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08-17-2014, 11:08 AM
[Image: gsjA6Fm.png]

Quote:It's the here and now that has you on your knees pleading for mercy..

Striding down a path, one written of destruction, and where many lost souls wander for eternity -- wondering how they got here and where they can go to get recognition from this so called "God". Continuing down this unknown strip, she'd come upon something or maybe even someone. But who could be so sure, you can never be too certain or too careful in a new dawn. Nothing moved and nothing fluttered, only silence buzzed in her auricles, the tresses of her long lightly toned orange/white locks, while golden retinas scorched the horizon, as if she were burning a hole through someone's heart. Crossing over onto another path, following that one into a secluded area the silence was only present for an extended amount of time before the cries of the wounded rung out. Screeches of the bitten flourishing in the midst of her surroundings. Keeping tucked neatly within the aligning darkness that loomed against the treeline, and in the wake of her focus and calculation her attention was drawn to another single vessel moving among the shadows. It was an organism that was designed with the structure of a mountain lion, it's long tangled tail caressing the earth surface as it sashayed to the east -- the opposite direction facing Ryder. It's rich muscles coiling together as the specimen moved against the shadows, easing its way over a slope to vanish within the mist covered surface.

In the distant expanse with an army of trickling darkness reinforcing toward the goddess, as if they were aiming to sunder one's foundations and reveal the many secrets that lie beneath. It was then that a male caught her line of sight, propelling himself down from a top his pedestal, abruptly cascading his way to her aid it seemed. As if she needed it, when in reality she could take care of herself. But even the most strongest of men are in dire need of companions and protection, not necessarily hospitality. As if you couldn't notice, Ryder has not been touched, no, not a single scratch on her. For a moment she thought his stance was defensive, almost as if he were asking for a fight. That's a no bueno with this dark caramel, swiveled with orange spots and white cloak haired temptress, even her marvelous doe shaped gem stones of nature printed embrace spoke the most stories of who she is. A warrior like herself should never be challenged with such unreasonable proposals, then again, she had to admit he was cautious with which miens to let break the ice between them. Still, the beautiful feminine couldn't help but release a soft chuckle that ended pretty quickly. Soaking in the words spoken to her, only to chew them up and spit them back at the brute though her calm and collective yet poisonous daggers were nary a mistake as tried to stay content with the situation she was in.

OOC; I decided to start out like this to make things kick off faster c: Hope you don't mind. Your boy can say anything he'd like to her



5 Years
Extra large
08-17-2014, 01:27 PM

Distressed cries drew the yearling's attention away from the path before him. Massive head would turn, sharp eyes piercing the darkness. Largely apathetic to the woes of others, he would, for some unknown reason, choose to deviate from his preferred path and edge towards the crier.

The behemoth was young, but not stupid. He moved with the slinking confidence of a great cat, his strides even, his gait slow, his eyes watching. His posture wasn't necessarily defensive, but every move betrayed his awareness, his caution. Laufey was big, yes, but size didn't offer him the protection needed to move with unchecked arrogance. He didn't know what made the light hued figure cry out, but he wasn't taking any chances.

He approached her slowly, eyes and ears taking in their surroundings. As far as he could tell, they were alone. At last his eyes would fix on her, studying her with renewed interest. She was bathed in shadows, the darkness filling the hollows of her eyes and giving them a unreadable emptiness. He didn't know what to make of her. This served to further stoke his curiosity. "Tell me, stranger," Still in the clutches of youth, the yearling's voice came out deeper than he was accustomed to hearing, the surprisingly heavy tones giving him pause. "Why do you cry so?" Keen senses were on high alert; no wound scent reached his nose and nothing amiss on her person caught the attention of his eyes. If she was wounded, the harm escaped his scrutiny.


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.


08-17-2014, 02:24 PM
[Image: gsjA6Fm.png]

Quote:Crying? What kind of madness is he trying to uphold?
With a new found spark, she kinds herself drawn to the masculine. His large frame, quick surprising since he smelled of a only a one year old. His vocals though, strong and bold, almost as if he were four. But that youth was still noticeable, even if his bolder-like physique masked his over-all age. Erasing any further thoughts that would come to mind to focus on the male whom stood proudly before her, his cautious stance gave way almost. With her medium sized bodice simply withstanding his colossal foundations never had her withering, no she stood her ground unlike many others. Golden crown promptly raised like a rattles snake waiting to strike, strong jaws curved into a slight smile and her posture was elegant once more than violent.

