
Lost in skies of powdered gold



9 Years
Athena I
02-17-2016, 11:28 PM

She had slowly been making her way through the new and unusual lands, but she found herself sticking closer to the coast than venturing further into the lands. She still wasn't completely sure what to call this place. She had only interacted with a few of the wolves that were from here so far. She was slowly becoming more familiar with the herbs and plant life here though she still desperately needed a teacher. She just kept reminding herself that it would all come in time. The gods surely wouldn't have brought her here for no purpose. She just hoped it was a greater reason than just bringing her away from her home...

She padded along the shore line, the foamy waves licking at her gold-hued paws as she walked. It was quite nice out today, especially now that the sun was on its way toward the horizon and that would bring in the cool of the night. There was still a few hours of light left, but the faintest hues of red and orange had begun to show up in the sky. She turned her head toward the sun set and took in the view for a moment as she continued to walk, her tail swaying slowly behind her. She smiled a little. It wasn't often she let up on her search for herbs and new things to learn, but she wondered if perhaps she should do it more often. The gods provided such a beautiful world for her to enjoy and she hardly took the time to look at it.

"Talk" "You" Think



12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
02-17-2016, 11:53 PM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2017, 12:27 AM by Hymn.)

Hymn found himself drawn to the coast, brilliant blue water to match the bright cyan of his gaze. The day had been young when he had started and he had splashed among the shallows and napped in the shade of the rocks but now as the sun began it’s decent from the sky his mind turned, as it usually did, to his mothers.

The titan of a wolf pondered the prospect of returning to the place he had found close to the pack lands. He did not like being separated so much from them but he also knew that Novel was not the adventurous sort and she would rarely if ever leave the pack lands. Because of this there was little real reason for him to rush back, still he would grow bored here sooner or later…

That was unless he could find a distraction. Just as that thought was crossing his mind a lazy summer breeze carried a scent towards him. It was the tantalizing smell of an unknown woman in heat and despite himself he felt a shiver run through him. Still he was a sweet wolf and could keep his baser urges in line so as he stretched and yawned his gaze was already searching for the source of the scent.

Further ahead on the beach a more feminine shape moved away from him. Shaking the sand from his coat Hymn trotted after her, long legs carrying him easily across the shifting sands. As he drew within ear shot of her he let out a friendly bark in an attempt to get her attention and to may even get her to stop.

Bright blue gaze took in her form as he approached, noting the golden coloration with some interest.

—  hymn

I gotta whisper
'cause I can't be too loud

I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



9 Years
Athena I
02-22-2016, 09:28 PM

Her ears perked at the sound of a bark and she'd turn around to see a mostly brown made moving toward her. She really hadn't considered the fact that the change of seasons had brought her heat with it. If she had been back home it was possible that she might have been looking for a male to have her first litter with - not that she had really considered it as a possibility for herself - so she wasn't entirely surprised to see a man interested in her. She'd wait for him to draw closer and she'd glance over his interestingly shaped markings. It was still a shock to her at times to see a wolf with such substantial white markings, although his were much more ivory in color and not nearly as bright as some wolves she had seen around these lands since she had arrived here. It was just a shock after being brought up in a land that cursed anyone born with such fur coloring... His eyes were a gorgeous shade of blue however. She had always loved what the eyes said about wolves so seeing his cyan gaze once he got close made her a little more at ease.

"Hello there," she said in greeting with a small smile. He was several inches taller than herself. His build spoke of that of a fighter, but she didn't see that in his gaze or his stance. Interesting. She settled on her haunches as she assessed him, growing more curious as she looked him over. The breeze kicked up again for a moment, sending the feather on her bracelet twirling around her leg and ruffling the thicker fur on her scruff. "Do you often approach complete strangers like this? Or is this a rare occasion I've been graced with?"

"Talk" "You" Think



12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
02-22-2016, 10:13 PM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2017, 12:28 AM by Hymn.)

The stranger paused and Hymn felt her gaze in turn roving over his form, which he took as an excuse to peer at the bright adornment she wore around her ankle. Finally he met her gaze, a smile breaking across his face. He had only ever seen eyes that green on his aunt before and he had met her only briefly. She spoke and his grin grew wider as she graced him with a smile of her own. He watched with some piqued interest as she lowered her self upon her haunches. The primal part of him celebrating the delicate grace of her movements.

“Hello.” He returned, his voice a soothing rumbling baritone. It had evened out when he had finally peaked, his voice finally matching his size; much to his brother’s continued chagrin. Hymn settled himself upon his haunches as she spoke again and he couldn’t help the laugh that tumbled from his tongue.

“Sorry if you were hoping I was making a special occasion but this is in fact a habit of mine. Never grew out of it really.” He thought for a moment, he had met a great deal many wolves this way, so why would he stop now? “I’m Hymn Destruction, from your scent you’re not from any of the packs around here. Mind if I ask what brought you out this way?” That was true curiosity talking, he had rarely seen wolves with markings such as hers and he was curious to know more about this woman.

—  hymn

I gotta whisper
'cause I can't be too loud

I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



9 Years
Athena I
03-02-2016, 11:12 PM

Oria's gold marked ears twitched as he spoke, taking in the first touches of his deep voice, soon followed by his rumbling laugh. It was a pleasant tone to listen to, not one she heard often. She chuckled herself at his response as he informed her that he approached random strangers quite frequently. "Well, I certainly wish I had the same social skills you do then." She wasn't shy by any means, but she certainly didn't make a habit of speaking to strangers. Perhaps if she did she'd know more of the wolves in this land. Maybe she would have found a teacher by now as well. There was no way to change that now though so she brushed the thought aside. The male in front of her was much more interesting than past regrets anyway.

She'd make note of his name as he introduced himself and even went on to ask what had brought her this way. Her tail curled around her haunches as she spoke, more than willing to answer his questions. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Hymn. I'm Oria Gøran and you'd be right, I'm not a part of any packs around here. As for what brought be this way... Nothing in particular I guess. I appreciate the view out over the ocean and I wanted a change of scenery after hunting for herbs all day." A small smile touched her lips while she spoke, her gaze lingering on his for the most part, but it wandered occasionally down his form. "What about you? Any interesting reasons for coming to the beach this evening?"

"Talk" "You" Think