



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-18-2014, 08:28 PM

Hati wasn't really much for thinking.

He wasn't an idiot, but he wasn't like Loki or Daegmar either. He didn't spend a lot of time planning his next move, he just bulled through and trusted his skills to get him past any obstacle. What he was, pure and simple, was a fighter. That was what he was best at, the raw physicality of battle anchored in his very blood and bone. He thought best when he was on the move, his strategies were second-by-second rather than long-term.

But sometimes he did come up with something that one might call an "idea".

This time the plan had been hatched when he'd been hunting in the mountains, watching the mountain goat rams battling for the right to mate - further solidifying his belief that females were not worth the trouble they brought, and also giving him his brilliant idea. First he'd carefully stalked a goat like he'd seen the mountain cats do, from above, and dispatched the ram. Of course then he'd stopped to eat his fill because he was hungry and why waste such a feast? But then he'd settled himself down by the carcass - with occasional snack breaks - and set to work chewing on the beast's head. He stripped it clean of fur and meat, and cut through the spine to free it from the body, then single-mindedly continued gnawing at the bottom of the skull, cracking bone and scooping out delicious brain matter until the whole brain pan was open. It took several days to do to his satisfaction.

Then he stuck his head in it.

It fit snugly atop his own skull, the horns curving down behind his ears, the sinus bone resting atop his own muzzle and the upper mandible - teeth still attached - curving down around it. It felt odd, heavy, but not unpleasantly so. He was a little disappointed at the heft of it, for his brilliant plan had been to use it in battle but it was simply too heavy to swing his head easily for battle, even if it would protect his face. Disappointed, and yet... it felt really, really cool. Like... really cool. He liked how the horns curved forward so wickedly beside his cheek bones. Maybe not useful in battle as he'd hoped but... he'd totally keep it.

Mission complete the hellhound stretch out beside what was left of the ram carcass. He'd stay here a couple more days until the meat was finally gone, then go see if he could find Daegmar again. Maybe she'd like his cool mask...


Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
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