She stayed quiet for what seemed like a lifetime, until the silence grew annoying and her voice rung out for all to hear. Her demons uplifted from her shoulders, leaving her to execute this by herself. So, she was alone for the most part. the reminiscence of her melody played out like an angel's chorus, Bulgarian accent fairly well indented within. " Crying? What makes you think I was crying boy? No, you have it all wrong. I am merely a bystander to these wails of infuriating madness." Spoken miens like a respected wise women, like a goddess as she was thought to be. Her muscles tensed, twitching lightly as the beauty awaited for an answer.



5 Years
Extra large
08-17-2014, 03:06 PM

The silence went on for a ridiculously long time, long enough for him to question whether or not the words had slipped from his lips or remained trapped within his mind. When at last she spoke, the fae shattered his perception of the situation. She was not the one who wailed? Laufey's head canted to the side in confusion. This one was not the source of the distress? His eyes left her face, gaze flicking around in search of the true crier.

The caves were awash in darkness, the recesses within the walls darker still. It was possible that he was mistake, that something lurked out of sight. In these caves sound was tricky to place, it ripped through the silence as easily as a fish through water, scattering far and wide amongst the cavernous rooms. It was entirely possible that he was wrong, but if so, where had the cries come from? "Who then?" he queried, gaze returning to the fae to stare at her curiously. "There is no one here but us." Of this he is relatively certain.


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.


08-17-2014, 05:06 PM
[Image: gsjA6Fm.png]

Quote:Auricles flickered int he direction his miens came from ,they were quick and reluctant to mind out who chirped those cries of help. It wasn't Ryder, she knew that much. Maybe the mountain lion that so bravely scouted about within these cavern walls, though she began to think if that was just her imagination playing trick sot her mind again and the beast hadn't actually appeared. Then again, it seemed all to real to be a mere vision of sort, she isn't that crazy. So, with that out of the question, she turned the tables a bit and asked him the same thing. Wondering if she did then he'd be as confused as she was and they'd move on from this awkward conversation.
Taking in a deep breath, she stimulated through her thoughts then came to her conclusions and finally spoke. "I don't know you tell me.. Why are you so quick to aid to a damsel in distress?" Her beautiful Bulgarian accent flourishing with and endless ring to it, echoing throughout the dark cave that reflected little light in its wake. Her golden binoculars scanned the brute over, trying to figure him out just by the way his body worked. But nothing was there and she fell back upon her haunches, fluffy tail neatly aligning over her front paws. Awaiting an answer from the god before her.



5 Years
Extra large
08-19-2014, 07:44 PM

Nostrils would flair and twitch, searching for a scent as the ink stained audits atop his head would swivel. He was determined to place the source of the cries if only to insure that nothing threatening to his person lurked nearby. The boy wasn't particularly keen on interfering on behalf of whatever had cried out, but he did care greatly for his person. He was also a curious being, still youthful enough to believe in spooks.

Laufey held enough interest in the screamer to keep him hunting had there been nothing else occupy him, but not enough to keep him focused once the fae saw fit to guide him away from the topic. Her words would draw a faint mischievous smile to his lips. "How do you know I came to rescue?" he teased, letting the slightly sinister question hang in the air for a second. "Perhaps I came to spectate." To be honest, he hadn't known what his intentions were, but it was doubtful that he'd risk his neck without some kind of reward. If she had been in distress he would have demanded something in return for his efforts. Everything naturally had a price; who was he to screw with the order of things?

The idea was a good one, though. Would he have been received as a knight in shining armor? Rewarded for his noble deed with whatever he desired? The boy was just that, a boy, and he was beginning to awaken to the knowledge that there was a purpose behind his anatomy. Ever his companion, curiosity pushed him to desire, though what exactly for, he didn't know.


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.


08-23-2014, 10:26 AM

The scene unfolding before her was a spectacular sight, she loved watching his nostrils flare and eye twitch, she knew she had him right where she wanted him. It was then that he'd voice his opinion, of course he denied such a thing, of course why would a brute like himself want to aid to a damsel in distress. Through it was clear as day that he wanted to find out whom cried out, yet it wasn't Ryder. Taking in his miens and using them against him, she twisted them around and formed them into her own destructive enticements.

