
Go Fish!



5 Years
02-26-2016, 02:15 AM (This post was last modified: 02-26-2016, 02:17 AM by Anais.)
Walk | Talk | Think

While the family was situated out on the plains, Anais had noticed the shift in the presence of land-based game. The animals there were not used to the wolves having such a constant presence, and they had taken to hiding an awful lot more as well as leaving the lands entirely. Though it had once provided them with plenty of game to hunt and pursue, the PraeVilendis was beginning to see the effects of their prolonged stay within their secondary territory, and it sparked her thoughts to go seeking sustenance for their pack along other avenues.

Traveling outside of pack lands in search of their sparse game would have made sense, but the golden-eyed wolf saw a different option, one she was currently headed toward. Over her shoulder, she glanced, skimming across the plains in search of her beloved mate. He appeared to be off, either patrolling somewhere or, she suspected, plotting somewhere with Voltage. They had much to detail for the upcoming weddings, and Anais was happy to leave the two brothers to it, trusting their judgment and ability to make the festive moment absolutely perfect.

And it just so happened to provide her with the perfect opportunity to enact her plan. Her gait slowed as she reached the boundary between the Obsidian Beach and the Algoma Prairie, and silently she surveyed what she could see of the beach. Still flooded, though the water did not surge or roll around in the same manner that it had when the Elementas family had made their escape. Maybe this will work after all, Anais thought boldly, smiling. Still discreet, she tipped her head back and offered a quiet summoning howl for Locha, the resident swimmer. If she was going to do this, she knew Glacier would never allow it without backup, and who better than to accompany her fishing than Locha?

Tail wagging with visible excitement, Anais stood and looked around expectantly for the arrival of the water-aligned wolf.

OOC: Backdating this to before the season change, 'cause that's around when I orginally planned to have it up. My bad. xD

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.