
Following Her Guide



3 Years
02-02-2016, 02:01 AM
Sacrifices have brought me to where I am today.

Nose brushing against the terrain, Nemausus let his nostrils fill with the scents all around. Strides slow, his body traveled the length of the unknown land, nerves racking inside of his body. He was still unfamiliar- he had not known much besides his true home, the one with Arimid, his mother, and sister. They are no more. Oh how the sad truth tugged at his heart. It was a constant reminder, his sister was out there... somewhere, but his mother? She was dead.

Pressing his snout against a shrub, he breathed in- before raising his head. Maybe over here.. He needed to find a herb- one to help calm his nerves, perhaps sooth the worries he felt inside. They were nagging at him endlessly, and it had gotten to the point that he knew Arimid would want him to seek aid. The herb he was searching for was that of Motherwort; a leafy plant, and normally used for that of females in pregnancy. Many don't know it can be used for anxiety. That information didn't usually spread wide- but Nemausus knew it merely for all of his studies as a pup. Moving forward, he continued his hunt- determined to ease the nerves inside of him. Or maybe save it for later...

[Image: 9d35zZp.png]



5 Years
02-02-2016, 02:42 AM
Starling was completely and fully committed to his craft. Everything he knew and everything he loved revolved around healing. It was his everything, and he was lost in the months that the flowers didn't grow. It had been since that very first spring, when he had stepped from his den to find not white and cold, but pretty colors and flowers. At the time he hadn't known that they were useful, but he had collected them nonethless. Since then, he had spent all his time learning the craft. The lands were painted in his pawprints, as he had travelled far and wide searching for herbs and finding wolves that could teach them all they knew. He had spent seasons with teachers, travelling between the lands. His lift was dedicated to his craft, and he knew it was time to start teaching others.

Not that he hadn't taught before. No, he was always learning and always teaching. But he had never had a real student before. So he had gathered her up that day for a special little field trip. They would be hunting agrimony that day, and he would teach her what he knew about it. It wasn't the most useful of herbs, but it was one that was nearby. Perhaps they could find something else to learn as well, depending on the season. He trotted quietly into the land, sighing softly as he stared up at the red leaves. This was the perfect place for a first fieldtrip, for it had been his first as well. The first time he had ever left the lands on his own as a child. "K-keeping up?" He called happily behind him, his smile prominent on his face before he turned to look around. Surprise suddenly took over as he stared at a stranger who seemed to be searching as well. He couldn't tell, though, if he was hunting for herbs or a meal, or even if he was a safe stranger to come across. "O-oh, hello.." He said nervously, blue eyes taking in the man's appearance and trying to see if he was harmless or not.

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