Biting off his head with the force of her raging vocals, a slight smirk canvased her angelic features. "I saw how fast you approached. Not even someone who claims to spectate moves that quick to a mere cry." A chuckle insisted to ravish the cold whispers of the cave, and she dared not fight back so her heavenly pip was executed. Now all she had to do was wait, unless more tidings came to mind that she could preach to this young boy.

He acted quite new to this whole thing, like he's never met the opposite sex before. Then again, his immature, youthful odor still clung to him, but how was she one to talk? She had just recently turned two, months ago, so, maybe she is as well new to this whole ordeal. Who could be so sure, really? Shaking her temple, the femme edged closer just a bit before taking a quick whiff of his scent, he smelled of a strong cologne. Something Ryder has never smelt a day in her life, the smell of his was unique and intriguing, like the shades of his coat; he was attractive in the eyes of a white, freckled orange/caramel goddess.

call your girlfriend
tag: LAUFEY | words: ### | omg terrible post!

robb stark



5 Years
Extra large
08-30-2014, 04:49 PM (This post was last modified: 08-30-2014, 05:24 PM by Laufey.)

She would continue to question his motives and the boy would creep closer. A clattering of rocks behind him would send Laufey's ears flicking back to investigate and momentarily halt his strides towards Siryder. He made no move to look over his shoulder, though, and kept his gaze firmly fixed on the fae. Unless something jumped out to bite him on the ass, the stranger had his full attention. There was something about this whole situation that was setting him on edge. He felt like he was being prepared for something.

Her words drew a teasing smile to his lips. He was slowly realizing that this interaction was a game, although to what end he wasn't sure yet. Whatever the end result was, Laufey was willing to play along. "Maybe," he ventured in silken tones, "I came to take advantage." There. She could take from that what she liked. Laufey, for one, was in it to win it. Whatever 'it' was.

Laufey decided to pick a direction for the game. While he couldn't place her intentions, his were beginning to solidify. Although the details of what he wanted were vague and unfamiliar to him, he knew he craved something, something inexplicable and new. Instinct guided him, pushing and teasing with vague promises that were enough to make him ache; this was the extend of his understanding. The feeling was strong enough to motivate him to push boundaries and it was for this very reason and he once again began to move towards the fae.

His demeanor still teasing, he stilled before her, stopping on the edge of invading her personal space. The boy craved her reaction, was dying to see if she accepted his presence or was made uncomfortable by it.


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.


09-01-2014, 08:13 AM

The banshee of a young women took in the intense amenity in settings that left ample room for personal boundaries. The anatomy of this ghoul before her went far beyond any notion to explain nary the reasoning of his profound enactments, as if he were the candlelight flame atop her bedside. Though insignificant in mass, the misleading beast that swayed his bodice towards her seemed like the type she'd be willing to crawl into bed with. The amplifying destruction seizing at her vessel, darkness made heist at her heels -- casting a dark energy within the whispering caves that echoed his mien. These caves, in which was the setting of her mysterious so called, game, Ryder and Laufey occupied all four corners of this cavern.

Sometimes, it felt like the only company she had was the dim flicker of what she thought was a candlelight, but it was only the mere fragments of the brute whom took even more the risk of getting himself maimed. Yet, she couldn't find the strength in which she had to do so, instead, the beauty was lost in the pool of dark blue wonders that were his eyes. For a moment she could hear the whispers of the dead around her, their lost souls just simply wandering, hoping to find peace in their wake -- but there could be no peace, no, there's no such thing. Albeit, she wasn't a lunatic, if the afterlife was real; she cared not, down here at least, sound and noise seemed to invade.

Submerged beneath the overly sized boy, whom at this point was a little too close for comfort -- but she won't be the one to push him away. A long while she stayed silent, just basking in the glory of his odor, wishing to savor it for whatever it to come later on. A lightly toned pink tongue slipped out from sealed lips, painting its embrace upon the right half of the males cheek. A gentle, affectionate lick of sorts was given, and there she'd retreat from her casanova to dine on the flourishing tidings that came sprouting out. "Taking advantage? Say, how so? I don't see you making any moves that suggests this.." With that her vocal cords ravished with the undying release of temptation, hoping to rally him up just a tad bit, indeed he wasn't much younger than her, only by a year perhaps. So, what's the harm done here? She sees none..

call your girlfriend
tag: LAUFEY | words: ### | omg terrible post!

robb stark