
Life doesn't discriminate between the sinner and the saints



4 Years
02-27-2016, 04:43 PM
silently she's filled with pride
One day they'll know, she's got a heart of gold And she sings, I want to know what love is But it seems to come with so much pain If no one wants to show me It seems easier just to run away When I am gone it's just a penny for my soul But God he knows, I got a heart of gold but now change is clear

- Set before the meeting for my peace of mind-

The sun was beginning to go down and Selini was definitely missing their perch in the beach, watching the night sky here held a lot less impact when it didn’t feel like she could reach out and place a paw on her moon. Still life was beginning to feel normal again, even if thus far she hadn’t really had any chances to work her way back up to her rank.

Sighing the vixen flopped over onto her side and rolled onto her back, paws tucked to her chest. She breathed another huffy sigh and wriggled around on her back for a moment before finding a comfortable spot. It was much easier to lay like this to watch the sky on the more or less flat ground of the plains.


[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png]



6 Years
02-27-2016, 06:02 PM

Voltage Elementas

-Also set just after the birthing-

Voltage was moving trough the packlands, both with a mission and not. He was a father again! The excitement was like electricity coursing over his fur, a palpable feeling in the air. It was like he was whole again, or as whole as he could be. He felt like a teacup, that had fallen and shattered and had been glued together. The cracks were still there, filled in with glue and new hope, his emotions frayed with pain, but he could be called whole again. With a gentle sigh he moved through the grasses, searching for something to do while his children and his soon-to-be wife slept.

He paused when he saw his moonlit sister laying in the grass, sprawled elegantly while the moon light bathed her deep coats. He smiled gently as he turned to move towards her, stormy eyes glittering in happiness. It had been quite a while since he had spent any real time with the moon child, and he would have to fix that. "Don't you look comfy." He said in hushed tones, as if his voice would wake up their packmates. He smiled down at her, standing in such a way that he was blocking the moon and his shadow would fall over her. "It's been so long since I've enjoyed moon gazing. Mind if I join you?" He asked softly before shifting to lay beside her anyways. He didn't really need permission, everyone knew Voltage would join everyone in their activities. He enjoyed it all, swimming with Locha, Sunbathing with Solaris, Herb hunting with Terrae. His life was his family, and he hated that he missed so much time with them.

"Burn Baby Burn"