just had her size to use as an advantage, she'd make sure she didn't lose to this woman. She couldn't. She just had to prove a point. If she cared for Miksa more than Varda did, then she'd have to emerge the victor. She felt her jaws close on their intended target, teeth digging in deep and drawing blood. Oh how strange, but so satisfying at the same time. She had never imagined herself enjoying something like this, but here she was getting a thrill. Her forepaw fell short of the other woman's paw, and Esa felt merely the dry earth beneath her claws, which dug into the ground in frustration. When Varda snarled at her, the ebony-coated she-wolf found she had no words left, her voice ruled now by a primal growl. She would just have to let her teeth speak for her now.

As the ivory woman moved to adjust her positioning to make another attack, Esarosa protected herself by ensuring her body was tucked into itself. Her posture remained low with knees and elbows bent, legs shifting to an equal distance so that she felt well-balanced while her tail tucked beneath her body out of harm's reach. Her toes splayed and claws gripped the earth eagerly. Her ears remained flattened against a lowered head, and royal emerald eyes were squinted, protecting them from severe damage. Now more adrenalized than before, her lips peeled back to reveal all of her teeth and the skin around her muzzle crinkled up defensively. Her hackles stood on end, shoulders rolling forward and scruff bunching up to protect her neck. As Varda came at her with the bony part of her shoulder aiming for the side of her neck, Esa curved her body slightly away from her opponent to offer her right shoulder forward. Redistributing her weight to her left side, she would counter with a thrust of her right shoulder blade toward Varda's so that they would collide. She was trying hard to keep her neck and face away from the angry she-wolf. She felt a severe bruise form where Varda's shoulder blade had struck the bone of her own shoulder, and she cringed, hoping the other woman was feeling it just as much as she was.

When Varda reared up to bring her paws and nails down upon Esa's right side, the ebony woman would shift in an attempt to face her opponent almost squarely, distributing her weight to her hind legs. She drew her forepaws up toward her chest as she reared. She felt the sting and impact of the woman's claws digging into her, Varda's right paw landing in the middle of her forechest between both of her (Esa's) forelegs, while the left paw struck the front of Esa's right shoulder blade. Moderate gashes were left by the sharp nails, a mild bruise on her forechest, and a worsened bruise on her right shoulder blade. Her poor shoulder, it was really taking a beating. Esarosa attempted to strike out with her own forepaws in a similar manner. Varda had given her a good shove back, so she found herself unable to lunge forward with as much force as she wanted. Still, she hoped to leave mild bruising and mild gashes with her curved black nails. Her right forepaw aimed for the middle of Varda's chest, while her left forepaw tried to strike Varda's right shoulder blade in a mirror movement of what Varda had just done to her.

Lastly the teeth would flash. As Esa tried to lunge forward for a bite, Varda's teeth landed just slightly further back than intended - the woman's upper jaw struck behind Esa's right ear, while the lower jaw hooked just behind the jaw line leaving moderate punctures. Pushing through the pain, Esa reached for a bite of her own. Her head snaked to her own left (Varda's right), Esarosa's head tilted to her own right, jaws parted and aimed slightly further back from her opponent's head on the right side of Varda's neck, several inches back from Varda's right jawline. Her lower jaw was aiming for several inches above the windpipe, while the upper jaw aimed to clamp on a big scruffy roll of skin on the side of the ivory woman's neck. She hoped to leave moderate punctures and secure a sturdy grip that she didn't want to let go of if she could get a hold.

Varda vs Esarosa || Dominance || 2/2

OOC Confirmed with Millie that her paw strike was aiming for Esa's right side, the right shoulder blade and flank, not left shoulder blade!

"Speak" "Listen" Think

The Judge


06-12-2016, 03:26 PM




- “...attempt to ram her left shoulder blade into the the other woman's right shoulder blade with as much power and force...” Where on the shoulder blade? Side, front, middle? -2
- “...she attempted to grab a hold of her opponent's scruff with her canines...” Where on her scruff? How are her jaws placed? -2
Total: 6

- None seen
Total: 10

- Weight evenly distributed, limbs equal distance apart, hackles raised, head lowered, legs bent, eyes narrowed, ears back.
Total: 7

+ 2 bite -1 for clarity issue
+ 1 paw slam
+ 0 shoulder slam -1 for clarity issue
Total: 3

- First round!
Total: 0

Total for Round One: 36/50


- “Lastly, her right forepaw would raise, weight shifting to her other legs as she did so, attempting to slam it down on Varda's right forepaw, in hopes of fracturing the toes of the smaller woman's paw.” You already raised her right forepaw earlier, here “Esa managed to lift her right forepaw out of the way of the paw slam just in time, shifting her weight to her other three legs.” There is no mention of her right paw going back to the ground, and it would be too much movement if it was. -2
Total: 8

- None seen
Total: 10

- Shoulders rolled, legs bent, legs spread, toes splayed, claws in ground, hackles raised, chin tucked, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, head lowered
Total: 10

+ 1 shoulder slam
+ 3 bite to shoulder
+ 0 paw slam -1 for clarity issue
Total: 4

- First round!
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 42/50



- “There was a chance her trachea might have been damaged...” Was it damaged or not? All damage must be clearly stated, it is up to you as the player to determine all injuries within reason. -2
- There is a little too much movement in this post. Paw shifting, position change, rearing, slamming down. You have to give your opponent enough time to react. -2
Total: 6

- “During this time, Varda would shift her positioning...” Since Esarosa had bitten her shoulder, this movement needs to be attempted. All movement that directly effects your opponent need to be attempted. -2
Total: 8

- Toes spread, claws in ground, legs spread evenly, legs bent, weight distributed evenly, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, shoulders rolled.
Total: 9

+ 1 shoulder slam
+ 4 bite + hold attempt
+ 2 shove +1 for each paw
Total: 7

- 2 Moderate bruise to left shoulder
- 3 severe bruise to throat
- 4 severe lacerations to right shoulder
Total: 1

Total for Round Two: 31/50


- “...and a worsened bruise on her right shoulder blade.” Worsened to what? -2
Total: 8

- None seen
Total: 10

- Legs bent, legs spread, tail tucked, claws in ground, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, toes spread.
Total: 9

+ 2 shove +1 for each paw
+ 4 bite + grip attempt
Total: 6

- 2 moderate gashes (PS wolf claws don't inflict that much damage, ever. But because you stated it the damage was taken. Yes, dog claws to damage to humans but we are all fleshy. Wolves have layers of fur to get through and thicker skin.)
- 1 mild bruise to chest
- 3 severe bruise to right shoulder (decided by judge)
- 3 moderate punctures to jaw
Total: 1

Total for Round Two: 34/50


36/50 + 31/50 = 67/100

42/50 + 34/50 = 76/100

And the winner is...

Varda must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


- All healed by now

- All healed by now


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

You did really well! Just watch your defences, and make sure that you are being specific about damage and the placement of attacks. I don't count snarling unless you state that it is to bunch up skin to further protect the eyes, otherwise it's not a very good defence.

Good fight! Same as about about the whole lip snarling thing. You made a few slip ups but we all do, haha. Just make sure you're not using the same body part to attack twice!

I am so sorry this took so long! I grabbed it on the 21st and actually finished it a few days later, but I kept forgetting and never got around to coding it up. I really do apologize, things have been crazy.

- By [Evelyn]