
Just a Peek


01-30-2016, 11:36 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Without any apparent purpose, Aurora traveled across the prairie. She carried herself with confidence, a faint smile set within her soft, round features, while her dark blue ears stood erect and her tail waved like a banner above her haunches. Today was a good day. There was no particular reason for it - nothing truly exciting had happened to set it apart from any other day - but it was still a good day nonetheless. And she had hopes that it would get better.

Her mood was cheery as she strode along, as if she was off on some mission that only she knew about. Which was rather close to the truth. Though she looked like she was just out for nothing more than a walk, there were other thoughts roaming about within her young mind. For a couple months now, she and her sister had been confined to the Algoma Prairie, restricted to this one location even though she recalled clearly that they had once slept somewhere else. The cave at the beach called to her, as did the beach itself, but for some reason no one seemed to go there anymore, even though they were all big enough not to be scared of the water.

Well, Rory had grown quite a bit since she had been dragged here to the prairie, big enough she figured that she could at least go peek at the place without a grown up hovering over her shoulder. And if she walked in that direction like she had every right to be there, who really would question her? With those devious thoughts in mind, thoughts that further curved her smile wider the closer she got to her target, the blue-coated pup continued to march toward the border, intent upon getting a peek at the beach her family had abandoned.



4 Years
01-31-2016, 01:08 AM

What was she, a babysitter?  The moon goddess hadn’t been really doing anything of note, she would wait until she saw Gale heading out for a patrol to ask if she could help when a blue blur of motion had caught her eye. The girls had made their presence known pretty well now and she was even able to remember which one was which now. So when she recognized it as Aurora heading towards the stretch of land connected to the beach she felt a mixture of irritation and concern. They weren’t even returning to the communal den yet it certainly wouldn’t be safe for the pup.

Rising to her paws she followed after the girl, hanging back and watching to see if her niece would change her path. But of course she wouldn’t. "Going somewhere?" She asked with just enough disapproval in her voice to come across as authoritarian to a young pup. With a few quick steps she closed the gap between them so that she could stand over the child, though she would immediately settle upon her haunches.


[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png]


02-01-2016, 03:16 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Oblivious to the aunt who followed at her heels, Rory felt her mood brighten considerably as she marched in closer toward her destination. This was actually going to work! There was no one in sight, no one to stop her from creeping in close and getting a good look at the beach and the potential flooding that still remained. Or maybe - if she could be so lucky - she would even find the flood waters receded and she could be the first to make it back onto the beach!

Her smile was bright as she heard, vaguely, some quiet, muffled sound. She thought nothing of it at first, so intent upon her target that she hardly registered it, but as a taller, shadowy figure stepped in around her the young pup gave a start and stopped in her tracks. Her golden eyes went wide as she stared up into the curious face of her aunt, panic beginning to set in as the black and grey wolf took a seat in front of her. No, no! She was so close! She could not have her plans thwarted after getting so far!

Which only left one course of action. Though she stood, holding still, in the place that Selíni had stopped her, the blue pup's eyes darted once around her side and toward the border she had been intent upon, her serious face calculating. Maybe...maybe if she was really quick... Without any hesitation, Aurora leaped toward Selíni's side and tried to dash around the older wolf, knowing it was really her only chance of reaching the beach if she would succeed at all.



4 Years
02-26-2016, 06:00 PM

She had to admit there was a slight satisfaction in watching the expressions that crossed the tiny girl’s face when she realized it wasn’t that easy to sneak away. Selini had to stifle as chuckle as she watched the girl, still her niece managed to catch her somewhat off guard. Just as it was dawning on her that her niece was probably going to try and bolt the girl acted.

"Not so fast!" She called as she jumped to her paws. Aurora has the added advantage of her diminutive size but Selini had longer legs and it only took a few quick steps to catch up to the fleeing pup. Quickly lunging the vixen managed to grab the child by her scruff.

"I’ll put you down if you swear not to run." She managed through mumbled speech as she moved further away from the beach, then settled down upon her haunches to wait for a response.

(Minor pp of Aurora allowed by Mouse)


[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png]


03-03-2016, 01:25 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The loudly spoken words were almost caught in their entirety by the young pup's ears, but it did not stop her in the least. She saw freedom right there, right on the other side of this aunt of hers, and she had every intention of not going down without a fight. And fighting, for her, meant running for it.

Her heart raced within her chest in that second she leaped forward and bounded ahead, but before she could lose Selíni, before she could feel the rush of success starting to creep in through her round, puppy frame, she felt a pinch to her scruff and the ground suddenly rush away beneath her paws as she was hefted into the air. Oh no! Drat, she was caught!

Instinctively, she went still, curling up slightly as she was carried by her aunt. Her little ears tucked themselves against her head and her expression was clearly guilty, but unrepentant as she stared off in the direction of the beach. So close. Was it always going to be this way? There was a quiet string of mumbles, completely incoherent with no chance of understanding, but Rory was smart enough to realize when she was beat. Unable to do anything else, she held still like a good little pup and waited for her aunt to set her down.