
All In good time



08-19-2014, 04:19 PM
Time passed quickly in the mind of the raven female, it seemed like a life time ago that the female could barely move however now because of the help and medicine that she received from this pack she was getting much better. She currently lay curled up in the shelter she was offered, Her head lay against her fore-paws as she continued to enjoy the rest she was allowed to have since she did not need to worry about any threat lurking around.. or at least no yet any-ways. A large idle yawn escaped her jaws as she nuzzled her snout under one of her paws as she rolled over for her second sleep so to speak. her body was much more healthier although she still had a slight fever and her form was still thin and some what malnourished she was no were near as bad as she was when she was found. continuing to sleep er ears rested upon her skull occasional flicking at the sounds that lingered within the area


08-19-2014, 09:44 PM

Ever since Xae had become the main caregiver to the loner, he'd had his paws quite full. But Sable - he'd learned her name shortly after meeting her - was a wonderful first patient, and watching her heal with his careful treatment made his heart swell with pride. In the short time he'd watched over the ebony fae, his knowledge of herbs had certainly greatly improved, and he felt he had her to thank. In the meantime, he had also been forced to actually spend time working in his tree-den. His den within Abaven was a bit unconventional. A large, thick, likely very old tree had a short, thin opening, a short, thin-leafed bush shielding the entrance for the most part; though all one had to do was actually look at the bush and the tree, and the entrance was relatively obvious. But then again, Xae was a highly observant canid, even if he hardly spent the time making improvements on his home. Of course, since he had spent many days sticking close to the ill she-wolf, he had begin excavating the excess dirt, and now, he even had a short tunnel that opened up to his herb stock, where he kept all the main herbs that he used most often. When he could find them, he also had a specific place for the more rare herbs. On the left side, the entire dirt wall had several small holes in it. These holes were where he kept all of his herbs, and they were separated by rarity, with the more common ones being the closest and most accessible, and the rarest of his collection being further away. He had dug a very shallow hole where rain water collected from a small hole in the dirt roof. The hole had been achieved using sticks of varying widths, starting with a skinnier, but very tough, twig to a branch with about a two-inch diameter, so a nice amount of light filtered above the puddle, helping to illuminate the stock room.

Xae, a lover of the sun, had his mossy bed positioned in the first little 'room' that one entered upon entering the tree-den, but he had given that sleeping spot to Sable, feeling that she needed sunshine and fresh air. Xae had dug a little hole beneath the roots toward the rear of the tree-den, and rested there, where he figured would be where he'd sleep anytime he had a patient who needed to stay with him. It was almost uncomfortably small, but considering that it was temporary, it was nothing that he couldn't live with. The rust boy, however, was not in his little sleeping room. Early in the morning, he'd left, enjoying the heat of the sun after spending so long in the chilly dark. He had half-heartedly hunted, and so, when he returned, had only a vole - he'd caught it on the shores of the lake - and a field mouse - which he'd caught in the Serpent Plains. He padded up to the familiar bush, sliding between it and the hole in the tree, where he was met with Sable's sleeping form. He gently set down their breakfast and slipped through the entrance again, returning with a water-soaked ball of moss. Xae's nose gently nudged the charcoal female's shoulder. "I am afraid it is time to rise, Sable. The sun sleeps for no one, and he is not one to hide from." He spoke in his usual odd, quiet, monotonous voice.




08-20-2014, 04:03 PM
The time seemed like she was sleeping lightly for hours, her body was fully relaxed as her breathing caused rhythmic rising and falling of her chest cavity sleep was so peaceful and it seemed like she was in a little safe haven to be honest there was part of her that did not want her form to waken. It was the tender nudge upon her shoulder that caused her to be slowly plucked from her sleep. First, her ears flicked slightly to pick up the male's voice that she had grown accustomed to in the time she was healing. Next her nose twitched,fresh blood was hard to miss when one was hungry and her body showed this by a low growling sound that came from deep within her tummy, much to her own embarrassment and so a soft whimper originated from her vocal cords as she began to pull her orbs open.

