
Enough running



2 Years
01-21-2016, 09:32 PM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2016, 12:44 AM by Einselar. Edit Reason: Grammatical and spelling errors. Included second post with the first. )

Pain. Fear. Exhaustion.

He didn't know how he got on the island. He remembered a large black track. High pitched cries from humans. A sharp sting in his side. Then black. Next he knew, he was on this new land, full of new smells, and new sights.

Pain faded. Fear and Exhaustion remained.

He drew himself to his paws. He was a ways from the beach. Behind him was water, salty, undrinkable. To his left came a cacophony of smells, a mainland of sorts. He would leave it for now. To his right was more beach. More island. But ahead of him...ahead of him, fresh water enticed his nose with promise of a fresh drink. He trotted forward over the ridge of the beach and found a lake spread out before him, gorged on the fresh snow of the changing season. At a half stumble - half run, he made a beeline for the lake and drank. Cold, cool, sharp, but proof that he was in reality and not some strange dream. He rose his head from the lake licking his chops.

Fear and exhaustion gave way to hunger.

The drink sharpened his senses and his nose informed him of rabbit nearby. Not the best of meals, but it was something. He needed to find a river. The lake was too still and any attempt to move or hunt would give him away. His nose led him north to a small hole in the ground. Positioning himself upwind of the hole, he crouched and waited.

Patience. It was the only thing that had got him through life thus far. As much as he wanted to leap and dig at the hole until the rabbit could be torn from it and devoured, he had to have patience. It would leave eventually, and the he could eat. Besides, he hardly had the energy to catch larger game. He would be injured at worst. He would go hungry at best. What seemed to be years passed as he sat there, muscles ready to leap. To catch. But in reality, it was probably only a few minutes before the rabbit peaked out of its hole.

He waited longer, letting the rabbit creep further out from its hole. When it was several yards away he leapt. Powerful hindlegs rocketed him forward not toward the rabbit, but on the path between it and its hole. The rabbit, carried by instinct, made a beeline for a hole at the first sound. Too late it saw the great grey wolf in its path and attempted to correct its course. Einselar snapped it up in his jaws, biting the neck and killing it instantly. He had made the kill

Carrying the rabbit to an area about 100 feet from the lake, he ate, ravenous from who knows how many days without food. It was meager, but it was something. Upon finishing the rabbit, he buried it. Too many days on the run make one weary of pursuers and while it wasn't perfect, it would remove the visual landmark of carrion birds coming to feast. Washing the last traces of his kill from his paws and jaw in the lake, he shook himself and set out to explore the island

After a bit of exploring, Einselar had a map laid out in his head. The lake was the center of the island. To the West was the mainland. He had to avoid that at all costs, at least until he was stronger. He couldn't even be seen from the shoreline.
To the North was a forest. It was home to deer and plentiful rabbits. Hunting grounds for him. There was also a plentiful array of places to hide a carcass. More ways to stay hidden until he found proper disposal or was ready to be seen.

To the East was a small river leading from the lake to the ocean. This would likely be where he could catch fish, the cleanest and easiest way to live unseen, though you had to catch a lot in a day to stay healthy.

Finally, to the south was more land. More area to be avoided. However, there was cover in the form of some rolling hills. There were some goats, but nothing else of note.

Near the lake, he dug out a small hollow under a tree. For now, that was all the cover he would get, but it kept him out of the wind. With an exhausted yawn, he curled up and fell asleep.
This was his territory. He had a home.

"Your silence speaks volumes. You know not what to make of me. Am I a threat? Am I a danger to those you love? I am an anomaly to you, as you are to me. The difference between us is I don't care if either of us live to see the sun rise tomorrow. So either come and kill me or come sit with me. Your choice."

