
Walking After Midnight



5 Years
Extra large
01-09-2016, 09:31 PM
Laufey wasn't really one to stop and smell the roses. His surroundings had to be pretty spectacular for him to note their beauty. It wasn't that he went through life oblivious to what was around him. Rather, he noticed but didn't find the sights worth devoting thought to. Noting and appreciating beauty - unless the beauty in question was a woman - struck him as a little too touchy feely. It wasn't quite right to say it undermined his masculinity...but it undermined his masculinity. This place, though? This was the kind of place he couldn't help but notice. The very ground he walked across seemed to glow in the moonlight; the gentle light as muted and soft as the moon itself.

The ambiance put him in a slightly better mood than the one he'd left Yfir in. The brute was tired but unable to sleep. He felt restless and caged; boxed in by forces beyond his control. He'd lain awake in his den for hours before finally relenting and going for a walk. Eventually the walk had taken him beyond the borders and into one of the neighboring territories.

Reaching the edge of what looked like a dry riverbed, Laufey lay down on the rim of it and let his forepaws hang over the edge. A heavy sigh left his lips, the sound ricocheting off the smooth rock surrounding him and bouncing back to him in a chorus of ethereal whispers.
This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.


01-09-2016, 10:02 PM
Sleep wasn't coming easily tonight and for some reason she was feeling restless. She had spent the last hour, at least, pacing outside of her temporary den. She couldn't think why she felt so bothered or way she couldn't sleep. She felt that traveling and discovering new things was a good enough purpose for her, but oddly it didn't feel like it completed her like the rough life with her mother. She missed the bit of thrill that came from dealing with the rough elements and the large creatures that could easily claim her as prey. The cold air that her coat had grown accustomed to, perhaps she should move back at least until winter came back to the lands. She had hoped death hadn't visited her family, that they were still there. There was times she wished she had stayed with her siblings instead of parting with them.

Grunting she moved away from her den to a place she had first visited after leaving home. A place of beauty and a place of peaceful nature. It was a good place for her to think and had even helped to sooth her thoughts. She considered it a decent place for escape from others and just thrive in the silence. It was only a short walk, not enough to make herself tired and weary. When she arrived she hadn't even bothered to look around for others, instead she headed straight to the riverbed. Stalking alongside the edge, her eyes looked down to the beautiful marble stone. Stopping the female stared for sometime before closing her eyes and taking a seat. Her good and her battered ear lay gently back against her skull and she tried to quiet her thoughts and clear her mind.



5 Years
Extra large
02-08-2016, 04:42 PM
OOC: omg I am so, SO sorry!! I forgot about this thread >.<

The clatter of dull claws on stone alerted him to the presence of the woman. In silence he watched her progress, his forepaws slowly kneading the air as he waited for his inevitable discovery. Her gaze remained fixed downward and even though he lay there like a giant white knot on a log, she wasn't quick to take notice of him. Having nothing better to do Laufey fixed his attention solely on her and waited.

The brute appreciated few things in life more than fighting, but a close second had to be the beauty of a woman. Perhaps to his detriment he was ever appreciative and always looking. It was a weakness he was aware of but unwilling to change. Lazily Laufey's gaze took her in, noting the scars that heavily marred her person. A fighter or a chew toy? He could be interested in both.

Without ever becoming aware of him the woman settled down some distance away. Her thoughts seemed to consume her, which he took as a sign she might be worth investigating. While remaining where he was, the brute called out, "I take it sleep has evaded you too."

This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.