
Armai Leone



2 Years
02-16-2016, 06:18 PM (This post was last modified: 02-16-2016, 09:24 PM by Calder.)
Lel Leone was a product of lust and not of love, he was a being who believed he was a god among wolves, a wolf who sought blood and fear but in the end was nothing more than a blip on the long bloody history of the lands that bore him, remembered only by those few he terrorized.

One such woman was Callisto, a wolf who had a history of resentment with Lel that ultimately ended in a violent encounter that left her his prisoner and carrying his children. She would give birth to a pair of pups and after naming them, Calder and Armai respectively, fled the scene and left them to the whims of Lel. The pair was raised alongside Lel’s other children by his sister and mate Jian.

The family was still young when Lel, frustrated by his lack of progress, decided to move them to new lands to find some place easier to terrorize.

This is where the real story begins.

Being born of a bastardized union neither Calder nor Armai were shown the same love by their adoptive mother that she did her own birth children. Jain raised them in accordance with her own obligations but they was no mistaking the truth that they were not her children. To complicate matters Armai was born blind a weakness in her father’s eyes which was only further compounded by Armai’s natural sweetness. She struggled with the way their father raised them, rejecting his narrative that they were gods among wolves and instead gravitating towards empathy and kindness for her fellows.

One day in a fit of frustration and anger Lel denounced Armai as his child, spilling the truth of their conception. In a plea to protect his sister Calder finally took her away from the toxic environment of their family and the pair set off on a quest to find their true mother.

This is where you all come in, I’ve decided I wanted to take Calder but Armai is without a player so I’m readopting her out.

Her profile can be found here I’d like her personality and blindness to mostly stay the same but obviously it can be tweaked. She should remain lightly aligned. Her name should also remain the same.

Unfortunatly her old design was created by her previous player so she will need to be redesigned. The original adoption thread with designs for the pups is here

As for the adoption code here we are:

[b]OOC Name:[/b]

[b]Appearance:[/b] (100 word min)
[b]Personality:[/b] (150 word min)

[b]RP sample:[/b] (100 word min)

Both Mouse and I will be deciding her new player but as of right now there is no set dead line so go crazy.

As always I reserve the right to take Armai back if she falls inactive.



7 Years
Dire wolf
02-16-2016, 07:26 PM
I've been interested in a blind character for some time why must you tempt me Lolaffy taffy?????



4 Years
Extra large
02-16-2016, 08:47 PM (This post was last modified: 02-28-2016, 12:55 AM by Mortar.)
OOC Name: Shrapnel

[Image: 1tbSgGA.png]

Appearance: As a child Armai was nothing but a fluff ball of fading silvers along her coat. She was an adorable little thing and she showed promise of turning out as wonderful and amazing as the lineage before her. She had the lanky legs of a growing child and the intelligent inquisitive mind most don't get until the later stages of pup hood. She would have been the perfect child had she not been born with such an imperfection. As soon as her eyes opened to reveal such beautiful lavender eyes it was soon discovered that she was blind.
As she grew the promise of being larger soon became lost as she grew into her long legs. Her figure slimmed out greatly and the girl only reached the small height of 28 inches and weighed roughly 80 pounds depending on the season. It was as if life was trying to ad insult to injury when they made Armai.
While her figure and eyes boast nothing of her heritage life was kind enough to grace Armai with good looks. She sports a darker silvery coat with very few markings. It's darkest along her back and neck and from there it fades down to the lightest of silvers. Her paws are cloaked in a darker gray color and fade upwards along her legs disappearing into the light gray. Her face holds the most markings (which isn't very many at all) as her ears are tipped in a darker gray. Light silver surrounds her eyes and a darker gray forms two markings underneath both eyes. The last marking is an almost unnoticeable silver tipped tail that fades the farther up it goes on the appendage. The most striking feature about her is her pale purple eyes which, unlike some blind wolves, aren't clouded completely over with milky white. The only noticeable feature about them that states of her blindness is her pupils are diluted making them paler which are tell-tale signs of the cataracts dysfunction.
Her fur would be another thing to boast about. While it isn't the fluffiest in the world it holds a certain luxurious silkiness to it that would make anyone want to just curl up with her. Each strand is rather thin and long. The longest strands reside along her neck, stomach, her tail, and chest; although, it's not too much shorter in the rest of the areas. Her pelt has a shiny sheen to it that makes her coat sparkle in the brightest of sunlight making it seem as though she is actually made of silver.
Personality: Once Armai was as inquisitive as any pup, eager to learn and as loud and as rambunctious as any child would be. It didn't take the girl long enough to grow out of the loud state of mind as she quickly learned that she was a mistake. While she normally would have been a blessing her lack of sight caused her to be a parasite believed to never amount to anything. Her blindness was a curse to her and anyone around her who was forced to take care of her due to her weakness. She eventually grew quiet, scared to even voice her own opinions. Her voice took on a lightness that makes her a struggle to hear at times. Her sentences even grew shorter as she preferred not to talk at all while in the presence of her father or siblings.
While she is a quiet wolf she isn't devoid of feelings either. While she loathes herself she has a desire to please the ones around her. She's not a loner, how could she be, so she seeks for companionship. She relies on others so she can try to picture the world around her and imagine what it would be like to see. She's a wanderer, wishing only to explore what she can of the world and experience it to the best of her abilities. While she can't see she can appreciate her other senses to the fullest. Where her sight lacks anything extraordinary her hearing lets her hear far better than wolves who have the full use of their eyes. She feels things more deeply and appreciates the smell of everything beautiful. Flowers boast more beauty and crisp mountain air is far more refreshing than normal. She exists for the sole intention of feeling alive.
She hates relying on others to sustain her own life, but she's long since accepted this factor. She talks very little but Armai enjoys other's happiness and it's very rare that she comes across anyone she dislikes or they dislike her. Even if she didn't appreciate their company it would be far beneath her to ever open her mouth about it. She's like mostly any other wolf who gets lonely on her own and would prefer the company of someone she hated than be stuck listening to her own thoughts and silence. She's clingy to those she attaches herself to but at the same time expect everyone to view her in the worst of ways. She's nothing but a burden on everyone around her, or so she thinks. After all how could someone love someone as weak as she?