Bright Moon


6 Years
01-29-2016, 03:47 AM
How long had she been running? Tears still stung her eyes, washing over her face as she ran. Her hind ankle burned painfully, her injury worsened through intense movement - she didn't know if it would heal if she kept using it like this, but fear had consumed her fragile soul. She'd been running since escaping the midnight-colored brute, with eyes the color of blood. Why did this always happen to her? Was she truly so foolish? So naive? When would she ever learn? Yet, she was making her situation only worse, getting further and further from her homelands, alone. Nobody knew where she was, and only the scent she left behind was that of her season - if she was missed by her packmates, they might follow her, but more likely she would be followed by a greedy male. Just like before.

Then her body hit the water. Silver eyes had spied a mass of land in the distance. That's where she would go. Sea water sprayed over her face, stinging her already wet eyes and making her nose wrinkle up in disgust as it bathed her tongue. With the impact of solid ground no longer paining her leg, she felt renewed energy, and made her way through the water with powerful strokes. She had no idea how much time had passed, but at last she felt her worn paws strike the opposite shore. She'd made it. As she got to her paws and dragged herself out of the water, she took in a deep breath, suddenly feeling her exhaustion. Bright Moon limped to the treeline before collapsing onto her side, panting heavily. Her eyes sought out the environment. So unfamiliar. Where am I? she wondered fretfully, I shouldn't have come so far.

Painfully, she propped herself up on her elbow. She didn't know how long she would stay here, but tired as she was, she knew she wouldn't be going anytime soon. As she caught her breath, she began to realize that the scent of another wolf resided here. Was that even possible? Did somebody actually live here? She forced herself to her paws, lifting her nose to the air. There was a lone male here. Bright sighed to herself. She had nothing left to resist the notion. She dearly wished she was back home in Fiori, and that the spring season had passed. Sighing once more, she decided she would move into the woods for now, but knowing she wouldn't be leaving until she'd recovered and was strong enough to return home.



2 Years
01-30-2016, 02:24 PM

Einselar was woken from his nap by the scent of another wolf. He cursed. Should have known that another would come along sooner rather then laterThe smell was dampened, so he couldn't identify gender or intent. Probably wet from swimming. He stood up from his nest and trotted slowly to the source of the scent.

As he got close he debated hiding. No, that wouldn't do anyone any good. All it will likely do is open hostilities. instead he walked slowly to the edge of the treeline and emerged. The last thing he was expecting to see was a bedraggled mess of fur moving toward the forest. He called out, "Hello?" Whether or not it answered would be answer enough for him.
"Your silence speaks volumes. You know not what to make of me. Am I a threat? Am I a danger to those you love? I am an anomaly to you, as you are to me. The difference between us is I don't care if either of us live to see the sun rise tomorrow. So either come and kill me or come sit with me. Your choice."

Bright Moon


6 Years
02-01-2016, 10:09 PM
Her head pounding and ears ringing, her aching body screaming at her, she hadn't even heard the approach of the stranger. However, she did hear him call out. She would have jumped in startle if she'd had the energy to do so. Instead, she merely flicked her ears back on a head held low, tail hanging limp and her whole body slumped in exhaustion. She was afraid to say anything, afraid to look his way and face him. Maybe if she held still long enough, it would be like she didn't exist and he'd just go away.

But she knew that wasn't possible. She'd been spotted. He'd approached her and called out. Painfully slow, she turned to look at him. "H-hello," she said in a whispering tone, barely able to meet his gaze, "I-I'm sorry... I shouldn't be here. D-do you live here?" She wished she hadn't come this far. How on earth was she going to get back? Yet, she'd felt so terrorized and afraid after meeting the black demon, all she could do was run. Now here she was. Was she intruding upon this male? What did he think of her being here? All she could do was wait and see, and hope that he was not another dark soul.



2 Years
02-06-2016, 01:47 PM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2016, 03:16 PM by Einselar. Edit Reason: Increasing the Word Count )

Einselar stood tall, staying in control of the situation, but ensuring he didn't come off as threatening. "I was going to ask the same of you." he responded, "I am newly arrived here. Are you hurt?" he added, noting how she limped and trembled. "I mean you no harm." His head cocked ever so slightly. Who was this wolf and where did she come from? This island seemed fairly untrod. Likely she was seeking refuge, but from what? Regardless, he knew the feeling. He would help where he could.

