


08-19-2014, 01:57 PM
basically i won't have time to have an alpha character with school starting soon, and i'm still considering just quitting entirely. this thread is for art to announce to her pack that she is disbanding the pack, so if you wanna throw your elysium member in here that's fine. i just didn't want art to up and leave without warning so yeah. no matter if this thread receives a response or not i'm posting again tomorrow and we can just pretend her members heard her somehow? idek haha.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? she had thieved the arcanum crown and throne for their sake, had seized their forest back within her covetous grasp only to appease them; and yet, still she had been f o r s a k e n, her accomplishments reduced to sheer insignificance and her efforts wasted entirely. they are her purpose -- her ungrateful siblings -- and without them she has no reason to retain a crown that only feels empty now, nor of the prestige that bestows her name. { for what is glory if she cannot share the infamy with those blessed with her surname? } she has basked beneath the limelight of victory and adorned her title as tyrant queen with pride, though the dutiful persistence she has earned through queenship has withered and her eminence is no longer gratifying despite her arrogant demeanor. the phantom queen must yet again turn over a new leaf -- must yet again discard that of which she has BLED for.

there is an inferno blazing within her interior and yet her pale exterior portrays none of the ramifications of a most disturbed mind, abstract gaze shrouded in apathy and the infamous smirk typically engraved into her marred features absent from her countenance as she maneuvers with practiced fluidity towards the epicenter of her domain. once the tyrant breaches her destination, her skull tips back to unleash a curt beckon to her decadent advocates, informing them of her impending announcement that is paramount in their futures.



5 Years
08-19-2014, 06:28 PM

Boredom had seized the femme in a stranglehold after the Festival. Her motivation had ebbed away and it was clear that she was not the only one to fall victim to the disappointing lull. Of what use was a clan of war-mongers in a land of cowards? How could they wage war if all their enemies insisted on fleeing? She supposed it might be some victory but it wasn't the one she desired. D?gmar slipped from her den, mottled coat shifting slightly over her muscular frame. The call had rung out short and clipped. It sang of slow-burning wrath.

Curious D?gmar shook out her coat before going to answer the call. Emerald eyes glinted as she stepped into the prescence of Artemis Elysius. "Lady Tyrant." She dipped her head in polite greeting. There was no need to wast words.



4 Years
08-19-2014, 10:00 PM

As far as Novocaine was concerned he had been left to his own devices and so could not be blamed for his laziness. He had asked Artemis for a task upon his arrival and she had been the one to refuse, so she could not get angry with him, or so he told himself. That would be his armor, and irritated indifference his weapon of choice. Perhaps she had assumed him not up to the task, had though him too weak, regardless of the reason he had taken what was obviously a lapse in her judgement to rest up, just to spite her.
Still he would not deny the wraith his presence at her meeting; he would arrive with some haste, slowing as he drew up to the ?gathering? if you could call one wolf and a queen a gathering. He held his head high and gave her a smirk before turning sleet blue gaze upon the only member to so far have arrived, a snarl curling up his lips. It was the dappled woman that had seen fit to beat him, to wound his ego, an act he would not soon forget. With a quick movement he swept passed her and seated him. He kept a regal countenance, head high and tail curling neatly around his paws, back straight.

talk, think

Please note: Novocaine is missing his right eye entirely, an empty socket is all that remains in its stead. Not all of his tables reflect that as of yet!

[Image: Novocaine_zps6b647269.png]

Jupiter I


7 Years
08-19-2014, 10:46 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2014, 10:48 PM by Jupiter I.)

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"


The words would carefully leave her lips as she approached, a low rumble from earth-dusted maw. Her beautiful tyrant proved as impassive as always, betraying little emotion--a trait that the sometimes-impulsive scarred phoenix sometimes had difficulty with.

"Any heads for me to rip today?" she murmured bemusedly, pausing to settle on her haunches a couple of feet away from her. Mercury slunk in behind his companion. The tasmanian devil tucked himself under Jupiter's stomach to hide away from the other gathering canines, taking an almost childish comfort from the warmth of the larger beast's fur.

? "#don't even care" words ?

[ o o c ; ]

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-20-2014, 12:00 PM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2014, 12:03 PM by Hati.)

