



7 Years
Extra large
01-10-2016, 09:12 PM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2016, 07:33 PM by Basileus.)

Cosa Nostra


Ah, the mafia. Who doesn't like an organization built on intimidation and the busting of kneecaps? Have I got your attention because I'd like to make you an offer you can't refuse.

Interested? Read on...

What is Cosa Nostra?
Literally "our thing" Cosa Nostra is a loosely connected network of criminal organizations built around racketeering, extortion and espionage. This particular take on it also dabbles in slave trade, the arbitration of disputes between Cosca groups, kidnapping for ransom and contract killing, although they're opportunistic criminals so the limits are few.

What is a Cosca?
In a nutshell a Cosca ("clan") is a band of wolves who claim authority over several packs and their territories. More often than not the wolves in a Cosca are also members of the packs whose land they claim. Their roots in these packs are often extensive and powerful, and because of this even if a pack wanted to rid itself of its Cosca it would find it very difficult to do so without collapsing its own infrastructure. Membership isn't hereditary but it isn't uncommon for members to also be relatives.

What is a Mafioso?
A mafioso is a "made man" that is, a wolf who has been tested and accepted into the ranks of a Cosca. The word itself is a name given to the members of a Cosca by outsiders and not the Cosca itself. The mafiosi prefer to call themselves "men of honor" or "men of respect" and rarely - if ever - use the term mafioso to describe themselves. When referring to one another they are more likely to call their companions "paesano" if they're talking to an equal or "padrino" if they're addressing a superior.

What is the code of conduct?
The mafiosi follow a strict code of conduct. A Cosca's power is connected to its reputation and for this reason adherence to the code of conduct is crucial. Each made man is expected to uphold the values put forth by the Capofamiglia ("Boss") and disobedience and/or unbecoming behavior is something that isn't taken lightly. In the Cosca warnings alone are something to be feared. Honor and reputation are tied directly to a man's power and willfully overstepping your bounds is a fantastic way to stunt not only your career but your life expectancy. The rules are simple:

  • At all costs avoid introducing oneself to another man of honor
  • Always be available for Cosca work
  • Do not touch the women of other men of honor
  • Do not steal from other men of honor
  • Do not kill other men of honor unless the order comes down
  • Avoid speaking to outsiders about the Cosca
  • Avoid quarreling with other men of honor
  • Wives must be treated with respect
  • Do not break Omertà; the price is death
  • Pentiti (oath breakers) are to be killed on sight

Of course, those are the spoken rules. It's understood that on top of following those rules mafiosi should handle themselves in a way befitting a man of respect. There is a certain amount of chivalry among these criminals and they pride themselves on being above the common thug in both appearance and presentation. Forget sagging pants and bandannas, these baddies are of the suit and tie variety. They say "yes, ma'am" and "no, ma'am" and hold the door open for sweet little old ladies while on their way to whack someone. To an extent this is probably a facade; get a mafioso behind closed doors and he just might be someone else entirely.

What is Omertà?
Omertà is the oath of silence and secrecy that each and every mafioso must take to become a made man. It forbids the mafiosi from betraying their fellows to outsiders. To take it one must commit murder. There is no greater sin than breaking Omertà and the penalty for doing so is always, without exception, death. So severe is the penalty that it is common practice to murder not only the oathbreaker, but his immediate family. To break Omertà is to forfeit not only your life, but the lives of your mate and children.

There once was a man named Enrico who, for reasons that have yet to be determined, betrayed his Cosca. Once his betrayal was found out the order came down that he needed to be removed. The task of knocking off Enrico was given to Basileus and after Enrico caught wind of the scheme and fled, Basileus followed. Unbeknownst to Basileus all hell broke loose days after he left. The information given by Enrico to one of the Cosca's rivals brought it to its knees and its members were forced to flee or risk falling with their slain brethren. For reasons up to the adopter, some members found their way to Alacritia.


  • Capofamiglia - the Boss. Also informally called Padrino ("godfather")
  • Capo bastone - the Underboss. Think Vice President. Speaks directly to the capofamiglia.
  • Consigliere - the Advisers (literally "counselor"). Each Consigliere leads a decina which is made up of ten or so Soldati. They are impartial advisors and supervisors who report to the Capofamiglia and Capo bastone.
  • Capodecina - the capodecina is the lead soldato in a decina. He reports directly to his consigliere and has limited contact with the other consiglieres, the capo bastone and the capofamiglia, but interacts regularly with other capodecina and soldati
  • Soldato - the Coscas soldiers. They do all the dirty work. Soldati have very limited contact with all higher ranking members except their own capodecina and consigliere.
  • Associate - these guys aren't true mafiosi and because of this they have no contact with any mafiosi except the one (sometimes two) soldato who gives them their orders. These wolves are expendable. They're usually yearlings who want to join but haven't yet proven their worth. Occasionally they're older, corrupt businessmen.