Blinking the sleep from her honey coated orbs she allowed them to focus. Once she was removed from her sleep she lifted her cranium slightly to meet the gaze of the male before her form before she replied to his little quote. " That Helps In picking the moon as the favor of the two" she cooed in a soft tone explaining that she was more a fan of the moon rather than the sun thus claiming she was not much of a morning canine. Stretching her form out she smiled faintly as she noticed her body seemed more freer and no pain seemed to emerge from her body much to her relief though she did not want to push it too quickly and so carefully moved to her paws which were a bit unstable at first since it had been a while she was walking around though she managed to balance herself.

Once she was upon her feet she allowed her banner to sway slightly showing her happiness that she could now move, a light chuckle passed her jaws as she turned to look at the male once more " Could I .Wonder around?" she questioned as her gaze shifted to the exit of the den as she hoped she would at least be able to stretch her limbs slightly


08-20-2014, 11:49 PM

A small, amused smile flashed across the russet male's features at the sound of the dark-coated female's grumbling stomach. So, he had certainly done well, bringing her breakfast. Xae silently nudged the fat vole toward her, taking the field mouse for himself. The leggy boy wanted the still-recovering ebony fae to get all the nutrition she could, and a field mouse certainly wasn't going to do that. She'd need many, Xae figured. He doubted the vole would really fill up her stomach, but it was the best he had to offer at the moment. Being so caught up in training to one day take Harmony's place - never challenge her for it, unless it was a friendly challenge that didn't involve fighting - meant that he couldn't start putting up clever traps for larger prey, like he did during his loner months. But of course, the hunters of Abaven provided well enough for the pack, and neither Xae nor Sable would have to worry about going hungry.

The male was brought back from his thoughts, staring quietly at the mouse, with words from the dark she-wolf staying temporarily with him. Grey gaze looked up, ears taking in her response. He let out a soft, breathy chuckle, his eyes momentarily turning to look at the light pouring in from the entrance. "I rather like each, for they both complete each other. We cannot survive without the moon, and we cannot survive without the sun." Feeling strangely happy on this morning, another small smile flashed over his facade, turning his gaze back to the charcoal fae. He watched her stand and stretch, his eyes, now narrowed in concentration, the smile long gone, roamed over each of her limbs, searching for signs of unsteadiness. He remained ready to catch her in case she fell, but she seemed to be, for the most part, rather healed. He looked up into Sable's face as she questioned him. He answered her with a silent nod of his head, but nudged the vole closer. "After you eat." He fixed her with a look that was mostly blank, but held a quiet, almost imperceptible challenge, daring her to argue. The look was achieved with only the slightest arch of his left brow.




08-21-2014, 04:24 PM
Tilting her head to the side, the black beauty flicked her ears as the males words about the sun and the moon, She had to be honest it was quite poetic and true even though she still in her own mind was more of a moonlight wolf, as the male stopped talking she simply nodded slightly in half agreement though she did not want to augured with the male so simply remained silent until the male spoke once more about her eating.

Diverting her orbs she looked to the vole and seemed to fall in to her own little bubble as her jaws parted as she soon began to salivate however her attention was soon brought back to male as she notice him take the field mouse, lowering her ears she so felt guilty for taking the bigger of the meal and aimed to push the vole back to the male however that look in the males eye caused her to hesitate and simply do what she was told. Diving in to her meal she eat quickly while her ears flicked to the males voice as he agreed to let her wonder around the land. Hearing this her head snapped up as she brought her amber hues to rest on the male " Really?" she yipped in a child like tone as her eyes glimmered in excitement since she was cooped up for the past few weeks.