RP sample: It was cold.
Like really really cold.
She wasn't exactly sure what mess she'd landed herself into this time but she knew she was definitely farther up north than she had ever traveled before. While the lower lands had been squishy and warm due to the snow melt the north still had the same soggy chill. It seeped into her pelt and it wasn't long before even her bones felt cold. Sightless eyes gazed around as she hoped desperately for some miracle to allow her to see, but as usual it never happened. A sigh fluttered past her lips, the softest of sounds, as if a ghost had whispered it.

The worst thing about it was that she was completely and utterly alone. Their mother had abandoned her and Calder and with her weakness she was nothing but a failure to her father. Having eventually been disowned by him to it'd ended up being only her and her litter-mate. They were going to find their real mother though Armai didn't have much hope about it. Calder was the only would who could fully be of use in finding her, but she was only one wolf in a land of nothing but wolves. It seemed like an impossible mission.

So she found herself here left to her own devices in the snowy wasteland. Calder would surely catch up as she wasn't good on her own. Wherever she was he surely wasn't far away. The air was cold and crisp her and though it was cold, Armai tried to enjoy it. It was always the tiny comforts that made her feel a little better about life, even if they weren't much.

She wasn't entirely sure where she was going but the lack of trees was a blessing. She hadn't bumped into anything yet which was like a record for her. Granted trudging through the snow had been a chore and she'd tripped a couple times, but overall she was doing quite well. She certainly wasn't a tank though and she was beginning to tire. She knew she shouldn't travel too far else she travel too far from her brother. So she began to sniff around trying to figure out a better place to sit and rest. She trudged on in silence, her silky coated ears flicking about as she listened to the sounds of mice burrowing through the snow in their tunnels. Had she felt like it she might have tried to catch one, but for once the girl wasn't hungry. Instead she focused on her mission of resting.

It wasn't long before she managed to find what she was looking for. Stale scents littered the area and she could tell others had been here before. Nothing was fresh so she tread forward towards the little alcove. The snow thinned and it wasn't long before she felt cool stone beneath her feet. She sniffed once more for good measure, ears still flicking about as she tried to hear of any others, before she settled down to rest and recoup before her brother found her once more so they could move on from this place. A sigh of contentment fluttered past her lips. It wasn't warm but it felt better than walking in the snow and one wouldn't find her complaining. It just felt good to rest her limbs.

:Note: I haven't had to do a rp sample in forever so I'm sorry if it sucks.
[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



4 Years
02-16-2016, 09:23 PM
Because I always know when to strike Den!

As for design I have no preference. I always agree to the terms of giving designs back to the original owner, though if their okay with it I'll also gladly marry the design to the character, if they end up being readopted out.

So up to you if you want to redesign yourself or not, just so long as you keep her lineage in mind it's fine by me.