And their meanings if Laz can find them

  • Borgata - A cosca's territory. Overlaps several packs.
  • Cosca - means "clan". The plural is "cosche". Refers to a group of men in Cosa Nostra who control a group of packs and their territories.
  • Decina - literally a grouping of ten somethings, in this case men. A decina doesn't absolutely have to have ten in each, it's just the name for the units.
  • Famiglia - means "family" and refers to a mafioso's blood relatives as opposed to their cosca
  • i Fratelli Rossi - means "the red brothers". This is the name of Basileus' cosca. It was founded forever and ever ago by a man by the name of Romero and his friends, none of which had any amount of red on them. The "red" in their name refers to the line of work they are well known for, which is contract killing.
  • Operaio - Means "worker". This term is interchangeable with soldato although soldato is preferred in most cases. Plural is "operai"
  • Padrino - means "godfather" and usually refers to the capofamiglia but can also be used when talking about the mafioso who recruited you.
  • Paesano - basically "homie". A paesano is a comrade and/or a friend. Plural is "paesani" and feminine is "paesana".
  • Picciotto - refers to a young mafioso. Plural is "picciotti"
  • Mafioso - anyone in Cosa Nostra. Plural is mafiosi. Possibly means "swagger"

Who can I adopt?

Any soldato or associate you can come up with. I don't care about name or family or any of that jazz. That's up to you. You can also try out for a capodecina, but I'll be very picky with those because there aren't many of them left. Everyone else, the capofamiglia, the capo bastone, the consiglieres and almost all of capodecina are now D-E-A-D stone cold, never to rise again DEAD, okay? But Laz, you ask, if all the important people are dead why should I want to adopt from you? Because the most interesting, most lively, most active people are in the lower ranks. They are the movers and the doers, the feet on the ground. They're the most fun, I swear. They are the guys that break the kneecaps. Fun, see? They do all the dirty work while the higher ranks grow fat and.

There are no serious guidelines for the appearance of Cosca members as they come from all over. Any eye color, coat color and pattern is acceptable although you should keep in mind that wolves with earthy or muted colors would do much better (and probably be preferred) than gaudy, brightly colored wolves since a lot of what they do requires them to avoid drawing attention to themselves.

Couple things worth noting. One, as some of the above suggests, the presence of women in Cosa Nostra is almost unheard of. I might consider a woman but she'd have to be undeniably special. Understand that, exceptional or not, she's probably be pretty heavily discriminated against in the past and is probably just an associate. And two, homosexuality is probably frowned upon in this society and people who fall on the LBGTQ spectrum and are open about it would also probably get the same kind of treatment as a woman in the cosca. You can apply with whoever you want, I'll consider all apps, I just want you to be aware. If you want to buck the system, be my guest! It has to start somewhere, right?

<b>Name:</b> Must be italian
<b>Gender:</b> Male -squints-
<b>Age: Must be 1+</b>
<b>Rank:</b> Capdecina, soldato or associate?
<b>Personality:</b> Site minimum, please
<b>Appearance:</b> Site minimum, please
<b>History:</b> 100+ words

The Scarlatti

NOT currently accepting apps for Scarlatti who are also in the Cosca. Also up for adoption are members of the Scarlatti family. These are Basileus' relatives and as their name suggests the color red is very common in their family. Any eye color is acceptable and muted coat colors are preferred. No complicated patterns, please. These wolves can also be part of i Fratelli Rossi. Because they are part of Basil's family I will be very picky with these guys!

<b>Name:</b> Preferably Italian. Might accept Greek names similar to Basil's
<b>Age: </b>
<b>Rank:</b> if applicable; capodecina, soldato or associate?
<b>Relation to Basil:</b>
<b>Personality:</b> Site minimum, please
<b>Appearance:</b> Site minimum, please
<b>History:</b> 100+ words

I reserve the right to reject applications and reclaim characters who are placed inactive or who haven't been posted with for 1 OOC month or more. Incomplete apps that sit for two weeks or more will be deleted.

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
01-10-2016, 09:55 PM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2016, 10:03 PM by Birna I.)
*curses lightly at Laz*

Name: Vincenzo Bernini
Nickname:  Vinny
Gender: Male
Age: 3
Rank: Soldato
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Personality: Site minimum, please

Vincenzo is a man of practical skills, interested in picking up anything that might further his ambitions and leaving everything else by the way side.  He is constantly trying to improve and is a hard-working, determined individual.  While Vinny is known to be a moody and passionate in his personal life, on the job he is careful and cautious.  He's not fond of bravado or risks and is the type to work quietly and surely without drawing to much attention to himself.  Most of the time.  It's through practice and training he's gotten a handle on the emotional side of himself but every so often that side can come rearing out in a force of wrathful violence.

For Vincenzo to be interested in a job it has to have a solid grounding and be well thought out.  Vague concepts, ideas, goals will not go far with him.  When he has a job he tends to ignore the clock and just work away quietly without much fuss and without wasting time.  He prides himself on being both efficient and successful.  Vinny is the type of mafioso that once he's settled on a job he's all in, commitment comes naturally to him and there are rarely any second thoughts until the job is complete.  Trustworthy, dependent and punctual Vincenzo can always be counted on to fulfill a contract.

While Vincenzo comes across as a cool customer upon first meeting after awhile those that get to know him will see his humorous and affectionate side.  He's a laid-back individual who very much sees the Fratelli Rossi as a band of brothers.  Sometimes he can take this to far and push into others boundaries but it almost always comes from concern and genuine caring about the fellows he sees as his family.  He is very loyal and will never let anyone down once he's given his word.  

