
Forever's gonna start tonight



2 Years
Extra large

01-06-2016, 03:52 AM

Who knew there where even so many wolves in the entire world, let alone that all of them where related to her. She had gone from the peaceful quiet of their den to this wild and crazy world. She had seen some of these wolves before in the gloom of her home, and was surprised to realise that most of their scents where familiar to her. It was just... she hadn't realized how many of them there where. She had prided herself on her independence (she had learned to stand before Aurora) and had already started wobbling about her den strutting about her independence and discovering every new thing there was to find in their den home.

Now, she huddled at her mothers side, uncertain and a little mystified of the situation they found themselves in. Every now and then some of the wolves got close to them and she found herself ushering her body slightly in front of her sisters, shielding her from their view. 'this is mine!' her body language seemed to say. Things where dying down now however, the wolves where settling and drying themselves out and beginning to rest, making use of the still dark night. “Sis” she hissed, certain that everyone's attentions where finally on sleep or their own thing. “have you ever seen so much green?” she wanted to know.



01-10-2016, 12:39 AM

Walk | Think

Aurora did not hear her sister's whispered statement, though in truth she heard nothing. Unlike her sibling, the blue pup had had quite enough of the excitement of the day, of being exposed to the whole lot of the wolves that made up their family that wanted to stand about smiling at them and giving them funny looks. She rather liked attention on any given day, but the events that had led to her being dragged out of her den and dipped in frigid water only to be dropped in a wide, open place that was foreign to her had tested her patience and worn it thin. No, she was done dealing with things today.

Which meant sleeping now. Most of the other wolves had gone still and she could tell by the quiet presences of her parents that they too had already nodded off into slumber. Rory would have done the same, too, if not for her restless sister. Her soft, round-edged features scrunched up into an adorable frown as she lay curled up beside her sibling, jostled whenever Seraphiel shifted and tried to get a better look at their funny new surroundings. Though it gave up the pretense of sleep she had been trying to convey, the young girl made a low, incoherent grumbling sound as she nudged forcefully at her bigger sister. Stop moving already!



2 Years
Extra large

01-12-2016, 05:47 PM (This post was last modified: 01-12-2016, 05:48 PM by Seraphiel.)

She just wanted to learn and see everything, and share them with her sister. Why didn't Aurora want to see everything too? How could she sleep on a night like tonight? She could't sit still, it was torture to lie here and see everything without actually exploring it, and touching it and experiencing it.

Her currently grumpy sister would nudge her roughly and Sera turned to her to stick her tongue out and pull a face before grinning and nuzzling into Roar's side. She then looked back out at the forest and nudged her head forward towards the trees, her eyes dancing as she cast a cheeky look back at her parents. The meaning should be crystal clear. 'There asleep, lets go play!'



01-18-2016, 11:22 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

A golden eye cracked open of Rory's sleeping face as she peeked sidelong at her sister, just in time to catch her stick her tongue out defiantly. Another mumbled, grumbling noise left the blue-toned sister, but it was silenced as Sera shuffled in to nuzzle her. As much as she wanted to be irritated with her sister, she found it incredibly hard to be. She knew her struggles better than anyone did, and had been carted along in the same manner when the flooding of their den had occurred. She might have fared a little better, but she still knew and could relate to Aurora in a way that none of their other extensive family could.

And she was also much better at communicating. Just a hint of a smile touched the edges of Rory's lips as she opened her bright eyes to look now directly at her grey and blue sibling, and watched as she gestured first away from them and then back at their parents. Slowly, as inconspicuously as possible, Aurora turned her head to chance a glance at their parents and confirmed with but a look that she had been right to assume them asleep. And if she read her sister's intentions correctly...

With the same slowness as before, the blue pup turned her head back around to face her sister, and just as slowly a grin spread across her lips, practically squinting with the severity of it. To signify without a doubt that she completely understood, the little pup carefully and gingerly pulled herself up onto her paws and, in her best attempt at tiptoeing, tried to pick her way out of the sheltering embrace of their parents so that she could sneak away with Seraphiel.



2 Years
Extra large

02-06-2016, 04:23 PM

As Ray gestured, she would watch Roar follow her movements with her eyes, and cast a look back at their parents herself. The gesture was subtle, and quiet and Ray was already grinning broadly when Roar turned back to her. The slow grin on her sisters face was all the reward in the world. She knew her sister had found the journey from their den a little harder then the silver wolf had. She watched Roar rise first, then followed with movements of her own. Pulling herself away from their parents side was surprisingly easy, the pair of them must have been exhausted after the events of the night. A shame for Glacier and Anais, that the two children didn't feel the same exhaustion.