He'd made his way back to Elysium territory grudgingly. He was bored, restless with it, and the last thing he wanted to do was go back and have to be polite and nonviolent to these irritating wolves because they were in the same pack and it was what he had to do... but technically speaking he'd given his loyalty by joining the pack and Daegmar was there so he was drawn back reluctantly. Just in time it turns out. Still outside the borders he was close enough to hear when Artemis' call rang out for the pack to gather. His heavy head - heavier still with the addition of his freaking awesome skull - raised to catch the sound, and his trudging steps altered course to carry him toward the call. His unenthusiastic pace nonetheless brought him to the spot before most of the pack. Only Daegmar and a yearling male who'd been with them since Arcanum, and some bitch he'd never met had gotten there before him, which was strange. Yellow eyes darted between the three females present with a good amount of wariness, a trait any smart male should cultivate when so greatly outnumbered by the other sex, but also for the whole situation. Where were the rest of their packmates? He stalked up beside Daegmar, momentarily forgetting his earlier eagerness to show her his new look in favor of watching the alpha before them with a mistrustful eye.


Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



5 Years
08-20-2014, 12:45 PM

She has been summoned. Carmine audits perk atop her skull, her chin lifting from the earth as she groggily looks around her den. She had been napping before the tyrant queen had called out to her pack, and although she was not ready to get up, she would rise to her paws without hesitation. This will be the first meeting she would attend since joining the queens pack, and she was eager to observe the other members. Were they all impeccable forces like the tyrant? Or would she be faced with weaklings that the tyrant uses for her own desires? Quickly the babe rushes out of her den and sprints off toward the heart of the territory, her velveteen nostrils quivering as all the new scents flood her senses. The small group would come into her view, and instantly her eyes would fall upon the ravishing curves of the empress. An allured smirk threatens to pull her lips, but her outward appearance remains unfazed as she approaches her queen. She attempts to slither beside the queens larger body, aiming to run her left side against Art's right in a silent sign of affection. "My queen." She breaths the woman's title almost silently, volcanic orbs shifting as she beholds her tryant's beauty. She wishes to tenderly kiss the woman's right cheek, but she refrains, as she does not want to show any more affection while in front of a group.

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"


08-20-2014, 05:17 PM
sorry for length :/

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? perhaps the tyrant queen is a negligent leader, incapable of maintaining the intoxicating thrill of power or the will to configure ruthless militants out of her prospective acolytes. such repetitive tasks bestowed upon her as queen have a habit of becoming mundane, for the phantom only thrives upon chaos -- diplomacy and benevolent guises have never been her forte, for she is the embodiment of the scythe, the guillotine, and for her family: the shield. she has been blessed with the ruthless and vindictive mentality of a warrior { and a savage one at that }, and possesses the battle prowess to match it. to conquer her adversaries in the arena -- to witness the gore her jaws provoke and the defeat that encumbers the gazes of her victims -- is the most enthralling and gratifying sensation known to her youthful bones. the aftermath of victory becomes dissatisfying when there is nothing left to aspire towards -- when she has seized everything she desires betwixt covetous paws and has nothing left to annihilate.

yet those who had earned her spite had fled -- had turned tail when the threat of her wrath became prominent with graceless cowardice. to say that she is infuriated with this god-forsaken cesspool of a world and the incompetent dregs that linger within its premises is an understatement; the phantom is infinitely disappointed that she has not been able to obliterate her adversaries when all they did was run -- run and shun the possibility of ultimate chaos as if it were such a dastardly concept that urged for elimination. this peaceful mindset of the creatures that dwell upon alacritia is loathsome to the tyrant queen, and it is something she no longer seeks to remain a part of. however, this is the lands of her birth -- the origins of her family -- and some twisted sense of faith will keep the tyrant rooted here in hopes that those of her surname will return to her fold.

but they are not present -- not the majority. ares remains obscured in shadows with his whore, where he wastes away his potential and makes no effort to support their kin -- where he grows weaker at heart with every fleeting moment. and novocaine -- if she retained her crown it would be for his sake, for it had been he who had never fled the scene of alacritia nor doubted her capabilities. and yet, the tyrant knows she cannot withstand the responsibility weighing down her shoulders and the heaviness of her crown for his sake and his sake alone. she will haunt their enigmatic forest as his guardian, his failed monarch -- but she can no longer provide for him the power of titles and meaningless prestige. she may fail him as a superior; however, she will never waver from her duties as sister.

they filter into the clearing, pitiful in number yet prompt, diligent. still she is a silent and emotionless spectre as her haunches recline upon the soil, abstract gaze fervently scanning each of her advocates as she offers them the faintest incline of her skull in tacit greeting. it is only once the firebird?s inquiry breaches the stagnant atmosphere that the slightest touch of emotion engraves the porcelain folds of her countenance, a wry grin lifting her chiseled lips as a bemused snort flares velveteen nostrils. ?if i wanted you to slaughter, the entirety of alacritia would scatter in fear,? she muses aloud, venom evidently lacing her tones as she refers to their failed siege. irritation surges through her interior at the commemoration, yet she is stilled entirely as her carmine beauty?s scarlet flesh intertwines with her own pallid, causing her muscles to tense in protest of the contact. yet she does not shy away from fiamette?s caressing touch -- she simply does not welcome affection for she cannot understand it. despite her stiffened posture her mismatched gaze softens as she beholds the molten gaze of her little demon, a smile threatening to tug at frayed lips.

