
What To Do


08-17-2014, 10:30 PM

The wolf's plain brown eyes opened and stared around searchingly, the stillness she had exuded a moment ago gone as she suddenly drew herself to her paws. Her tail wagged excitedly behind her, her whole body seemingly thrumming with energy as she darted forward a few feet before lowering her head and pressing her nose to the ground. Scents filled her senses as she drew in a breath, those familiar and expected to a place like this. The scents of the trees, the earth, the faint remnants of other passersby. But she was only interested in one in particular, a little scent that was presently causing the smile to sit upon her grey and white muzzle.

The young woman stepped hurriedly forward, obviously tracking something from the way she seemed to move about. A few hurried steps forward and she would stop again, assessing, altering her course every couple feet or so. At one point she even stopped to turn in a complete circle, as if attempting to get her bearings within the woods, but she was at it again in a matter of moments. She was getting closer; it was evident in the widening of the smile on her face, the quickening of the speed at which her tail moved.

Quite suddenly she stopped, fixing her gaze upon the base of the tree that sat dead center ahead of her. She was perfectly still, her wide gaze skimming the singular location, and very suddenly she leaped forward, paws reaching, as something akin to a yip was voiced.

At her paws, a little brown creature leaped, clearing himself of her grasping and darting away a foot or so before he stopped and looked back at her with his heart hammering in his chest. "Alright, alright! You win!" he stammered hurriedly, the chipmunk's paws lifted in defeat but held there to stop any further advances. The blue-marked wolf merely danced about on her paws, an excitable whine falling out of her unnoticed as she dipped her front half into a playful bow. "Oh no, that's enough," Rhys muttered with a shake of his head, dusting himself off with a little shake, "You know I don't like this game." No, he most certainly did not. But it was Serene's favorite, and it was hard for him to tell the girl no. Especially when she looked at him with those warm, expressive eyes of hers.

Taking the hint, Serene gave up her efforts to get her small companion to begin their game again and dart away to hide, straightening herself up and reclining back onto her haunches with a puzzled sort of lean to her head. What were they to do now?



6 Years
08-18-2014, 03:47 PM

If he was to be entirely honest, Iorwerth had little idea what to do with himself now. The man's life had been given a purpose from the moment a deal had been made between his mother and father, of course that had been ripped away from him and he had been left confused and not sure what to do with his life but briefly in Seracia he'd had a purpose once more. It may not have been to become a King, but he had ambition, a longing to rise and prove himself. Now that was all gone and he was at a loss of where to go next. He knew so little about the other packs, whatever former knowledge he'd had of them had all but vanished only bigger events such as the siege that Glaciem had started on Valhalla.

He knew not what packs still existed, Seracia had vanished after all who else had faded from existence, who else had stepped forwards to claim the former glory of these packs? Only exploration would really tell and whilst he certainly wasn't interested in admiring the beauty of the lands as other travellers may have been for now he had given himself some sort of purpose once more. It was a weak one in many ways but perhaps he would find a new home and pack to begin bigger ambitions once more.

What the man would find now however though was a stranger up ahead. Her colouring was rather intriguing though it was the odd little companion she had that he truly found odd. No species of animal could stick around Ior for long it seemed, nor could he them such little compassion and thought for others really made it hard for any sort of connection to be formed. He had seen wolves living happily with other wolves of course, but this display of a young wolf dancing around the chipmunk was rather strange to him.

She would halt her actions and for a moment the man would assume he had been discovered. She was calmer though and looking at nothing in particular it seemed. Chances were she would spot him sooner rather than later, but Iorwerth would try not to draw any attention to himself, altering his course of direction slightly to avoid crossing their path. Hopefully it would be enough, he didn't particularly fancy socialising with the pair. It was nothing personal, socialising simply was simply never on the man's list of things to do.


08-18-2014, 08:14 PM

With her little chipmunk friend no longer looking her way seeking her attention, Serene let her mind wander, glancing up and around with a quiet sigh. It was too bad he had stopped their game when he had. She rather enjoyed the game of hide-and-seek that she often initiated, all at his expense. Never did it really occur to her what stress she was placing him under, though sometimes it was evident in his eyes, and being alone for as long as she had been she was so used to doing her own thing and getting away with it. Living with Rhys was still a learning experience, and the blue girl was still adjusting.