Ray's attempts at tiptoeing where exaggerated and amusing, after all she hadn't ever been shown how to walk quietly and had enough trouble as it was walking normally in a straight line. All the same, she took great amusement in making her way from their parents side and into the surrounding woods. She turned to her sister again, her wise grin one of joy from their successful escape, before her expression fell into a puzzled question. She turned her head back and forth, shrugged her shoulders, and grinned at her sister again, gesturing with a paw for the other to go first and find some trouble for the pair of them to land in.


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02-08-2016, 01:50 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

With some careful footwork, the girls were able to sneak away from their sleeping mother and father, and Rory could feel her heart beginning to beat excitedly in her chest the second she had stepped full and clear of them both. Free... Free! She would have taken off running right then, likely to ruin the whole midnight escape, had Ray not set the tone with her careful, slow speed. The blue pup's paws itched to take off, and with bouncing steps she tread right on her sister's heels, casting quick, peeking glances back at her parents that made her smile all over again. It was actually working!

By the time they reached the trees Seraphiel had already scouted out, Rory could wait no longer. She darted ahead, hoping to be the first beneath the dark cover of the trees, and growled a note of triumph as she spun around and leaped animatedly. They did it! They were free! She was so excited she could have run laps around Ray if she wanted to stand still, which she did. Though she had been the brains of the operation and Rory stood staring at her expectantly, tail unable to stop wagging, her grey-toned sister only glanced in either direction with a shrug of her shoulders, showing a lack of direction and initiative.

What's this? Aurora wondered as she stared in puzzlement at her sister, inclining her head slightly to the side in curiosity. It had been her idea to come out this way. Did she not have something in mind for them to do now that they were here? Hmph. That was silly. The blue pup, drawing herself up importantly, made a very unladylike snort. Guess she needed to pick something for them to do. But...what? She really did want to run - now that she was awake and out here she had way too much energy to burn - and if Ray did not have any ideas...

Her grin returning suddenly, Rory darted forward and reached out to swat her sister's foreleg quickly with her paw - not altogether gently in her haste - and just as quickly dashed away, hoping her sister would catch on and jump into pursuit.



2 Years
Extra large

03-04-2016, 03:23 PM

Aurora would dash for the trees and Ray had to stiffle a cry of surprise before leaping after her, there was no way she was going to lose any race the pair got into! But Rory's head start gave her all the advantage she needed and Ray was laughing as she hit the trees second. She giggled again as she watched her sister's victorious dance.

When it came time to decide what next, Rory would snort at Ray's indecision, which only incited another laugh from the young girl. She was simply too happy at their successful freedom to reign it in. bouncing and excited as she was, she wouldn't see Roar's actions until it was too late. She squeaked as a paw sneaked out and got her. When Roar turned and ran, Ray instantly got the idea. “Oh no you don't!” she said playfully, giving chase to her blue sister. They where both competitive children, and that only added a fun element to the game. She tried to cut her sister off, by feigning one way and then trying to jump another, expecting her sister to turn from her first movements. Instead, the large pawed young girl tripped over her own flailing feet and landed with an 'oomph!' into the ground. She shook herself out and climbed back to her feet, panting and laughing, and decided to use even this to her advantage. If her sister had come back to her side she would leap out to tag her, if not, she would simply give chase again.

html by castlegraphics Art by mempsis


03-11-2016, 09:54 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The muffled sound of her sister's exclamation only fueled Aurora's need to run ahead, and the whole of her effort was thrown into outrunning her long-legged sibling. She did not need to know what those garbled noises Sera made actually meant; in her mind, it signified only that her sibling had caught on to the game she had initiated, and that she was likely giving chase. Rory did not even want to waste a second glancing over her shoulder to see if Ray was on her heels since it would mean dividing her effort into running and looking, and she was far more interested in outrunning and outmaneuvering her sister to jeopardize her chances of keeping her head start.

But without her ears, there really was no other way to tell. A few breathy chuckles fell from her smiling face as she quickly changed direction, arcing her path in order to give herself a chance to peek from the corner of her eye at the grey and blue youth chasing her. Her golden eyes shifted to glance sidelong at at her sister, and perfectly timed she caught the moment when Ray rumbled and fell onto the ground in a graceless heap. Rory's mostly useless ears perked atop her head, her golden eyes widening, and as she hurriedly slowed to a stop her smile fell away. Is she okay? She stayed where she was, uncertain, and watched Seraphiel closely as she shook off her tumble, got back to her feet, and proceeded to give chase again.

Seeing that the game was still on, that Sera was not actually hurt or unable to continue their game, Aurora grinned outright again and resumed her quick dash as she attempted to run in a wide circle around her sister.