pupils trail the nubile physique of the red wraith until she settles into the small crowd, and her pale shoulders shrug in preparation for the speech that proceeds. ?last time we meet i had taken to my throne, and last time we met i gave you a reason as to why i intended to retain it. my siblings -- all but novo -- they have left without a word or reason. they were my reason, but with their absence this crown grows heavy. and i no longer have a purpose to wear it,? she informs them, violet and silver gaze yet lingering upon her brother for a prolonged moment as she ponders over whether or not he only values her if she is clad in the golden embellishments of a queen. ?i vowed for our greatness, and perhaps i have failed you. but this world is failing me, with every coward that turns their back and flees in the face of danger. i no longer desire to conquer the dregs that reside here, nor do i wish for any of them to come to power. which is why i will offer my crown to one of you,? is the announcement that infiltrates the air, and yet again she looks to her brother for he will have precedence over the throne if only he voices interest. if not, then the elysius phantom is willing to settle for the others, for she knows that they are all fairly competent.



5 Years
08-20-2014, 05:35 PM

She is not met with affection, but instead the woman shifts her mismatched gaze to align with Fiamette's, a silent embrace that does not require words. The carmine woman understands, and moves away from the tyrant to take her place among the crowd, reclining onto her haunches a few feet from Artemis. A few seconds pass before the queen speaks, and the nymph listens with an unwavering interest, her eyes never daring to stray from the woman. Anger begins to coil within her belly, is she crazy or is this woman abandoning her too? Her fears are confirmed, the woman is leaving, but she is not leaving without a fair price like her mother had. Artemis was offering her throne to one of her member, and Fiamette made her decision: she would eagerly pry the position from any competitors, as she wanted this more than anything. Immediately she stands, her skull lifting skyward as she gazes up at the larger woman. "Although I do not want to witness your departure, my queen, you give an offer that I cannot refuse. " She states aloud, loud enough for the rest of the group to hear. "I wish to take your position if you see me fit, Artemis."

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"


08-22-2014, 05:16 PM
no one else really replied sooo yeah. fia can have elysium now. just not the name (8

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? her carmine beauty claims of an unwillingness to witness her departure from alacritia, and a soft, mirthless chortle begins to cascade from velveteen lips as her skull shakes in refutal. ?no, dove; i am only abandoning my throne,? she informs the red viper as her strangled laughter subsides, abstract gaze wavering between fiamette and her youthful half-sibling before proceeding. ?i will continue to reside within this forest, for it is mine,? is the unyielding statement that infiltrates the silent atmosphere with a challenging tone, for in her biased eyes her possession over the cryptic wood is irrefutable. it has served as the elysius? base since the birth of her half-siblings, and such it would remain for as long as the phantom deity could bleed to retain it -- and god save those who dare sought to prove her otherwise. lavished in the golden embellishments of a queen or not, she would reign over the forest as its rightful tyrant, hauntings its premises eternally.

her little demon is the only one of her advocates that voices an interest in the authority she seeks to discard, and a hesitant glance is given towards her silent brother before her haunches remove themselves from their perch atop the misted ground, serpentine appendages propelling her at a lackadaisical pace towards the scarlet nymph as a smirk begins to contort her marred features. ?i did not claim you for nothing, little demon,? she croons towards her trophy, amethyst and silver gaze glazed over with devious intent. ?you may have my crown,? she announces, her vocals louder this time as she addresses the entire gathering with finality, before drawing her muzzle just beside the fledgling queen?s ear. ?but if your mother steps toe into my forest, i will have her head,? is the saccharine whisper that streams from decadent jaws -- a threat that is all too real and a promise she intends to keep. she had allowed the negligent red whore leeway for escape for her daughter's sake, but she would not be willing to play the role of merciful tyrant again for someone so deserving of her wrath.



5 Years
08-22-2014, 05:46 PM

Artemis lightly chuckles at her first statement, her head shaking from left to right as she tells Fiamette she is not leaving all together- she is merely stepping down from her throne. The carmine nymph's lips crease into a long smile, she is glad her suitor is not leaving her side forever. The tyrant then moves slowly toward her, and the babe stands completely still, not daring to move a muscle. She speaks, saying she did not claim Fiamette for nothing. She nods in response, and her volcanic orbs grow wide at Art's next statement. She was really giving her the crown? She was really going to become a queen, right now, this second? Excitment courses through her veins, although she does not show her happiness in her outward apperance. Instead she remains neutral, her velveteen lips creased ever so slightly. Before she can speak the woman leans in, her muzzle sitting just inches from Fiamette's ear. She whispers a threat toward her mother, one Fiamette knows the tyrant would happily go through with if she had another chance. "And I will aid you in the feat, should you request it." She aims to whisper back in Artemis's ear before she can recoil, her magma hued orbs lifting to align with the mismatched gaze of Artemis. "I will not fail you." She adds before turning her gaze toward the rest of the group, whom were still sitting in silence. "I hope some of you will choose to stick around, I am not one to disappoint my followers. I will be calling a meeting together shortly, and we will discuss the minor changes in ranks and laws." She falls silent after her statement, as surely someone in the crowd has something to say about this sudden change of power.