Her brown eyes stared absently ahead as her tail thumped in a quiet rhythm at her side, lending evidence to her desire to get up and move again. Maybe more tracking, but this time something else. Something that she could eat without feeling bad about it. Yep. That did sound good.

Rising to her paws, Serene gave no notice to Rhys of what she had decided, simply beginning to turn in place as she directed her gaze on a new course. Behind her the little chipmunk chattered on to himself, at least until he heard the sound of her steps beginning to be taken away from where he sat upon the ground. "Hey!" he called uselessly - he had long since determined her disability - "Hey, wait!" Frantically he scurried after her, her strides not yet long enough to leave him very far behind, and with some effort he managed to catch up to her, realizing as he did that her lack of actual progress away from her starting point had been because she had noticed another wolf.

A moment of instinctual panic invaded the little creatures body at the sight of the other wolf, knowing he held no association with this one and that it likely would have no qualms about making a snack out of him. But Serene was unfazed. She had stopped mere feet from where she had begun to widen her eyes and stare at another passerby as he walked past. For all intents and purposes, he hardly looked as if he intended to stop and mingle, continuing along past where she now stood though she was curious whether he had spotted her or not, and a new thought suddenly occurred to her. Maybe she could try tracking of a different sort...

Slinking down into a creeping sort of posture, Serene fell into step behind the male, allowing him a lead while she patiently traveled in his wake. At her side, desperately trying to get her to look at him, Rhys hurried to keep up and struggled to wave his hands, jump, whisper though she could not hear it, "Serene! Serene, stop! You don't know who he is! This is dangerous, don't!"



6 Years
08-26-2014, 04:35 AM (This post was last modified: 09-02-2014, 02:44 PM by Iorwerth.)

Isolation was a choice for the man. He may still have selfish tendencies though unlike the strange blue girl he lacked a good excuse for his behaviour. Iorwerth had grown up in a pack, spent a good portion of his life surrounded by others albeit in not in the most conventional of upbringings for a child. Other wolves often irritated him, a rather strong example of that being the moment that was threatening to happen now, a motive like the deaf stranger now had was hardly the way to get on the man's good side.

Initially he would continue on completely oblivious to the other's actions, mistakenly believing that he had succeeded in avoiding company. The chipmunk's warnings weren't loud enough to reach Iorwerth's ears though there was nothing wrong with the man's hearing and he would pick up on the soft sounds behind him. Hackles would begin to rise as he paused, turning around to face the approaching stranger. A low growl would sound, a warning that she stopped, Iorwerth was certainly a man who liked his space. "What do you want?" He questioned bluntly.


09-18-2014, 10:12 PM

Serene heard nothing. Her attention was focused solely on the timber-colored wolf before her, on traveling quietly and creepily behind him and tracking the paths he took though there was hardly much tracking to do considering she could still see exactly where it was that he was going. But even the tracking she had thought to do paled in comparison with just being nosy for the sake of it. Really, she was quite an overly friendly girl, a personality trait that more often got her on the wrong side of people who were unwilling to acknowledge her condition, and once again she was doing exactly what she wanted to, regardless of the little figure following her who so desperately wanted to get her attention.

For just a second she turned her head to glance at that little companion of hers who never seemed to tire of following her, as if finally remembering that he was still trailing after her, and that was all it took for the stranger before her to stop and finally turn her way. She backpedaled quickly, hurrying into her own stop, and Rhys's quiet words finally stopped beside her as well, both staring a bit wide-eyed and startled at the male wolf.

Serene, of course, did not comprehend a single word the male spoke, though his acknowledgment was clearly enough. She grinned, her tail wagged, and she practically danced in place on eager paws. Rhys, however, had a much more anxious approach, assuming the situation needed a little diffusing. "I'm sorry, she...she saw you and thought to follow you," he explained with a helpless gesture of his forepaws. "She's a bit headstrong, this girl." Really, it was an understatement, but he did not want to entirely talk bad about her right in front of her either. Even if she could not hear it.

OOC: Super long delay, sorry. x__x;