
Fashionably Late


02-29-2016, 08:38 PM

Well he wasn't quite sure where he was exactly but wherever it was it was nice. This had to be one of the biggest rivers he'd ever seen in his life. As he stared at it it seemed to stretch on for miles and he wasn't sure what to make of it. Many different scents traveled along the breeze as he stood on the bank with his face to the wind. Across the river he could detect traces of an orchard though to his dismay the scent of a rather large pack came with it. His brows creased together as he pouted to himself. He wanted to go see that Orchard but he knew he definitely wouldn't be doing that. Had he not been looking for Surreal and Celestial he might have been interested in going and checking the pack out. As it was though he was looking for the pack his family had spoken of so he definitely wouldn't be traveling over there any time soon.

Instead he focused on the river that was in front of him. It was warm outside and rays of sunlight glittered on the surface of the moving water. Occasionally a fish would jump and his eyes would dart eagerly to it. He wasn't necessarily hungry, but the thought of catching them was never a bad idea. Swimming seemed to be a far better idea though. One he definitely intended on doing first.

So without thinking about it further he backed up, preparing himself, before he coiled his muscles and sprang forward as fast as his legs could take him. Vaulting himself from the bank, he sailed in the air for a moment before landing with a gigantic splash as water sprayed everywhere. The water was cool and refreshing and it definitely made the heat of summer ebb away as he enjoyed himself. The only shame was there was no one to enjoy it with.

Walk, "Talk" Think



2 Years
03-26-2016, 08:04 AM (This post was last modified: 03-26-2016, 08:04 AM by Dagmær.)
ooc:  sorry for the wait!

Navigation - Rio Grande

Pfft!  To young to participate?  What garbage!  She was plenty strong enough, but fine, if Integra wanted her to sharpen her skills then she would and it was high time she did some exploring…

Dagger's plan was going along well but she was growing restless after recovering from her poisoning at the paws of the Man Who Smells Funny.  So far she had no leads to his location or her fathers but that was not going to deter Dagger, mightiest of warrioress'!  She had the alliance of the Princess Rhys and maybe after the raid the princess would help her complete her training.  Then… then she could finally rescue her father.  He could help her hunt down her mother and they'd be a real family again…

Dagmær paused, her mind slipping unbidden from the fantasy she'd been painting as she stared at her blurred reflection in the mighty river.  Anymore it was getting harder and harder to let her mind wander.  She felt like the older she got the more she was tethered to the ground.  Fantasies that seemed so close to reality as a child were slowly losing their luster.  Dag sighed and pulled her focus to the front.  Taking in the landscape around her and the sheer vastness of this river.

A sudden splash caught her attention and she turned to see a huge man leap into the river.  Her head tilted to the side.  Was he fishing?  Caution told her it would not be wise to engage the man but curiosity won out.  Surely if he seemed dangerous she could outrun him?

Prancing over to the edge she peered at him. "How's the water?  Is the flow pretty strong?"  She'd always been a rather gifted swimmer.  Or at least that's what her mother told her but she'd never swam in anything quite this grand.