Like many of his fellows Vinny is a perceptive man and a great judge of character.  He's not blind to the way that others are manipulative and secretive to get their way and his naturally suspicious nature aids him in this.  He can usually work out what these types are up to and will take steps not to get embroiled in another's poorly planned scheme.  

It's not surprising that Vinny's rough upbringing had an effect on him.  He learned early to be self-sufficient and to deal with being alone.  He feels that this has taught him to be strong and he's wary of asking for help from others both personally and on the job.  Of course when it comes to work Vincenzo also likes to take full credit for the goals he's achieved and isn't fond of sharing glory.  In general though Vinny's past has left him rather pessimistic when it comes to life.  He's a glass half-empty type of individual though he's not totally hopeless.  He prefers to hope for the best but expect the worst when it comes to life.  Vincenzo's upbringing has taught him to be resilient and to weather the storms of life and come out with his strength in tact.  It's not in his nature to give up easily and Vinny just gets emotionally stronger the more challenges are thrown in his way.


Cloaked in an handsome pelt of velour black and bearing several noticeable scars Vincenzo is a man that appears both elegant and brutish. His thick ebony pelt is marked by a ruff of pure white around the base of his neck that flows gently between his shoulder blades. The same color marks his chest and underbelly and a set of white 'spats' colors each of his paws, leaving his toes black. From the rich, dark fur of his face peers a set of citrine eyes that appear mostly gold but around his pupils is a ring of vibrant red-orange that seems to set his entire gaze ablaze.

While his eyes and pelt speak of well-groomed class his body is closer to that of a bruiser. He bears several noticeable scars from his fights in the ring as well as work and personal affairs. The first scar and the largest one is a band going from about mid-back on his left side an inch or two down from his spine that carries on horizontally ending at the top of his left him. The second set and one of the most significant to Vinny personally are two jagged scars that start almost at each corner of his left eye and trace down over his cheek. The third set is another band of two scars, a few inches apart across the middle front of his upper left arm.

History: 100+ words
Born to immigrant parents in a somewhat unforgiving land Vincenzo was used to being at the bottom of the totem pole and struggling to make ends meet. He had no connections to the mafia, their existence rarely ever entered his thoughts as anything other than "someone else's problem". Vincenzo's home life was not good and the boy found himself constantly dealing with inner rage. As he grew, he trained and excelled in street fighting. Vinny took to participating in illegal fighting rings to earn enough kill to keep his family fed. Though they were hunters most of the kill went to those they hunted for. It was in these fights Vincenzo earned his first set of scars. In the ring he was an emotional man prone to wearing his feelings on his sleeves and venting his anger with his fangs in graceless, barbaric matches. To be perfectly honest he was a far-cry from the suave, precise brutality of the mafia. Until something in him caught someone's eye...

Enrico approached Vincenzo after a particularly violent match. The two had seen each other before, exchanged words and drinks here and there but as Vinny was tending to his wounds the other man propositioned him. There was much to think about but in the end it was an easy decision for Vincenzo. He had little going for him with a wrecked home life and a job that wasn't enough to support him and he'd already been immersed in the criminal underground.

The grunt work was simple enough, the threatening, the physical brutality but it took Vinny awhile to pin down the mannerisms that were expected of him as well as the more strategic jobs. He was a hungry learner, taking in everything he could from Enrico, working hard to better himself and to please the man he saw as an elder brother. With patience and blood Vincenzo soon became a model mafioso. His trial was one he meditated on long and hard, ever since he took up Enrico's offer he knew what he'd have to do. It's amazing though how one can justify anything and Vinny did just that. When he learned his target he studied them carefully, working in his own thoughts his own story so that when the time came he was unflinching. The job went down smoothly and quietly, the only sign of anything going awry were the two nasty cuts left on the left side of Vinny's face. A constant reminder of the crime he'd committed. One of many. At times it's a mark of shame and at others a mark of pride and for the most part he's seen it as the physical representation of the oath he's taken for his brothers.

There was a point in his life where Vincenzo was finally beginning to see the glass of life as half full, where he was beginning to grow optimistic. Then Enrico betrayed the Fratelli Rossi and pillar after pillar of the life he'd made came crashing down, everything descended rapidly into chaos and Vincenzo struggled to come to terms with recent events in his life. He was fiercely loyal to his brothers and he expected, no was sure, that everyone else felt the same. The betrayal was unimaginable, unprecedented and it cut Vincenzo down to his core and when the order came down that Enrico was to be slain he felt conflicted. Part of him still loved the man he thought of as an older brother and was certain there was a misunderstanding. He couldn't imagine killing the man. Yet, another part of him was beyond wrathful and was almost jealous that the order had been given to Basileus. Vincenzo remained and struggled to help the Fratelli Rossi stay on its feet but one by one the higher-ups were cut down and everyone was beginning to lose hope. Vincenzo now journeys to Alacritis on the trail of Basileus with grim news of the state of the Fratelli Rossi.