[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png]



4 Years
Extra large
02-16-2016, 10:14 PM
Okie dokie! I won't have internet tomorrow evening, until Sunday, so I'll probably have to do my app on my phone.
[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



2 Years
02-24-2016, 02:19 PM
Okay so this is the final call for apps. Mouse and I will be picking next Thursday but if you want to be considered your app needs to be done by next week (wednesday)



9 Years
02-27-2016, 10:11 PM (This post was last modified: 02-27-2016, 10:12 PM by Ravine.)
OOC Name: Secret

Appearance: Armai isnt an overly large wolf as shes one inch shirtwr than her birth mother (32in) and five pounds lighter (110lbs). Shes nit an overly fluffy or overly muscular wolf either, rather her fur lays down and she has the thin curves of a woman who would rather lay in the sun than build muscle for fighting. Her eyes are a beautiful pale blue, mean for nothing but the attraction of others as she's completely blind proven by the clouded pupil. The majority of her fur is such a dark grey that it almost looks black, while all four of her paws and the tip of her tail are white.

Personality: The exact opposite of her parents teachings, Armai is a sweet girl who feels as though everyone is more fortunate than herself. Though her hearing and sence of smell were heightened, her lack of eyesight made her feel cursed as if what ever god or gods were out there hated her. Shes very loyal and could care less about what your status in the world was as in her mind no one  is better than anyone else.

Though she loved her family with all her heart they weren't always her favorite to keep as company. Her heart was kind, though not always trusting. She wanted to help others rather than hurt them and took an interest in healing. Though interested in plants she didnt know much about them.

A bit shy, even nervous around strangers she doesnt say much.  But to those she knows well and likes she is quite talkative. To those she doesn't like she only gives hateful and/or sassy comments meant to make them leave her alone. And babies are her weekness weather they are of the k-9 species or not, she loves to play with them from hide and seak tot trivia like games. Only she refuses to have any of her own for fear they would inherit her blindness. (may alter a bit as she is played)

RP sample:  Armai had relaxed at the base of a blossoming tree as she closed her unseeing eyes to listen to the birds chirp and sing above her. The buds on the low hanging branches had a lovely smell to them. Her brother had left her here only a few minutes ago to go find dinner as she didn't particularly enjoy missing her mark because ahe couldnt see. Sure she could pinpoint anything if it made sound, actually catching it without running into a tree was a different story all together.

No matter, she didnt mind being alone with the sounds and scents of the many plants and creatures of Alacritis. Each one had its own scent and each creature had a different voice. Each had its own interests and intents as well, thankfully she jad yet to come across anyone worse than her father and step mom. Though she loved them as would any child would live their parent....the knowledge of her creation hurt and infuriated her at the same time. On one hand he was her father but on the other, how dare he rape an innocent woman.

She couldnt have done anything about the incident then and could do just as much now. Nothing. The only thing she could do was try to find the woman that carried her to term againced her will and hope  that her birth mother wasnt as ashamed of her as Lel had been. For now though, she would wait for Calder to return with something to eat.

Thats what she had wanted to do anyway.  Her humming had been silenced along with the birds song as a call for help shattered the surrounding piece. Chirping had been replaced with the fluttering of wings as startled birds took to the air and Armai would hoist herself up un all fours as she felt her way in the direction the sound had come from. The scent was clearly fox and she could hear the small creature rustling about. Suddenly it would stop only to be replaced with a small pleading voice. "Please don't eat me!!"

Blind eyes would stair straight ahead as Armai tried to figure out what the smaller creature meant. "Why would I eat you" she would think aloud as she streached her head forward and caught the scent ofsome kind of weed as they broke with the fox's struggling. Realization dawned on her that the animal had tangled herself in the plant. "Let me help." clumsily she would pull the squirming fox free of her entanglement only to receive a frightened and srartled yelp at her paws leaving the ground.

The moment Armai put down the anumal it took off as if it were still afraid the wolf was going to eat it. A small sigh would escape her before she turned around to find her way slowly back to the tree where the birds were once again settled and singing.



5 Years
03-02-2016, 06:03 PM
Today is the final day to submit an application for Armai, get those last minute apps in now while you can! c:



2 Years
03-03-2016, 05:16 PM
And the votes are in.

-drum roll-

Armai will be played by Shrap!

I'll PM you the password to her account, as for when she needs to be ready by I'm aiming for within the next week.



4 Years
Extra large
03-03-2016, 05:18 PM
-flails excitedly-

I'll aim to have her up within the next few days c: Thank you!
[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]