
The Kleurrijk Family



2 Years
01-24-2016, 03:50 PM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2016, 04:14 PM by Zisa.)
The Basics::
The family is one that has no solidly plain colors, or markings for that matter. The base coats tend to be monochrome in color, but the colors of the markings are what set them apart. They are decorated in reds, yellows, oranges, any color that one would not find in a normal wolf. And, of course, there is the family marking, passed down through the generations, which tends to be a swirling marking on either side of their face.

The family started when Lile, a wolf with blazing orange, red, and yellow fur with white markings, met the female that was to be his mate. Of course, he didn't realize that at first. Milla was painted in purples, blues, and even some greens, with the swirling markings that most of her descendants have. The two did not get along at first, Lile finding that all the attention was taken from him. The two argued, and yes, even fought at times. Over the years, however, the two became rivals, and maybe even what one would call friends.

By this time, Lile and Milla were both growing older, and neither had any pups. The two were afraid of not leaving their mark on the world, and ended up becoming mates. It was not long before Milla became pregnant, much to the happiness of both of them. However, the happiness would not last long when the litter arrived. Milla, too old and weak for this, passed away after just giving birth to one pup. Lile was devastated. Over the months, he had grown to love the female. For a while  after that, Lile tried to be a good father of the pup, Vurig, who had the colors of both parents, and the white swirls that reminded Lile of his mate. However, he could not force himself to do much with the child.

When Vurig was a year old, Lile had already passed on, and his son was thrown into a world he knew nothing of. He was trusting, too trusting, and this caused him to end up being a scarred male. By the time he was two, Vurig had grown clever and harsh, claiming more than one mate, all in monochrome colors. When he passed on his genes, he would wait until the children were born, growing into a habit. Wolves with no colorful markings or swirls would be killed at birth. By the time the remaining children were one year old, Vurig had claimed a name for himself, and started a pack. The Kleurrijk family was growing steadily, and the children were trained to be warriors. One, a son with gray fur and orange markings, would turn on his father and kill him, regaining control of the pack.

Lichtgevende, as he changed his name to after his father's death, was not as bad as Vurig. But he would keep a few rules, to make the pack have its mark in the land.

Now, a few years later, the pack has grown, and most have decided to create a pack in a new land, away from the others who would want to keep them in the same cycle of wolves killing others for control of the pack and getting killed themselves later on. However, the rules they were taught are still ones they will use.

Family Rules::
-Pups with blue eye color will be killed once eye color sets in.
-Wolves with no colorful markings or swirls will be killed.
-Wolves with no marking on face will be killed or banished.
-Females that have more than one litter with plain pups/ pups with no markings will be badly maimed and banished.
-The family sticks together; betray the family, face the consequences.
-Anyone who betrays the family will get a second chance if they wish for one. If they betray the family this time, they will be maimed and banished or killed outright.
-The pups are to be protected, as they are the future of the pack.

Base coat Colors- Any shade of gray, white, and black.
Marking colors- Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and any other shade is acceptable.
Eye colors- Any color other than blue.

-If you make a wolf that has any intention of betraying the family, it is up to the others to decide what happens.
-Be active! I will readopt them out if you're not.
-They are expensive, so I won't mind if you have to raise gems up for them.
-There will most likely be meetings once a month. The wolves are not required to come, but the others may come looking for them.

Designs:: None yet!

The Form::

[b]OOC Name:[/b]
[b]Wolf name:[/b]
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Site minimum)
[b]Personality:[/b] (Site minimum)
[b]RP Sample:[/b] (At least 100 words)
[b]Any Family Plots?:[/b]