Plans: Vincenzo is seeking to find Basil to deliver him news of the state of the Fratelli Rossi. Afterwards he will desire to assist Basil in anyway necessary in his mission as well as keeping an eye out for a possible location to start again should it be deemed improbable to re-establish the Fratelli Rossi in it's previous location.
[Image: 262ny8g.png]



7 Years

01-10-2016, 10:41 PM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2016, 02:05 PM by Valentine. Edit Reason: Image was stretching the page )

Name: Vittore Scarlatti
Gender: Male!
Age: 2
Rank: Soldato
Relation to Basil: Hopefully a brother.
Alignment: Lawful evil?
Gentleman+ Raised like all children of a mafioso are, Vittore is unfailingly polite. He is courteous and well-spoken; he is gentle and willing to help those that need it, especially women with children. He strives to be seen much like Enrico is - sweet, learned, gentleman, but also a mafioso. He believes that all mafioso ought to be polite, and gentlemanly, otherwise they are undeserving of being of the cosca. Being mafioso isn't just being a cold-hearted killer.

Ruthless+ Vittore had gotten a reputation of being ruthless during his training and his first kill. He is willing to do anything to accomplish his goals, his mission. It is his first priority, and nothing will stop him from completing that. He, however, would prefer not killing those that are not his target, but he is willing do so if the problem persists in a manner where it would be acceptable.

Conflicted+ Since the cosca's fall, Vittore hasn't known what to think or do, only to run. His mind can hardly fathom that someone - let alone Enrico. How could that happen? How could he do that to the cosca? It consumes his thoughts, and he doesn't even want to think about what he'll do if he runs into Enrico. He knows he ought to try to kill the man, but he isn't sure he has the ability to do so.

Loyal+ As may be obvious, he is loyal to the core. He was born and raised to be that way - that family is everything, and not all family is blood related. The Omertà is perhaps the most important thing to him - he could never dream of breaking it, even breathing a word or thinking about breaking it. He could hardly fathom how another would break it, which is why Enrico's betrayal has hit him so hard.

BASE + varying shades of deep mahogany
EYES + a pale silvery-blue
HEIGHT + 40 inches
WEIGHT + 200 pounds
BUILD + he is not the most lean of wolves, but he's not a huge hulking chunk of muscle either. He is nicely defined, with a clear emphasis on strength, though through training and hard work he has managed to learn to be subtle and quiet.
MARKINGS + he is marked with rust, much like his brother. An eye marking starting from the corner of his eye, following the shape of his eye and curling down in a thicker line to the edge of his muzzle marks either side of his face. His brows are marked with simplistic dots, and his nose is adorned with a pointed stripe. That same rust paints his back in arcs, lighter bands of fur on his neck, shoulders, and sides. To finish it, the light red marks his tail with a few strands here and there.

Born in the same litter as Basileus, Vittore was raised and grew up around the Cosca. While nothing outright was told to him, he was perceptive, and he was not blind. His brother had a chance before he did - catching the eye of one of their father's soldato. While his brother climbed quickly, Vittore waited impatiently for his own turn - and indeed it would come, thanks to Enrico. Vittore would idolize the man, admiring him and wishing to rise as quickly as he did; he would perform any task asked of him. It was only a couple of weeks or so before the fall of the i Fratelli Rossi when he completed his first kill, where the pride in him at proving himself able and worthy drowned out any guilt he may have had. That quickly faded as hell broke loose with the Cosca, and Vittore would watch his hero be accused of breaking the Omertà. Sickened, betrayed, and watching his brother leave for a strange land in search for Enrico, Vittore stayed behind, stoicly doing a she was told... until all hell broke loose. He ran then, after seeing that there was nothign that could be done for his brothers, after realizing to stay would be to die. He started running for the first place far away, a place where his brother was, chasing down what once was Vittore's role model in life: Alacritia.

Plans: Well, it's going to be mostly finding his brother at first, telling him what happened. He's then going to try to find other members of the Cosca - hoping that some came to Alacritia too like he did. I'm thinking maybe an encounter with Enrico? I feel like Vittore would be extremely conflicted and torn and whatnot.. it'd be interesting threading.
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



9 Years
Dragon Mod
01-10-2016, 11:32 PM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2016, 09:23 PM by Silva.)

[Image: 6oU9Nxh.png?1]

Name: Luciana "Morticia" Acerbi
Gender: Female
Age: 2yrs
Rank: Associate
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Heart of Steel
The black beauty is a creature void of emotion. Blood painted eyes show no soul, no compassion, no kindness, nor for those in her immediate family. She is a soldier through and through, and it is through who she is that she is able to do what must be done. She feels no need to love another creature. Instead, she will use her charm and good looks to lure in a man to get the information she so desires by any means necessary. She is not above playing dirty if she must, but she would rather act like a proper lady...until you deny her what she wants, then it's gloves off.

Fiercely Loyal
Despite her lack of emotions, loyalty is a trait that is written deeply into her code. She sticks by her grand and beloved family no matter what. She follows without question, obeys without a second thought. Loyalty to her family and the clan comes first and foremost, and she would never do anything to compromise any information about her own. Let it be said, that should she find out anyone has betrayed the family, she will often be the first to get rid of the rat problem.

Luciana is a lover of the shadows, a fondness for all things morbid, gloomy, and especially carnage. While she doesn't actively seek to partake in tearing someone from limb to limb or roll in the entrails of her enemies, she does enjoy a good show if it is provided to her. the woman is indifferent to the pleading and begging of her target, there was a reason they were put in the position after all. She likes to travel by night, preferring to avoid the sun as much as she can because of light sensitivity. And also because she hates frilly, flowery, and bright sunny days her, it's simply too /cheery/ for her tastes.

