
Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are



9 Years
Extra large
02-25-2016, 03:41 PM (This post was last modified: 02-25-2016, 04:13 PM by Ahriman.)

That little bitch. How she'd managed to get away from him, he had no idea. But it made the hybrid's blood boil. Time had passed, and he'd lost her scent at the shore. He wasn't one for swimming, and while he was determined, he knew there were more fish to fry; an odd term his mother had often said - apparently something passed down through generations from dogs who had been paw in hand with creatures called 'humans' - which didn't come close to what he wanted to do to those 'fish'. He wanted his fish to scream and beg for mercy. Mercy that would come only when he got tired of his games and either killed them, or left them like the trash they were.

His narrow head was held regally high, blood red eyes surveying his surroundings. He'd taken the time to travel and get more familiar with the continent. Thus far, he was aware of the packs that lorded over the lands. One in the north, three in the south - one of which looked like they might be the most powerful through and through -, two in the west, two in the east; and one of those eastern packs carried his lost prize's scent. He'd have to pay attention to that.

For now, he was resting in the shade of a stone wall that had probably been long ago left behind by the 'humans'. He'd eaten, drank his fill at a nearby lake, and now was considering what to do next. To put it frankly, he was bored as fuck, and everyone knows that when a canine gets bored, he becomes destructive. A toothy grin, far removed from the goofy grins of his mother's breed, crossed the hybrid's long muzzle, canines glinting wickedly as he gazed out, hoping some morsel might cross his path. He could use a new toy.

"Save Yourself A Penny For The Ferryman; Save Yourself, And Let Them Suffer."
Be warned. This character is extremely violent, and needs little to no provocation to attack your character. He will be prone to taking slaves, so unless you wish to have your character possibly maimed or enslaved, do not thread with him and provoke him and do not complain when it happens because you ignored the warning written here in bright red and bold!



5 Years
02-25-2016, 08:47 PM (This post was last modified: 02-27-2016, 01:52 AM by Lior.)

Lior had left Donostrea, no less worse for wear and perhaps a little more sad than her appearance lead to believe. She had left Anais and her sister's daughters to head back down to her brothers and live with them. The excitement of finally leave had gotten to her as she had almost made it to the Fjords territory before she stopped. The season had changed. Summers heat radiated from the sun, and Lior's own seasonal curse had come with the vile temperature. Her brothers were males, males that had lived a heavily rogue'd life, or at least she liked to think. Her presence would only add agitation and questions as to why she wasn't in the pack with her sister and she didn't quite feel like bullshitting them on her reasons and the truth of what she had really been doing the past year.

And so with a bit of wanderlust and persuasion from what remained of her heat clouded mind she wandered to the northeast against her better logic. Keep out of her brothers lives until summer had passed. Lior's journey had almost brought her to Ebony's border before she swung east. She was more north than she could've possibly traveled in her life as an adult. With a bound the she wolf crested the ridge and gazed across the territory, the sun shining upon her back. The mountains in the distance held some promise to keep her wanderlust in check. Although the large rocks before her would be a nice detour in her journey. There was probably plenty of mice darting around that she could snack on and escape the sun beneath the shadows of the stone pillars. With an optimistic step forward Lior pressed forward in her journey, a wave of her tail carrying the scent of her season with the downdraft that rose over the ridge.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Evelyn

[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]



9 Years
Extra large
02-27-2016, 12:31 AM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2016, 08:28 PM by Ahriman.)

Good things came to those who waited. And as the wind brought the enticing scent to his nose, the glinting canines unsheathed further from his jowls as his grin sharpened into a wicked snicker. However, still he remained stationary, waiting for his prey to make her appearance. He was a pool of darkness, with rubies for eyes and the ivory glint of his canines the only defining features of his hulking form in the shade of the wall. He shifted his weight, now resting on his belly, haunches coiled, front legs stretched before him.

He could almost have been considered cute, with all that fluff, beautiful with refined features, exotic compared to the wolves that wandered and lorded over the land. If it weren't for that grin, and the ruby red eyes. As the form of the female came into sight, he morphed his expression into one of complacent pleasantness, triangular ears perked, the long fur as the bases curling out in wavy tendrils. He'd groomed himself thoroughly after his drink in the lake, and his thick, flowing inky coat, with the heavy ruff necklacing his neck giving him the appearance of having a lion's mane, and the long fur draping from his sides and elbows, he made a striking figure.

His crimson eyes roved her frame, gauging his target. Pretty enough to be revolted and horrified suffictiently to make play fun, he decided, still retaining his station under the wall's shadows. It wasn't until she was close enough to see the audience she'd unknowingly traipsed into that he rose slowly, taking his time, until he sat proudly exotic features still carrying a seemingly genuine look of pleasant surprise. As though he hadn't known she was coming, and had perhaps been napping, or lost in thought.

His thickly accented, rumbling voice called out, smooth and eloquent, "Hello, miss. Come this way often?" Friendly. Charming. Perfectly well mannered. 'ware the riptide under your paws, little grey lark. You'll be swept to the sea before you can scream for help.

"Save Yourself A Penny For The Ferryman; Save Yourself, And Let Them Suffer."
Be warned. This character is extremely violent, and needs little to no provocation to attack your character. He will be prone to taking slaves, so unless you wish to have your character possibly maimed or enslaved, do not thread with him and provoke him and do not complain when it happens because you ignored the warning written here in bright red and bold!



