
Hey Little Sister



4 Years
02-14-2016, 04:33 PM
The very earliest hours of morning would appear and with them came the time for babies. Gaia was awoken by the sudden pain in her side. She was startled at first, but soon would gain her wits as she realized what was going on. After the realization the feeling of a cold side let her know Voltage wasn't there beside her. She knew he was close though, an wouldn't panic as she made it through the first contractions on her own. They were painful and distracting, but she knew it wasn't quite time. Still she'd let out a soft howl over the plains, the newest Wlementas were going to be born today.

Uncomfortably the she wolf lifted herself from the ground, the days earliest lights caressing her form. Gaia made herself to walk around, feeling her pups squirm within as they sought a way out. Gaia would groan as Freewing found his way to her shoulder, his own little family just starting to wake from their nights sleep. She'd feel the comfort of his presence as she settled in to wait for her brood and the pack to come greet them.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



6 Years
Extra large
02-15-2016, 07:24 PM

The howl called for a day he knew was arriving. He perked up his head and listened intently, a grin exploding across his face before he tore across the Prairie to find her. She was in Voltage and her's den, of course. He would be the very first wolf to arrive at her den, and he hovered at the entrance for a moment in indecision. The scent of Voltage was not fresh, his brother, to Glacier's surprise, was not inside. He took a breath, remembering the panic he had felt at Anais's birthing. Where was Voltage? He lifted his head and gave a strong, loud howl, if Voltage was not within the pack lands this would be a sound he would hear beyond.

He pawed at the den's entrance then, hesitant still to enter. Some woman did not like wolves other then their mates to crowd them when they gave birth – something he could respect and understand. But Voltage was not there yet to hold her hand, and he would not leave his litter mate's wife to be alone for any moment of this. He slipped quietly inside, and sat on his rump beside her. He gently licked her forehead, and calmed his breath. “Breath in time with me Gaia, your doing wonderfully” he promised her softly.





6 Years
02-27-2016, 01:45 AM
Voltage had spent most of her pregnancy by her side, barely leaving long enough to fulfill his alpha and brotherly duties, or even to go hunt for them. But that day...that day, what changed? He had been patrolling, out to get some air and possibly bring back a meal for his beloved. But he had been stopped by something that could have possibly only existed in his mind. He had seen Illie. In the corner of his mind, but enough that had him turning his head and searching for her. Perhaps he had gone a little crazy, but the streak of blue in the corner of his eye could only be her, could only...he even smelt her. It had to be! So he had chased the white rabbit, searching for something that had gone missing so long enough now. couldn't have been her. He couldn't find her, couldn't even find a chase, and when he turned to go back all trace of her supposive scent was gone. Oh, he must be going crazy. When he stepped over the border again, the cry that met him caused him to pause. Oh...oh no. "Gaia.." He whispered softly, stormy eyes growing so wide. He hadn't been there when it began. He had searched for something that could have been nothing but a memory in the corner of his eye while his wife went into labour. He swallowed his dispair and bounded towards her. He was panting by the time he reached Gaia and his brother, but it wasn't so much out of exhaustion. He couldn't be winded by such a distance. He stared with wide eyes before taking a deep breath, looking at his brother, thanking him silently for being there. Moving to Gaia's side, he began to press kisses along her ears, along her cheek, everywhere he could reach without being overwhelming. "It's okay, sweetheart. You have this, you've done this before." He whispered, his tones soft and gentle as he nuzzled her. "You're an outright natural." He teased softly before looking up at Glacier. "Have you called for Terrae?" He whispered. He had some herbs here, since he had become kind of knowledgeable about birthings. This was his third, after all. But he wasn't an experienced healer.

"Burn Baby Burn"