
[P] When The Bunnies Go Dancing



12 Years
Extra large
02-09-2016, 08:38 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He needed to talk to his fellow mentor. Wow. He was officially a mentor to his littlest sister. It was for hunting, but hey, he was a good hunter. His mother had told him that he would be acting as both the Future and as a hunting partner for Varda, since they had so few hunters, and he was good at it. So he needed to talk to the Destruction woman. He was more than ready to begin Baine's more advanced hunting training. He'd taught her how to pounce the mice that sometimes had braved the cave full of wolves, and he was pretty sure his mom had covered rabbits and birds. Especially birds, with living in the Estuary during Hellstrom's brief squatting here in the Plains.

It was time to learn how to hunt in a group, he decided. So the vibrant red Future padded up the overgrown path to his missing Cousin Alsander's old den, one that overlooked the plains and the prey that grazed them. He tipped his head back, sure his red coat would be a beacon on the ledge, and send a howl with Varda's name on it rolling over the plains. As his head lowered and his jaws shut, he scanned the land below for signs of her white figure. He'd need to find Miksa, too, start sparring with him. He'd noticed the male's scent laid thickly with the rest of the pack. He liked that the male seemed invested in keeping the borders guarded, and he really did want to get to know him better. But today it was time to talk to his fellow mentor.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



4 Years
02-11-2016, 04:15 AM

Ever since her meeting with the Archangel, the subject of Baine's training hadn't left her mind. She wasn't going to forget again, not when she hadn't done any actual training. It was about time she pulled her act together and did something. She wasn't around her parents anymore, not that she could slack with them as well, but it felt different in another pack. Celestial felt stricter, or perhaps that was the pressure of her being a mentor. She still couldn't believe that she was a teacher, especially since she had recently joined the pack. Sure, she had mentored her younger brother once or twice, but this was different, like everything else.

On a day when she was fretting whether or not to call for her fellow co-mentor, the red-furred male himself howled for her. Well, that made her job slightly easier. Hopefully he would think of her as being lazy and leaving the job for him to start. To be honest she was feeling a bit flustered with the situation, worrying that she wasn't smart enough to teach anyone. Don't be ridiculous, she told herself as she made her way over to the Adravendi male. The Archangel believes in you. There was no mistaking where the male was, for her bicoloured gaze soon landed on his large, vibrant form. The woman approached him with a smile, greeting him with a nod. "Greetings Regulus." After all that stress she managed to keep her formality; words eloquently spoken with a confident posture. "I assume this is to do with Baine's training?"




12 Years
Extra large
03-07-2016, 08:03 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

Varda was quick to arrive. Regulus watched her pale form cross below, shifting to give her room on the ledge before she came to greet him. "Hello, Varda. How're you today?" He answered easily, grinning. Much like his mother, he was casual, if respectful, to the rest of the pack. Settling his haunches more firmly against the stony ledge, he flicked his heavily furred tail to wrap about his haunches and cover his large paws as she made her guess.

"Yeah. I figured it's about time we got started on that. I've been thinking, and mother told me about her discussion with you. I'm thinking, start with tracking something relatively easy, then work up from that. Along with that, Forest and Plains Craft ought to be part of the tutoring. Y'know, the practice of walking silently through terrain and listening to what the wind has to say, and smelling what news it has on it." It was how his grandmother had described it. He liked the way it flowed.

His fathomless sapphires turned to meet Varda's mismatched eyes as he grinned. "I'd like my littlest sister to get to attend Celestial's first big pack hunt."

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



4 Years
03-13-2016, 02:12 PM

As he shifted over to give her room, she elegantly seated herself by him, slightly angling her body so she could face him. She wanted to make a good impression on her new pack-mates, especially the heir of Celestial. An heir - she pondered that position for a moment. It sounded important, though foreign to her ears. Threar never had an heir, if she remembered the ranks correctly. Why not? Hadn't any of her siblings been worthy enough to lead the pack in the future? Her brother would have been picked; diplomacy came so easily to him. The thought of the mocha male brought a small smile to her features, memories flooding back to her. No heir or heir, it didn't matter. There wasn't much left of a Threar to lead anyway.

"I'm well, thank you," she answered with a courteous dip of her skull. "And how are you today?" She wanted to be polite - and certainty not rude - by keeping the conversation going and convincing him she was the perfect mentor for his sister. She had to look smart, intelligent. Trying to keep eye contact with the younger male, she listened intently to his suggestions. Progressing with prey, learning how to track and scent - seemed like an ideal plan to her. It covered many areas of the field. However, she felt the need to add something. She wanted to contribute, after all. "Learning how to find the direction of the wind and travel upwind, as well as camouflaging scent are also essential, I reckon. A bit later on, though." When he mentioned Celestial's first hunt, she cracked a smile. It would be a good opportunity to review her skills and abilities. "The more the better," she commented with a chuckle.