5 Years
02-27-2016, 01:49 AM (This post was last modified: 02-27-2016, 01:16 PM by Lior.)

Dark forepaws carried the grey woman towards the shade of the pillars. The nearby lake would be ventured to if there was no luck grabbing any rodents for a meal. Lior certainly had fishers blood and experience in grabbing the bounty of the ocean once it came within reach. There shouldn't be any difference in catching a salmon or bass around here. Her attention was brought to her current situation as to where she ways, and that was somewhat lost. It was kind of funny, Lior only needing to head south before hitting the coast and follow it all the way to the Obsidian Beach where Donostrea resided. The woman rolled her shoulders when she reached the bottom of the ridge with a drawn out sigh and swept her faded blue gaze across the towering pillars. Trekking closer and putting her nose to the earth Lior inhaling deeply to scent any sort of game she could hunt, whiffs of her own condition being caught by her nose.

Bringing her muzzle parallel with her spine Lior nearly jumped out of her pelt at the sight of the rising form that had melted away from the shadows. It was a dog. A very large and very fluffed up dog. Certainly the edges to his body were a bit more defined as he continued to stand as a regal mass of ebony before her. Instantly Lior took a step back but held back another as the regal male before her spoke and asked if she was a local. Instantly the female stood a little straighter as if somehow trying to match the great canines height, and contemplated his question while matching his red gaze. "I... no," There was no harm in responding to such a question he voiced even it was a bit hard to hear through the accent. "I'm just... getting away for a bit. Season and all." Obviously this male had a nose and knew of the problem the plagued her and she mentally kicked herself at voicing such a stupid comment. "Do you?" Lior asked. Her body's hormones began to surge the longer she stared, the fae glancing off in the direction of the lake. "And your name sir?" Eyes returned to the massive dog that was standing just past the shadows. The wind had certainly did a good job of hiding his scent, unlike herself. Being under the shadows of the pillars was starting to be a bit unsettling. A sense of unease began to creep forth into her chest, Lior hoping the male would hurry up and get through the formalities that needed to be exchanged between strangers before the two of them went along their own separate ways.

OOC: Brie has permission to powerplay.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Evelyn

[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]



9 Years
Extra large
03-10-2016, 07:31 PM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2016, 07:34 PM by Ahriman.)

It sent a little thrill through his veins to see the little rabbit jump as she saw him move. The hybrid bided his time, remaining still as his words gained a response that was amusing. Inwardly he snorted at the little display of straightening she did; was she trying to grow taller? Her spoken answer brought an easy grin. His expression was schooled into easy friendliness. Season and all, indeed.

"Yes, it can get damnably hot in this season. Especially in a coat such as mine.." Slowly, he rose, no threat held in his imposing, royal frame as he traipsed down the incline toward the female, seemingly dainty paws trailing him closer to his prey. "I did find the lake to be a fine spot to drink and cool off. But it did little to satisfy my hunger, you see. So I've been waiting for the right moment to hunt. Maybe a nice rabbit.." The silky manner of his speech unwavering, his thick accent rich with a purr, he circled, as though he were merely considering a direction to go, while in reality he sought to place himself behind her, to the her right side.

"Alas, I have found no rabbits. Save. One." There was a beat of silence as he waited for the penny to drop - another of his mother's weird sayings - in the prey's mind. It would make the attack all the more thrilling. He didn't give her long to think, however.

The blood thrummed in his ears as his haunches coiled, powerful muscles rippling as he loosed his frame in a forceful lunge, seeking to close the distance and grab her scruff tightly in his jaws; and he hoped his canines would tear the little rabbit's hide and draw blood. Simultaneously, his left front paw would snap up, seeking to drop onto her back while his right front paw sought to hook around the front of her right front leg and jerk it back toward himself. The hunt was well and truly in earnest. And the hunter had no intention of letting the prey escape, this time.

"Save Yourself A Penny For The Ferryman; Save Yourself, And Let Them Suffer."
Be warned. This character is extremely violent, and needs little to no provocation to attack your character. He will be prone to taking slaves, so unless you wish to have your character possibly maimed or enslaved, do not thread with him and provoke him and do not complain when it happens because you ignored the warning written here in bright red and bold!



5 Years
03-11-2016, 03:27 PM (This post was last modified: 03-11-2016, 03:31 PM by Lior.)
*Trigger warning, read at own risk*

Lior shifted her weight slightly from one side to the other and let out a sigh through her nose. She didn't really feel good about this encounter. Something was off, the way the dog remained obscured in the shadows of the rock pillar. Maybe it was that she had never seen a dog before. When he agreed that summer was a pain in the ass for him also it made her relax a little. The grey woman swished her tail and watched as the massive being began to move down the incline towards her, Lior sparing a glance back the way she came before returning to eye the fellow that was maneuvering to her right side.

Still, a name was not given, instead he talked of the lake water and how he was hungry. Lior frowned. If he wanted to hunt he should keep at it. There were bound to be plenty of rodents and rabbits burrowed in the shade of the pillars to nest comfortable. Well, until they were picked off by a hawk or dug up by a more active hunter. But the words he spoke next sent a chill up her back and she stiffed as his words rang in her ears. Lior instantly turned to look at the black dog, her much smaller gait useless as the male lunged towards her.

With a startled yelp she felt a paw connect just below her shoulder blades. Pain ripped through her scruff and she let out an agonized cry as the dog's fangs punctured the flesh of her neck. She tried to bring her forelegs underneath her but a paw tripped up the desperate effort as he pulled her right foreleg back and sent her front roughly into the ground. Lior's left cheek was planted into the dry earth as she stared back at the male, panting whines leaving her dry throat as stared back at the dog's shoulder. Those eyes. Those red eyes that she saw. The sick feeling of him over her, his pelt mingling with hers and the fact that she could feel her tail trapped between their bodies. Lior recalled as she struggled uselessly against the weight of the male the wise words of her father about being a lone female. It didn't help her now. Nothing would.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Evelyn

[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]