ooc- new meeting will be posted either Sunday or Monday, stay tuned for more! <3 Oh, and for staffers, I will be changing the pack name to Apollyon, and for the colors I would like a daaaaarrrrrkkk red plz <3

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



5 Years
08-22-2014, 06:54 PM (This post was last modified: 08-22-2014, 06:54 PM by Dægmar.)

Still, quiet and imposing as if she were cared out of stone D?gmar waited. She could sense the air shifting around her in the uncomfortable wait and she knew instinctively that something was about to give. The wraith took a deep breath, her flared nostrils catching the scent of Hati but when she turned she came face to face with? well? what the hell WAS she looking at? Despite her normally composed demeanor a hissing chuckle slipped from her maw. "Please tell me you didn't get your head stuck?" D?gmar would've liked to pursue her question further but it was then that Artemis spoke and her intent was made clear. She was stepping down as queen. D?gmar's brow furrowed. Dammit all, another one? What was it about Alacritis that so easily crumbled royalty? That brought the mightiest warriors to their knees?

Or perhaps Artemis was fooling herself. Had some destiny been forced upon her that she felt compelled to live out this goal of being a Tyrant twice only to discard it when she realized it wasn't what she wanted? As much as she wanted to HATE Artemis for abandoning the pack, much like Cataleya had done before, especially after D?gmar's tumultuous search for a pack in the first place, she instead found herself sympathizing. Artemis was a creature that sought war, battle and destruction. A true warrioress much like D?gmar herself. But warrior and queen were two different roles and while the could be merged in meant the partial loss of one or the other. She could not be fully queen and fully blood monger at the same time. Not with a pack to look after in between battles. And there it was the death of the Tyrant. The lull in between, the silence after the storm. And who could obtain glory to comfort the peace when only frail, maggoty blood was found in Alacritis? There was no glory in fighting worms.

"I wish you luck Artemis but I have had enough of Alacritis. I will travel for awhile and perhaps when I turn the general populace will have found it's backbone." She got up and paused next to Hati for a moment. "There's no need to follow me unless you truly wish it. I'll return in due time?" Her maw parted, tongue running over fangs as she whispered in sultry tones "Spill some blood for me while I'm gone." She paid no mind to Fiamette as the young femme offered to take the crown. D?gmar was a warrior and warrior only. She was not, nor would ever be royalty. And that suited her just fine.

Jupiter I


7 Years
08-23-2014, 12:05 AM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

The phoenix chuckled bitterly at the biting remark, understanding the poison that so heavily layered the tones all too well. For a moment, observing the first sign of emotion on the fae's features at her remark, she feels as if she's been praised--and for the slightest of moments, the firebird feels like a child being praised, though the notion is slight and tucked far back into her mind; a mere whisper of a sensation. She waits patiently, casting only a slight glance to the carmine mistress that approaches her Tyrant with affection. Brow raises with curiosity at the gesture but she speaks, knowing it does not involve her.

Brows furrow--not with disappointment but more of disheartenment--as the queen announces the end of her reign. Earth-dipped audits tip back minutely against her skull, muscles remaining stagnant when she offers her crown to any of them. She has no interest in this crown. All of this belonged to someone else.

Jupiter felt leagues of empathy for the woman's reasons for leaving. All of the things that had held Jupiter here had mostly disappeared--only Medusa and the prospect of destroying what she had created still tied her to this disgusting place. It had gone to the dogs. She watched as the crimson babe was granted the crown and the nodded in agreement as D?gmar, her well-met spar partner, announced her soon-departure from Alacritia.

"After I take back what is mine and ensure that it never falls in the wrong hands again," she interjected, gazing at Artemis, "I too will be leaving. I was born here. I was raised here. And I have spilled too much of my own blood fighting for an undeserving realm." Tone weighed thick with utter disgust, lips curled and nose wrinkled. She sighed, shaking her head, timbre softening. A cocky smirk crossed her features and she looked from the black she-wolf to Artemis. "Should you both end up in similar worlds at some point, I will be sure to join you after my work is done here. And there, we'll find some worthy throats to tear."

[ o o c ; ]

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.