He slowly approached, remaining cautious but ensuring that he didn't look to be a threat. The last thing he needed right now was a fight when he was weak.
"Your silence speaks volumes. You know not what to make of me. Am I a threat? Am I a danger to those you love? I am an anomaly to you, as you are to me. The difference between us is I don't care if either of us live to see the sun rise tomorrow. So either come and kill me or come sit with me. Your choice."

Bright Moon


6 Years
02-16-2016, 01:25 AM
She listened carefully as the male spoke, surprised to hear that he was also new here. When he asked if she was hurt, she wondered if she should answer truthfully. It must have been obvious from her demeanor, but she was wary of admitting her weakness right now. Although... he said he meant her no harm, and he certainly didn't look threatening, not that he looked small or weak. In fact, he looked fairly self-confident. She sighed, so uncertain of herself. "Yes, my hind leg..." she murmured, looking to the ground and folding her ears back. She held up her injured hind paw, which burned and ached painfully.

Still staring at the ground, she shuffled her forepaws. "I'm so exhausted... do you know if there's any shelter?" she asked hopefully, glancing up at him fretfully, "Uhm... and, is there any food? I know it's a lot to ask..." She gulped, taking in a deep but somewhat painful breath. Anxiety clawed at her insides. Already revved up and afraid, she felt everything else more intensely right now, and she couldn't help but to worry despite the wolf's seemingly friendly demeanor. The last wolf she'd met had seemed concerned and caring at first, too.



2 Years
02-17-2016, 01:24 AM

He looked at her leg as she lifted it. He huffed a bit before drawing close to examine it. "This is serious" he murmured. "I do not have the skill or knowledge to understand what is injured or will need to be repaired." He paused to contemplate for a bit. "I can shelter you for a little while, just until you are better. I have no intention of protecting you forever though."

He offered his side for her to lean on, "Come now. I have a small shelter in the lee of a tree. It is out of site of the shore and ought to be safe for now. I can find food soon as well."

For now this would work. He worried about her leg. He had spoken truth earlier though. He had no ideal the extent of the damage to her leg. He may have to find a healer, and for that he would have to go ashore, where the other packs were.
"Your silence speaks volumes. You know not what to make of me. Am I a threat? Am I a danger to those you love? I am an anomaly to you, as you are to me. The difference between us is I don't care if either of us live to see the sun rise tomorrow. So either come and kill me or come sit with me. Your choice."

Bright Moon


6 Years
02-17-2016, 01:55 AM
Holding her breath as he drew closer to examine her leg, she couldn't help the discomfort that took over her at their close proximity. It wasn't his fault, she was just excessively nervous, and she was utterly exhausted from running. As he stated that it looked bad, but he had no idea to what extent, nor what to do to make it better, Bright merely frowned. She knew she had injured it weeks ago, and it had been on the mend thanks to Amalia... but now she had re-injured it. Right now it felt worse than it had ever been - she hoped it would heal eventually.

"It's okay, I'll have a look at it myself," she murmured, "I already had someone show me what to do, since I injured it a few weeks ago." As he offered to shelter her until she was better, and even to find food, she was surprised but grateful. It was a generous offer, one she had hoped for but hadn't expected. Despite her frazzled nerves, she had to offer him a small, grateful smile. She couldn't keep being wary of him if he was offering so much. "Thank you, sir," she said softly with an appreciative dip of her head, "Uhm, what should I call you?" She tilted her head, wondering who he was.

She shifted as he offered his side for her to lean on. He was all too kind. Bright was too tired now to keep worrying, and so she allowed herself to lean into him for support. It was all she could do now. She hoped she would be able to repay him after all of this.



2 Years
02-18-2016, 10:54 PM

He had no knowledge of medicine. Hopefully she knew what she was doing. The wound could be fresh or it could be weeks old and he would have no way of knowing. "Einselar." he said. "and what do I call you?" Once she leaned on him he guided her slowly back to the small hole he had dug for himself. The trip took much longer than before due to how slowly they had to walk and some of the obstacles they had to go around, instead of jumping like he had on his way here. After about twenty minutes they were back. Once she was in the ditch under the tree he slowly removed his support so she could lay in there.

