
Tell Me It's Okay


02-04-2016, 11:17 AM

There was, honestly, little relief in finding his sister. Yes Finch had been found. But Gods, oh Gods she had been in such a state...

Shrike’s mind was still reeling over the information. He felt sick, sick that he hadn’t gone with the others that had found her. Worried for his sister because she was recovering. Worrying because, somewhere out there, was some heartless wolf who tried to kill her. Some wolf who had almost succeeded. What kind of brother was he to not notice her disappearance sooner? What kind of brother was he to fail to find her? Did he even deserve to be called kin anymore?

For once in his life Shrike was completely engrossed in thought about someone other than himself. He thought of his sister, his darling sister, with her sweet personality and how she’d almost been taking from them. It had occupied his mind for days. He had felt so smug after his show in the practice war, despite the outcome, and yet while they were doing that Finch had been dying! The thought that they had given up so soon... It made him feel sick. What could have happened if they hadn’t found her... If she had...

Shrike would give a whine, covering his head with his paws. He didn’t want to think like this. Think what could have happened. He wanted to have things go back to how they were. But all his mind could do was dwell on how he’d been a horrid brother. How he hadn’t been there for his family. It was driving him insane.


Table by:: Eldarwen