
Bringing Blessings



3 Years
02-01-2016, 03:28 PM
Sacrifices have brought me to where I am today.

Large in his build- Nemausus traveled in an easy rhythm. Paws grazing over the new terrain, he took the sensations with ease. Each sight was new for him- and his different colored optics drank in each one of them. Letting his head tilted upwards in the slightest, purple and blue eyes gazed at the willow trees- each one holding their own mesmerizing beauty. His paws were damp on the bottom, the small streams that trickled over the roots he carefully walked over, had done well to take notice. It was clear by the rapidly melting snow, that winter was fading to an end. He didn't mind the season change, no, in fact it was quite a wondrous thing. Although the cold can be soothing to him at times, he did like the warmth from the sun as well.

His mind drifted while his grey pelted figure continued on. Arimid. The Goddess' name passed through his mind, and in turn, his figure came to a stop underneath a snow-barren willow. Bowing his head as his neck declined, Nemausus found himself muttering words. "Dear Goddess, bless the land and thyself as I continue to stretch upon this journey." Tone soft, though deep from his vocals, Nemausus raised his head- before he glanced around. He had been traveling alone for quiet awhile, and he was ready to finally meet some company. Lowering to his haunches, he let a smooth, short howl cut through his vocals- only loud enough for anyone near him to hear. He didn't hope for trouble, but rather to make friends, wolves to converse with.

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4 Years
02-01-2016, 05:06 PM
It had been some time she had allowed herself to wander away from the pack lands without a family member on her tail. Not that that was anyone’s fault but her own, since her return she hadn’t exactly been eager to go too far and she figured her family would be much more secure in the knowledge that she wasn’t running off anywhere. Still the Vixen was insatiable in her curiosity and eventually silver tipped paws found soggier ground. After the relative dryness of the prairies it was almost a shock to find the world beyond the pack lands was just as ravaged by flooding as their own home had been.

Still this place was interesting in its own rights, the moon goddess was keeping herself on the bank; not eager to get her paws too wet. A howl echoed out from among the oddly draping trees and Selíni found curiosity getting the better of her. Peering through the currents of new buds the vixen thought she could see some movement.

With a deep breath the slender woman pushed her way through the foliage, nose twitching as she sought the caller. Finally she found herself in front of a tree stripped of all its foliage and a grey man. Larger than her though not as big as her brother. “You called?” She spoke, her voice dropping into a flirtatious tone; something she hadn’t intended necessarily but was likely a side effect of her raging heat.

[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png]



3 Years
02-01-2016, 06:29 PM
Sacrifices have brought me to where I am today.

Nemausus was content; body relaxed while his gaze easily filtered over the views around him. Calm- it was a nice feeling to have within; rather than hostility and anger. He was always grateful for the fact he could easily calm himself and stay neutral- it was hard to push Nemausus over the edge.

It hadn't been too long of a wait until a figure appeared, once that captured his eyes in less than a second. A Charcoal figure, one engulfed with silver markings, came to his view. His purple and blue optics scanned over her figure- finding her to hold the feminine curves, as well as a smaller body than that of his own. Her tone came to the surface- an inquiry that was laced in a flirtatious sound. Nemausus' ear twitched, before he let a small nod come forth. He wasn't the one for smiling much- but if he had been, he was certain she would of seen a sneak peak.

"Indeed I did." He began, before he rose back to his fours; allowing his body to balance out in weight. His head soon dipped in a greeting, tail hanging low at his ankles while he kept himself at ease. He didn't want to appear as a threat, but something told him she didn't even view him as such. "My calling is that of Nemausus; these lands are new to me, as is your presence." Smooth was his voice, hoping he did well to make her feel welcomed around him. "What do you go by?" There was a slight tilt in his head, his question being voiced as he wanted to know this flirtatious female's name- before he asked any other questions.

[Image: 9d35zZp.png]



4 Years
02-01-2016, 07:44 PM
The stranger didn’t answer right away which was fine with the vixen as it gave her an excuse to look him over fully. Pale yellow gaze taking in his muscular frame a slight smile tugging at her lips as she did so; he certainly wasn’t hard on the eyes, speaking of she found her gaze being pulled back to his oddly mismatched peepers. Had the moon goddess known how common that was in truth she might not have cared much but he was the first creature she had ever seen with such an odd trait.

He acknowledge her words with a small nod and Selíni took a few calculated steps closer, slender limbs extending with a practiced grace before coiling lithe muscles to sit upon her haunches. Just as she did this he was speaking and rising to his paws and she tipped her head back to watch him as he spoke, dipping her head in a return of his greeting.