"I should go hunt," he stated, "Fish is fine, right? I only ask because it disagrees with some." An understatement if one had ever been made. One of the cubs had died when he gave her a fish while on the run. He did not intend to kill anyone else by giving them the wrong kind of food.
"Your silence speaks volumes. You know not what to make of me. Am I a threat? Am I a danger to those you love? I am an anomaly to you, as you are to me. The difference between us is I don't care if either of us live to see the sun rise tomorrow. So either come and kill me or come sit with me. Your choice."

Bright Moon


6 Years
02-22-2016, 01:40 AM
She flicked a black ear to acknowledge that she'd heard his name. "I'm Bright Moon," she replied, then added quietly, "You can call me Bright for short.." She shifted her weight into him and allowed him to lead her, on a journey that seemed to last forever. She could have just dropped on the spot and gone to sleep, but that simply wouldn't be safe. At last they arrived at his shelter, small dip in the ground hidden under a tree. It wasn't what she would have chosen for herself, but she was grateful for the cover. And besides that, she was tired enough that she knew she'd fall asleep without any trouble.

She slid away from him and carefully lowered herself to the ground, bringing her legs up against her body to curl into herself tightly. Her eye lids began to droop before Einselar could even take off. She forced herself to look up as he asked her if fish would be fine. She nodded, with a small grateful smile upon her face. "Yes, that would be great," she said softly, her head lowering, chin nearing the ground, "Thank you so much." After such a rough time, she was glad to meet someone who was kind and generous enough to help her. She only wished she could help him hunt, rather than depending on him to go out alone.



2 Years
02-23-2016, 07:22 PM

Einselar was off. He trotted down to the stream that ran from the lake to the ocean and stood in the middle of it, facing upstream toward the lake so that the fish wouldn't 'smell' him from the direction he was trying to catch them in. It wasn't too long before he spotted some silver darting around in the river in front of him. His head darted forward, submerging briefly before popping back up with a fish in his maw. A quick swing of his head and it was tossed onto the shore.

This process was repeated for the good part of an hour, fetching about 18 fish before Einselar decided he was done. He brought the fish back to his 'den' in several trips, only able to carry about two fish at a time without them slipping out of his jaws. He nudged Bright Moon slightly with his nose, leaving nine fish near her if she didn't wake up. He then made quick work of the other nine before he began work on a second ditch under a nearby tree. It seemed he and this new wolf had had enough of running and were ready to start new lives. What this would lead to, time only could tell.
"Your silence speaks volumes. You know not what to make of me. Am I a threat? Am I a danger to those you love? I am an anomaly to you, as you are to me. The difference between us is I don't care if either of us live to see the sun rise tomorrow. So either come and kill me or come sit with me. Your choice."

Bright Moon


6 Years
02-28-2016, 11:10 PM
She lifted her head to watch him go, only to find herself quickly dozing, her head drooping closer and closer to the ground. It felt to her as though her mind was racing, as though her eyes were scanning her surroundings, but before she knew it she was being woken by Einselar's return. He had nudged her, causing her eyes to slowly peel open, one at a time. Confused, she lifted her head again and gave it a shake to clear away the sleep. Still groggy, she tried to sit up. By the time she was sitting, Einselar was already eating, and it seemed he had left a pile of fish for her.

Delighted and thankful, she reached for the first fish and dug into it. She tried not to eat too fast, but it was difficult to slow her appetite, so she simply gave in and began eating ravenously, careful not to choke on any bones. When she was done she burped, and ducked her head, licking her lips. What a satisfying meal. Curling up once more, Bright Moon felt ready to sleep deeply. This was unimaginably better than what she'd come running from. Feeling safer and not so alone, she was quickly sleeping again, floating gently into her dreams.

-exit via sleep-