Cold & Calculating
The woman, as has been noted, is cold to the core. She feels no warmth towards others, not even children. While she won't outright harm a child for no reason, she will do so if it is part of her job. That said, she will do so in a manner quick and precise. Younger targets will get a quick and clean snuff, as will her older targets unless otherwise said. The woman bears no love nor moral compass when it comes to her job, because she feels that such things will only get in the way from doing what needs to be done. While she is not completely heartless, she may be capable of a very itty bitty fraction of compassion...or pity, for abandoned kids. However, those she takes under her wing are trained in the ways of the Mafioso.

Being a woman in the mafia, Luciana has learned that it is quite difficult to find acceptance among the rest. This has resulted in many of her negative traits, but it does not stop her from trying to rise to the top. She has a reputation for doing the dirtiest of jobs, the stuff that nobody else wants to do. No matter what it is, she will do it if only to further prove her loyalty and her abilities. She cares not what others say, she simply offers a somewhat sarcastic if not coy smile, along with a shrug of her shoulders and continues with her day.

Topping off her egotistical personality, the woman is in all ways vain. She enjoys compliments here and there, and they will be met with either a smile and a curt thank you because she knows she deserves it, or a curt "Hmph" because it's expected. Depending on what mood she's in, could grant either one of those responses. She also takes great care of herself, not too heavy nor too skinny but a perfect balance in between. She keeps herself clean and sharp, constant grooming on her part.

Built with a sleek and feminine frame, the night hunter is one who is not to be underestimated. Standing at 35" tall with a slim but well toned frame, Luciana is a woman who takes pride in her work and uses her feminine features to her advantage. Long slender legs hold up a well built bodice, curves in all the right places and a plush tail make her frame. Raven swept fur blankets the woman, soft and well groomed at all times. Her face is blanketed in a soft white, as are the top half of her ears and her forelegs as well as her chest. A cold soul stares through eyes that are as red as blood, cold and sinister almost. Always void of emotion, and void of any indication of what she might do next. Black encircles her eyes like eyeliner, a befitting image of a proud woman. That being said, she holds her head high in pride.

Born in the northlands to rogue parents and one brother. The best times of her life, if one were to ask, was during her puphood. Before the chaos, before her life was ruined. She and her brother were close, as rogues, they wandered the mountains and helped each other survive when their parents were off on hunting trips where they were away for days, or sometimes weeks. Yes...those were the better days. The days she felt connected, happy, the days where she loved. However, shortly before turning a year old, tragedy struck. She and her brother were standing atop their favorite perch overlooking the valley, below them were their mother and father coming back from a caribou tracking. As they watched with wagging tails, they soon descended to go meet them. Soon, they were to go on a great adventure! They were to go across miles and miles of new lands and end the journey where the caribou were.

As Luciana and her brother reached the bottom of the mountain, they were immediately stopped by sheer shock and horror. Their mother and father were in a fight for their lives against a large pack, but it would end with the death of their parents. As they watched them fall, they would be spotted as well. And before they knew it, they were running for their lives back up the mountain side. Luciana ran as fast as she could, her brother keeping up behind her. The further up they went, the more they realized they would become trapped and cornered. Her brother realizing this, stopped them for no more then a minute as he devised a plan to lure away the attackers so she could escape. No matter how much she begged and pleaded to stay together, her brother would give her a final kiss and an "I love you" before turning around and heading back down the mountain. That was the last she saw of him.

After that life altering event, she knew she needed to run. She knew she needed to get away. The pack would track her, and so she ran and she ran until she couldn't run anymore. That was when she found them. A pack that would be her saving grace. Little did she know that it was controlled by the mafioso, but eventually she would find out. Upon turning a year old, a man by the name of Adamo had an eye on her, and soon introduced her into the life of the Clan. From there, her life would make a sharp turn as she completed jobs and served those who she came to know as her family. She hasn't looked back since.

Plans: Find other members of the cosca. Weed information out of other wolves/packs. Find basil and try to help re-establish the gang and attempt to work her way up.



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
01-11-2016, 12:03 AM (This post was last modified: 01-11-2016, 09:10 PM by Katja the First.)

Name: Enrico Falcone
Gender: Male
Age: 3
Rank: Pentito (ex consigliere)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Personality: "Oh, he was such a nice boy. So gentle and kindhearted. I would never have expected him to... well, you know." Enrico is a study in contradictions. He is a polite, charming young man, sweet and thoughtful and soft-spoken. Unfailingly courteous and chivalrous, he does not give the impression of a killer. No, he gives the impression rather of a scholar. He is learned and well-spoken, a gentleman to the core.

But he is also a criminal, and to him there is no contradiction between the two. Passion runs deeply in him, but it is threaded through with cold logic, a combination that did well for him among the mafioso. He is very intelligent, and brilliantly observant - though to his tragic detriment, he is not as discerning of his own weaknesses as he is others. He is ambitious, but without the structure of a cosca he is left at loose ends, unable to climb a ladder that does not exist and frustrated by it. He is methodical and thorough in everything he does, making up for what he lacks in size with fore-planning. He lives his life for the future - but his future burned with the Cosca, and he is left with nothing.