Without really waiting for a response to her small question her black pads sprung her forwards towards the male, landing at his side she gently brushed her head along his neck as she spoke once more- " thank you" she murmured softly before she took a step back and dipped her head " I owe you my life..." She added as she lifted her gaze to the male once more as a sheepish smile pulled on her lips


08-22-2014, 08:02 PM

The russet male had busied himself with eating his morsel, which, truthfully, was hardly two mouthfuls. But all the same, Xae almost made a show of eating the mouse, making it last longer than it normally would. Guilt seemed to roll off of the charcoal fae, and Xae didn't want to her to feel guilty about it. If he were a wolf of many words, he may have attempted to settle her feelings, to explain his own, explain that he would rather starve than watch another go hungry. And to explain that, truthfully, he felt he was too cunning to ever starve. He had figured out quickly how to feed himself, being too young and inexperienced to really be on his own. Xae made traps, deadly things that caught unsuspecting smaller things by surprise. He wouldn't go hungry. Besides, with a field literally just outside his home, he had plenty.

Just as he finished his own meal, he heard the soft sound of Sable's gratitude. The hushed thank you brought heat to every inch of his skin, and he knew that if he were white, he'd look pink with the dark flush laying just under his dark pelt. Honestly, the leggy brute felt embarrassed by the simple thank you. It wasn't something he was expecting or accustomed to, and he wasn't really sure he liked it. She shouldn't be thanking him for showing simple acts of kindness. He didn't have the chance to say anything, however, because immediately after the whispered words, she had sprung to his left(?) side and her muzzle snaked through his long coat. His body stiffened without his permission, unconsciously leaning away from the touch. Xae quickly forced himself to relax, forcing his body to lean back into the grateful nuzzle. His own unease caught him off-guard. After all, Harmony was quite physically affectionate, and, aside from the way his skin tingled wherever happened to touch him, he had never really had much of a reaction. But, as he thought about this, it made sense. He trusted and loved Harmony. But Xae was not raised with a lot of physical affection, and any display - aside from Harmony because, again, Xae was hopelessly, endlessly, pathetically in love with the mocha-capped Tagavor - made him uncomfortable. But he did hope Sable hadn't noticed. He didn't want her feeling guilty for anything else.




08-26-2014, 09:26 AM
The charcoal female felt the slight tension in the males form, and, slowly removed her snout from the males form and took a few steps back before she moved to rest her rump upon the domain before her ears rested upon her skull in an timid manor as she diverted her eyes slightly.

" Um Sorry guess I got a little carried away.. Sorry"

She murmured a quick apology feeling that perhaps she crossed the line with the tender touch she had placed upon the male, risking to her paws she decided to quickly change the situation she nodded her cranium in a slight bow before she rose to her paws once more.

" If it is allowed I shall venture around the den"

She stated before she strides stiffly towards the exit of the den before she stepped out side. Venturing a few feet away from the entrance she sat once more and lifted her gaze to the heavens and simply enjoyed the feeling of the summer sun upon her dark pelt.


08-29-2014, 09:32 PM

Sable was quick to remove herself, giving him a soft apology. The russet male instantly felt guilty himself. He hadn't meant for her to feel guilty. Xae quickly shook his head, his charcoal lips pulling in a small, hopefully reassuring smile. "You needn't apologize." He spoke softly, lifting himself off of the ground and shaking the dirt and tension from his dark pelt. For a moment, the leggy boy considered explaining himself, but he wasn't sure how he could. At any rate, the fae was quick to request to depart, and before Xae could say anything, she disappeared through the entrance, leaving the male behind. He frowned, slightly irritated with himself for his reaction. With a sigh, Xae followed her out of his tree-den, coming to stand beside her, to her right. "I apologize. I'm simply not used to such affections from anyone but my closest family. And even within my kin, we are not very affectionate." His silver gaze watched her face, and he allowed another small, somewhat amused smile. "It is something I feel I need to get over, if I am going to be in a pack, however." Hesitantly, he leaned closer, his aim to nudge her right cheek with his nose. The action was awkward and, if she allowed his nose to touch her cheek, brief.
