
Dark Times



2 Years
02-02-2016, 02:35 PM

He was taking his time exploring this new place. So far he had yet run into anyone that was of any interest to him besides for his physical needs. Not to say that that wasn't important, but it wasn't what he necessarily craved. Sure he craved carnal pleasure, but that was usually a means to an end. It was what gave him the information he sought or whatever else he happened to be in the market for. But like all things, that too got boring after so long. So the scarlatti would drift through the lands familiarizing himself with the layout of the land, making a map for himself in his head of the land that he had a feeling he would be sticking around in for a while.

The day's wanderings would bring to him a rather lovely sight, the first of its kind in his explorations as of yet. The sun was just starting to rise on the horizon and its tentative rays would peek through the rushing falls, creating rainbows in the mists. He would stand several feet away for several moments, simply observing the falls. The gentle mists would make their way over to him, coating him in thousands of tiny droplets that clung to his fur and whiskers, the ones not caught in his fur disappearing into the forest beyond him. Breaking the trance he would shake himself free of the mist before climbing down towards the fall, careful of where he placed his paws, not wanting to take a slip and end up hurting himself.

He would wind his way up the stepping stones along the falls until he was standing behind the water and looking out to where he was standing just moments ago. The sound of rushing water was deafening, the scent of fresh water filling his nostrils. Mahogany haunches would fold beneath the man as he settled himself down on the slick rock, intent on just relaxing. Back when he was with family, before everything happened, he didn't have much down time. There was always something to do so it was somewhat odd to have so much time to himself. Yet as good as it was to not have to do anything, he found that was itching to his get his paws dirty again. He went out so frequently on hits that to not do it for a while was starting to affect him. He needed to do a hit...and soon.




5 Years
02-10-2016, 06:01 PM

A season. A while season has passed since she's seen her companion. The vixen has been to almost every corner of Alacritis in search of him. Despite the heavy rains and flooding she has been searching day and night. There were no trails or hints, no word or signs of him anywhere. Every time she felt like she was onto something she would hit a dead end. A small shred of hope still lived within her, but it was dwindling more and more each day. She would not quit until she found an answer. She is a woman who needs closure to move on, so even if she found her companion in shreds, she would welcome the answer.

Her quest is the reasoning behind her sudden appearance here. Although she has previously skimmed over the falls a few weeks ago she's come back for a second look. Marco could have easily gone exploring and have slipped off a rock. He was an adventurous wolverine, always thinking he could take on the world, including a 30+ foot drop from a cliff. It wouldnt surprise her if the falls had claimed his life.So the nymph quietly circles the large pool of water at the very base of the falls. Her nose is down toward the damp earth, her nostrils flaring as she inhales the moist air around her. So far there are no signs of Marco, but she didn't want to give up just yet. Eventually she would climb the falls, but for now she would check out the base for a bit.

OOC: gonna say she hadn't noticed him yet because I'm not sure if he's up towards the top or if he's at the bottom of the falls. I can always edit this if I need to! :)

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"