Broken-hearted and alone for the first time in his life, this once-driven individual is purposeless and broken... and deeply, deeply angry. Inside him smolders a resentment, a hate aimed... not at those sent to hunt him down... but at himself. His foolish puppy-love had caused him to forswear himself, dishonored him, and gotten his brothers killed. Dead, because of him. A self-hatred so intense, so all-consuming, an agony that he castigates himself with constantly, yet he would never stoop to ending his own life, nor would he give up without a fight if he were caught. It simply is not in his nature. In the absence of a purpose he has fallen back onto mere self-preservation.
Appearance: Enrico is fairly small for what he does, only 34", and rather slim. He is wiry and toned, sleek fur and well-formed face giving him a certain elegance to his appearance. He holds himself with great pride and confidence, held as taut as a harpstring but so graceful - his is a dancer's poise. His scent is oddly spicy, almost as though there is a hint of cinnamon to it, and his alto voice velvet-smooth and lilting in his native Italian. His sleek pelt is a soft dove gray, mottled and smudged gently in darkening tones across his midsection, deepening to black at his points. His only distinct marking is the faint white edging his black ears - everything else is soft-edged and cloudy as it blurs into his body color. Pale ice-blue eyes are startling against the black mask adorning his face, sharp and discerning eyes that almost never fully show his emotions.
History: (subject to change after I learn more about consigliere and cosca in general) The son of a man of respect, whose father in turn was, and his father before him who had begun the family's forays into the Cosa Nostra, Enrico was immersed in the business of the red brothers from a young age, though his father and grandfather quite properly did not speak to him of the Cosca until he was brought in. He had been a passionate young man, but he was steady and reliable despite it and was judged ready. Moving quickly up the ranks from associate to be accepted as soldati upon the occasion of his first kill in the service of the Cosca, his ambition and his intelligence did not allow him to rest upon his laurels. He was relentless in his service, but more than that he had an eye for seeing potential in younger wolves and a talent for knowing how to bring that potential out. He had a mind for the long view, and it propelled him to a high rank at a young age. He had charge of a group of loyal soldati and associates to do the work he was given for them, and he'd cared deeply for each of them. They were his family, and they meant everything to him - but then he met Rosalia.

She was the daughter of a consigliere of in a rival Cosca, so she insinuated, and she was the most beautiful woman he had ever met. Purest of white, with soft sky-blue eyes and a delicate form, which such a gentle and kind soul. He fell head over heels for her, and despite the rivalry between their two coscas, despite everything she encouraged his attentions. He found himself slipping away for secret assignations with her, conducting an affair entirely unbeknownst to his cosca - he had always been such a dependable consigliere, there had never been reason to suspect he would act in such a manner. But he loved her so deeply, so passionately, that he... began to confide in her. He would find himself speaking with her about his brothers, at first in vague terms that he could justify as being safe, but slowly his caution eroded away until he spoke plainly about the wolves of his cosca. Confiding in her, seeking her advice, laughing with her. Loving her. But nothing can last forever, and he had betrayed his vows.

Despite all his justifications, his excuses, it all came crashing down upon him when he overheard two of his soldati passing the orders. He had broken Omertà. His life was forfeit. He felt sick, sick in a way he had not felt even at his first kill. He had broken Omertà. But he had done it for love! He had fled to find Rosalina, to warn her that she was in danger and to seek to convince her to run away with him. They could be together, safe! Far from the world of the Cosa Nostra. But... he had been betrayed, as he had betrayed his brothers. He learned that he had been singled out by Rosalina from the start, not out of love but targeted because of his youth and his rank. She was a rarity, a female soldati, and she was using him to propel her to a high rank despite the prejudice against her gender. She had used him to gather information about his brothers and he, the fool, had fallen into her trap, lured by pretty eyes and pretty promises. She had tipped his Cosca about his betrayal, to draw their attention to him instead of those who would destroy them. He learned of their plans, and could do nothing to stop it because he, marked for death, would be killed on sight. He could do nothing, and with Basilieus closing in on his trail he could only flee. If he had been thinking clearly he might have found a way to get a message to his Cosca warning them of their impending doom... but in shock, heart-sick and caught in the horror of what he had done, he acted purely on instinct, and instinct told him to survive - so he ran, and has not stopped running.
Reason for betrayal: He did it for love! But alas, the poor man's lover was from a rival Cosca and did not share his passion - she used him for the information he could provide, then when he was discovered abandoned him to his fate. Tragic, to have betrayed your closest friends for a woman, to have led them to their deaths only to have it all be a lie.
Plans: Hmm a lot of avoiding the cosca - if he happens to run into any he'd attempt to put them down gently and escape, because he already has a crushing number of their lives on his conscience and wouldn't want to add more. He will seek redemption, somehow, some way, for what he did... but will probably never find it.


