
But I don't want to fight



3 Years
02-26-2016, 05:17 PM

Luck was tired, physically and emotionally. She had been glad to find her shining knight still alive in the strange cave, and for a while the task at hand of helping to mend his wounds had been more important than anything else. But as she had finished up treating him for infection and staunching the bleeding of his wounds the hostility from the purple woman had too much to handle for the poor girl.

So after assuring she had done all she could she had fled, now the shaken girl was sitting at the entrance to the strange caves she had tracked the pair too. Her tiny form was hunched over itself. Gods above what she wouldn’t have given for her mother to be there right now, she needed someone to lean on while she worried over the only wolf in her life. Instead the young girl was forced to shoulder all her fear and anxiety by herself, in quiet.


[Image: BNLxEGJ.png]

Absinthe 1

02-27-2016, 04:52 PM

Bacchus was patched up, and shouldn't die in his sleep, hopefully. The tiny chocolate girl from the challenge had been with Bacchus since he'd returned from wherever he'd been. It had been her scent permeating his coat when they'd been reunited, and she hadn't even realized it was there. So, of course, when she'd appeared to fix up her best friend, the violet dame had been a little cross. Okay, royally pissed, but that wasn't the point. This girl, Lucky or whatever, fawned over Bacc like he was some sort of deity. It was disgusting. Abby had mimed vomiting for half of their interactions. Some delicate little china doll, and Bacc seemed to just love her. What the fuck? Her lips curled into a sneer when the poor little thing left her with Bacchus to.. go cry, or some shit, probably. What a baby.

Her best friend was crippled and supposed to rest, so yelling at him would be counter-productive to him staying alive. He was still an idiot, though. The lavender femme left him, scowl etched onto her features, to get some fresh air. The smell of blood emanating from her best friend wasn't doing any favours. She padded towards the entrance of the mines, hoping to get a few hours of freedom where Bacchus could rest up, and hopefully Lucky could leave. However, as the light of day began to fill the tunnel, there she was. Glowering at the girl's back, she wondered if it was even worth going outside, to have to walk past her skulking. After a few moments of deliberation, she kept walking. Lifting her chin, she slid past the girl. Clearly she wasn't well equipped to deal with the real world, if she had to sit there and cry to herself every time someone didn't think she was the bees fucking knees.

The grass under her pale toes was cool and welcome. Mood lifted ever so slightly, she began to walk. Perhaps she should go and see how the people of her old pack were doing. On second thought, that was a terrible idea. Glancing about, she took a moment to wonder if there was anything cool to do up North. Bacchus would know, if he wasn't busy being injured. Another sigh. That weird shape in the distance looked like it could be interesting. Her legs resumed their movement, and she was off.




3 Years
03-08-2016, 07:31 PM

The scent of the woman and the sound of her paws made Luck nearly flinch, her head quickly snapping around. Brilliant blues watching the violet woman as she stormed forwards. “I uh-“ But the female didn’t seem to have a single care to listen to her and Luck cut herself off as the purple wolf breezed past her, a wave of anger rolling off her. The girl was taken aback, she wasn’t sure how to deal with strangers on an even playing field but she was downright lost when dealing with someone with so much clear contempt for her.

Still she was determined to not let the other girl see her cry. Rising to her paws she began to follow the violet wolf. “Hey!” She faltered, then picking up the pace to try and get in front of the girl. “Hey! Look you can’t just ignore me. You don’t have to like it but I’m probably the only one who’s going to be making sure he doesn’t die from his wounds. At the very least can we pretend to be civil?”


[Image: BNLxEGJ.png]

Absinthe 1

03-14-2016, 06:42 PM

ooc. I'm sorry this took forever! D: I'm also sorry for Abby's attitude

The little china doll just had to have the last word. A sigh trickled past her lips as she listened to the pathetic whining going on behind her. Mismatched optics rolled towards the heavens, exasperation reading in the lines of her moving form. Absinthe stopped short, when confronted by this tiny girl trying to seem like the better person. She had the audacity to cut her off, and was wailing like a banshee about how unfair everything was. "I'm sorry, why exactly can't I ignore you?" She questioned coldly. One brow arched, seeking an answer upon the girl's features. "Is there a rule somewhere that says we have to be besties?" She sneered the last word, slurring it into a mockery of the other female's innocent falsetto. Her lip curled in disgust as she continued. "Why can't you just do you job, and make sure my best friend doesn't die, and that's it?" She demanded harshly, hackles bristling. As sweet as her southern accent could seem at times, now it was downright condescending in the worst of ways.

"Contrary to what you may think, not everyone wants to see you fawning over Bacc like he's made of sunshine and rainbows, honey." She crooned, sneering at the chocolate child. With that, she lifted her chin, stepped around the girl, and continued walking. Hopefully that would be the end of that and Bacc could resume his life. Maybe then, he would recognize how irritating this girl was. Things could get back to normal.