New eh? She mused to herself, fighting off the wicked grin that sought to flash across her face. There were so many things she could do with that… but no! Pulling her expressions back into something more resembling calm she bit her mischievous thoughts in the bud; she was still on thin ice with her brothers and didn’t want to do anything that could potentially make things worse.

“Pleasure to meet you Nemausus.” She spoke with an easy tone but her gaze was hungry as she continued to look upon him. The vixen could feel her body demanding she end these pleasentries and get on with it; as if “it” was even a possibility right now. This damn heat! She thought to herself but outwardly only spoke in introduction. “I am Selíni Elementas.” She glanced around for a moment before bringing starlight gaze back to the grey man. “I’ve never been here specifically before but my family’s pack is a bit south east of here.” A friendly smile slid across her face as she spoke, doing her best to keep her thoughts more towards the friendly side of the conversation spectrum.

[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png]



3 Years
02-02-2016, 07:20 PM
Sacrifices have brought me to where I am today.


With loose muscles and a warm gaze, Nemausus did well to follow the female's movements. Slender legs snaked forward, and although her figure did not move too close, it was enough for Nemausus to keep his attention on her. He assumed by now, that this female was no threat. After all- if she had come to inflict harm upon him; wouldn't she of done so already?

She settled upon her haunches, much like Nemausus had done himself not too long ago. At his fours, he witnessed her return of greeting, and his eyes gleamed in the action. She seems friendly enough. Well, despite the flirtatious tone she had earlier- or, did she still have it?He let the thought swirl in his mind for a few moments, before he focused back upon her words. "The pleasure is all mine, Selíni." The deep vocals soothed int the air, tone as ease as if he was reflecting the way her own words sounded.

With smooth motions, Nemausus let his bulky legs lower, position coming back to that of a sitting stance. Ah- a pack? So Nemausus was right with his assumptions, of course there'd be packs upon these lands! Allowing himself a moment to collect his thoughts, Nemausus' maw soon parted gently, weight shifting as to accommodate him into a more comfortable position. "Then I can't help but to assume you know some information about these lands? Perhaps the packs that reside upon them, as well?"

[Image: 9d35zZp.png]



4 Years
02-03-2016, 04:30 PM
Oh what a gentleman! She thought to herself with some amusement as he spoke more in greeting. She watched him with some interest as he settled himself once more into a sitting position, her tail beating the ground slightly as she fought down the yelling in her head that demanded she close the gap. Her face remained a mask of friendliness while she argued with her primal instincts. There was a moment of silence after she spoke and Selíni found herself trying to guess what was crossing the grey man’s mind. Luckily she would not have to wait too long.

He spoke and she did her best not to allow herself to visibly deflate. “Ah-“ The moon Goddess spoke with some hesitation. “I’m sorry I can’t give you too much information. I know a few places in this land, there’s uh a volcano to the east of here… a few kinda interesting places in between here and there but not much I can really talk about sorry.”

She thought for a moment before speaking again. “As for packs I can only really speak of my family’s pack.” She fixed him with a wide grin. “I’d be willing to answer some questions if you’d like,” she winked at him, “but I can’t give all our secrets away.”

[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png]



3 Years
02-06-2016, 06:50 PM
Sacrifices have brought me to where I am today.


Nemausus faintly noticed the small thump of her tail against the ground, his ear twitching in the slightest before he adverted his attention back to her gaze. She seemed friendly, at the least. She didn't hold any aggression nor hostility, and that gave Nemausus a hope for this new land.

Her words came, and Nemausus nodded along with them. He understood that she could not tell him everything- or else there'd be no fun in finding it all out himself. The important factor was, that she tried. It showed Nemausus that this female was not selfish nor condescending, and he marked her down in his mind, reminding himself she could be helpful in the future times.

A few more words filtered out of her maw, and Nemausus' ears stood erect with interest. Ahhh- she was willing to share more? He found his weight shifting- and Nemausus held back his deep chuckle at the sight of her wink, and he only hoped it was meant to be playful. Shaking his head in amusement, Nemausus let his maw part to speak. "I only wish for you to share what you deem necessary. M'lady, I do not intend to pressure information out of you, it is just mere curiosity and concern of these lands that guide my inquiries to you." Dipping his head, only a fraction, he then looked back at her. It was true, indeed, he did not want to be walking into an unknown death trap- and he hoped if there was anything like that, the kind female would let him know.

[Image: 9d35zZp.png]