01-11-2016, 02:10 AM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2016, 02:07 PM by Valentine. Edit Reason: Image was stretching the page )
Name: Arsen Scarlatti

Gender: Male

Age: 2

Rank: Soldato

Relation to Basil: Cousin

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Personality: Cynical would be the perfect word to describe the young Scarlatti. He enjoys his line of work, perhaps just a bit more than he should but no one seems to care because that’s what makes him good at what he does. His good looks and approachable nature make him someone that everyone automatically trusts upon first meeting. He molds himself into what his target wants him to be, someone that they can trust and will confide in. He talks the talk and walks the walk, smooth talking his way out of anything or into anything, depending on what the situation calls for. The dirtier part of his lifestyle, the nitty gritty is what he loves best. He lives for taking out rivals and backstabbers, relishes in being the one that ends their life. For as sick as he is, he’s loyal to the bone. Anyone baring the Scarlatti name is his family and is under his protection, though if they break laws, his devotion to the lifestyle will erase any trace of affection he has for them in order for him to complete his duty. Though he values his family and cares for them, he keeps everyone at an arms length. The type of life that he lives, the code that he abides by, doesn’t allow him to get close to anyone and he rather likes it that way. He doesn’t want anyone cramping his style.

Appearance: He's a devil in disguise, a snake with blue eyes... While he may not have blue eyes, he most certainly is a snake, a devilishly handsome snake at that. Crafted from the hottest flames in hell, there's no resisting this man's devastating looks, not when his silver tongue comes out to play. Deep mahogany swathes the Scarlatti from head to toe, boasting of the devil's fine breeding, proving worthy of his surname. Charcoal burns at his mahogany pelt, touching only select places. It begins with his muzzle, the charred stains swallowing his jaws, working their way up his face until they begin to dissolve into the mahagony around his eyes and cheeks, giving him a charred mask of sorts. It licks at the backs of his ears, making a trail down his back to form a wide saddle down his sides, stopping just shy of his belly. From there it leaps down to his limbs, the mahogany fading from the top to the dark charcoal at his wrists and paws on all four limbs, starting just below his elbows on his forelegs and at his knees along his hindlegs. Lastly the bottom half of his tail, from base to tip, is dipped in the charcoal, giving him a two-toned tail. Ivory, pure in its marks, runs down his muzzle between his eyes, from his forehead down to the base of his nose in a blaze, thinning at the middle and thickening on either end. The snowy blemishes decorate his haunches, starting from a point on his tail, running up to meet together at a point at the base of his spine, spanning out across his thighs to follow the curve of his belly, arching up behind his armpits. His hind paws are dipped in white, but it doesn't go up past his toes, following a thin line up the back of his leg to stop at his first joints. Alluring jade eyes complete the package that is Arsen Scarlatti.


History: Born into family that he was, his line of work was bred into him. He was surrounded by it since birth and he a strong interest to it growing up. He always wanted to be in the middle of the action but not being a made man yet, he always ushered away and kept in the dark about the pack’s dealings and transactions. But when the time came, he was chomping at the bit to prove himself because he knew he would impress them. He’d been practicing his skills on the local prey until he could actually get his teeth around a real target. When his time came, he passed with flying colors, making the older men flinch a little at his ferocity and unadulterated love of the job. From then on he was the preferred hit man to execute rivals or dispose of traitors and he hasn’t batted an eyelash since. He does his work without question and goes where he’s told. Business as usual has led him to this new land, though for what he’s yet to find out.

Plans: With him...I'm thinking of having him be the badboy of Ala, go around womanizing all the women who have no association with the Cosca, basically create a name for himself among the wolves. He'll definitely be running into his cousin, get the low down of the place, then seek out other family members before he decides if he wants to go around terrorizing the local population. He may go around finding wolves that seek protection so that he can start building up the family business in the new lands.



7 Years
Extra large
01-11-2016, 08:37 PM
I've added a section to each app! Also added a list of common words and a section on hierarchy.



7 Years
Extra large
01-15-2016, 07:20 PM
Lunar, Kea and Tea: I love your apps! The boys are yours!

Bee: if you're cool with Arsen having been ranked a soldato instead of a capodecina, then he's yours too!

OH! Also guys, I forgot to mention this my first post, but their first language would definitely have been Italian. Traders regularly passed through so it's definitely possible they could have picked up tidbits of other languages, but it would probably be a stretch for them to be fluent polyglots.


01-15-2016, 08:35 PM
I'm totally cool with that! Thanks so much! <3



3 Years
01-15-2016, 09:37 PM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2016, 12:22 PM by Luck.)
Name: Gianni “Dolore” Scarlatti
Gender: Male
Age: 2 Years
Rank: Capodecina (Willing to go Soldato though ;p )
Relation to Basil: Cousin (discussed with bee, Arsen’s brother)
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Gianni is self-serving first and loyal second, he will lick as many boots as it will take to climb the ladder so that someday he can be the one giving the orders. He’s in one word ambitious. He is a hard worker, unafraid of getting his paws dirty. Still he likes to think of himself as more of as the brains of the operation, taking credit where credit is due. Because of this he also prides himself on his silver tongue, flattery leaps from his lips just as easily as threats do. Rarely are either all that empty but he may exaggerate at times, twisting words so they appear bigger or smaller than they seem.

Gianni choses to surround himself with those he feels he can easily manipulate, or that he has secured the loyalty of. Betray that loyalty though and he will likely lash out. Gianni is quick to anger and slow to trust, wrapped in the guise of a selfless gentleman. 

[Image: Gianni_zpsoxji8ufr.png]

Gianni is an average wolf stature wise, he stands a modest 35 inches tall and is a lean looking wolf over all; 139 pounds over all. Short coarse fur binds his form together; a deep maroon covers him almost entirely; broken by splashes of snowy white. These ivory marks spread from his right back paw, petering out just below his knee. It radiates out from his tail tip dappling into the red of his fur a little less than halfway out. His face is marred by this color as well, covering the whole of the tip of his snout and curving into an almost elegant point at his forehead. Similarly the monotone of his chest is broken by a splash of ivory. Vibrant purple eyes peer out from dark brows.

History: Gianni was almost literally born for the family business, much like his brother though he was kept very much in the dark and just as his sibling Gianni was more than ready to prove himself to the family. His time eventually came and eager as he was he strove gladly to make a name for himself. He did not hold himself back from the dirty work, often inflicting pain with a manic grin upon his face. His reputation spread and soon those that would be his allies and those that would be his enemies knew him by another name. “Dolore” for the hurt he inflicted on others. 
Plans: He'll be looking for his brother and the rest of his family. Hoping to reconnect with his previous ties. I can see him either being very lost without the business or taking this as a chance to put himself on top by bringing it back. 

[Image: BNLxEGJ.png]



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
01-15-2016, 11:41 PM (This post was last modified: 01-15-2016, 11:48 PM by Valentine.)
Lolaf: Can I make a few suggestions about Gianni? I'd really like to avoid the sadist type of baddie if at all possible. The idea I had in mind for my mafia was a collection of suave, gentlemanly killers. Having one who enjoys killing a little too much is plenty, I think, and I'd really love to see some more...idk..."normal" members of Basil's family xD

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



3 Years
01-15-2016, 11:43 PM
For sure! I'll work on rewriting him!
[Image: BNLxEGJ.png]


01-21-2016, 07:31 PM
I forgot to post here and make it official, so while I'm thinking of it I'll do it now. Drag gets her girl! And with that, I'm not accepting anymore apps for female mafiosi. Female Scarlattis who aren't part of the Cosca are still available, though!



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
01-24-2016, 02:14 PM
Lolaf, Gianni is yours if you're willing to accept the rank of Soldato c:

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



3 Years
01-24-2016, 02:19 PM
For sure!
[Image: BNLxEGJ.png]


02-16-2016, 03:59 PM
(Hope it's okay if I make a female Scarlatti)

Name: Fioralba Scarlatti
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Relation to Basil: Sister, maybe?
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Ladylike:: Like most others, Fioralba was raised to be ladylike and have respect for others, and to help others. She will not hesitate to help those that need it, and never will she expect anything in return for whatever she did. She strives to be like her brothers, and like the only female in the Mafioso. Fioralba cares for the others' well being quite a bit, ecspecially those she looks up to. She isn't the quietest one in the world, but the female seems to mean well most of the time. Fioralba isn't anyone who could be particularly cold-hearted towards others if they needed her. Maybe she would be a little too soft for the Mafioso.

Loyal:: Fioralba is fiercely loyal to her family, although it wouldn't seem as obvious through her ladylike demeanor. Nobody would be able to pull her away from her family, not even with the things she wants most. Blood comes first, the female also considering those in the Mafioso family, and Fioralba would turn against her friends if it meant that her family would remain safe. Nonetheless, her faith in them would tell her that they could take care of themselves if it came to bloodshed.

Independent:: Despite Fioralba's loyalty to her family, she has no intention of staying around them every living moment she has. Staying around the same wolves can get boring, you know? Because of this, it most likely won't be a surprise when she is gone for hours, maybe even days, on end. She is working on things by herself, although she may not know what she's doing at the moment. In a way, the female is helping the Mafioso look for the traitor, although she won't gain anything from it. The other things she's doing might as well be exploring and meeting new wolves, since she doesn't have a set goal to do there, unlike the others. Besides, she thinks that the others won't be there long and they can try to move on and find a new home.

Envious::  Fioralba could be described as envious when it comes to comes to the Mafioso and the fact that she isn't a part of it. She finds that it is quite offensive that females aren't really allowed in it. She wants to be a part of it with all her being, constantly trying to prove her worth. She isn't a delicate flower; she can be a big help to them. Fioralba longs to help her family in some way other than just being there, almost as a decoy. She hopes and prays with all her might that some day she will be able to be in it instead of just lingering around them.

Appearance: Fioralba is more delicate looking than she would like, adding onto her ladylike appearance. For her height of 36 inches, she is surprisingly thin, not a muscular female riddled with scars. Maybe that's a good thing. The female's pelt is one to be admired, although she has no real markings unique to her. It is the blend of colors that claim her as a Scarlatti, and make her bloodline impossible to deny.

Fioralba has a mix of chocolate, deep rusts and mahogany coating her. The edges of each ear are coated in dark chocolate, along with each limb. It also makes a mark on her face, creating a dot that rests just over her eyes. The rest of her is a mix of the three, her bodice being mostly rust with the exception of flecks of mahogany and chocolate making her appear like she has been dusted with the other two colors. She is mostly without markings with the exception of those few. Still, it creates a beautiful creature to some.

Fioralba's eyes are what steal the show, though. They are an ice blue in color, with flecks of darker blue and lavender hidden within. Her eyes are captivating, the frozen color a striking contrast to her reddish coat colors.

History: 100+ words