
{AW} Hide Away

Erebos I


6 Years
03-01-2016, 05:53 PM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2016, 05:54 PM by Erebos I.)

This very place seemed to be the exact representation of his soul. Brambles were thick and tangled, there was no way to tell where one started and the others began. A dense fog wrapped around the entire landscape, making it hard to see the obstacles at his paws. It was dangerous, and yet in a sense... beautiful. Is that how others saw him? Was he a deadly viper with pretty, shiny scales?

'Ha, you wish.'

Erebos growled when Aletha's voice echoed in his head, his pink and blue eyes narrowing into dangerous slits. He had been hoping that the voices would be silent today, but without Beau by his side, they were loud and clear. His tail lashed behind him, and he tried to ignore her. There were three voices that plagued him, pushed him to return to his dark past. He came to these lands in hope of bettering himself, and so far he had been able to do that. But the voices had other thoughts. They tried to drive him mad, to push him over the edge once again. Being a killing machine was something he wanted to leave in his homelands, it was difficult though. Every day was a struggle, and he had been foolish enough to wander away from Beau. This place seemed to call to him though, like a siren in the fog. Letting out a sigh he moved on through the land, monochrome body cutting through the underbrush.

Mismatched gaze scouted the horizon, and he thought he saw a form moving through the miasma. Pausing, he tried to catch a sight of who it was. He got his answer soon enough, Liliya's laugh echoing through his mind. Erebos swallowed hard, and soon enough her ghostly form was at his side. She looked at him and tilted her head, as if asking him where he had been. Liliya was the most powerful demon that haunted him, and the hardest to ignore. He should have known that she would appear in a place like this, impending doom seeming to linger within the gloom. She didn't appear often, but a place like these woods were just up her ally. 'Been awhile, my sweet.' she whispered. Erebos growled again, lashing out with his right leg as he tried to chomp on the outline of her muzzle. Her wispy frame just rippled where his body had cut through it, her laugh filling every corner of his psyche. His entire body froze, and it took several moments for him to find the strength to move. "Piss off, Liliya," he grumbled, turning and stalking away in the opposite direction. The other two voices in his head grew silent with the appearance of Lili, but it was far from peaceful. As he strode through the woods, he could feel her spectral fur brushing against his. He needed to get out of here.


'Aletha speaks' 'Eunike speaks' 'Liliya speaks'

This is a mean, cruel man at times. He can be unpredictable, swears, and bites. The voices in his head can say very not-nice things as well, please thread at your own risk.


03-01-2016, 11:11 PM

Livi slowly picked her way through the thick underbrush with an irritated flick of her ear. What a welcome these lands had for her. Her pale purple gaze glanced around her lazily. There wasn't much to see since the fog cloaked everything around her, blocking her from seeing much of anything of her surroundings. She let a deep breath out slowly through her nose as she came to a stop. If only she could attack brambles like she could wolves... She'd be out of this place much more quickly than she was now tip toeing around them. This place wasn't all bad she supposed... It was quiet. That was certainly a new experience for her. Her entire life had been spent around family with very little alone time available to her. Who knew a quiet like this existed?

A voice filtered through the quiet, a grumbling curse that made her brow raise curiously. She looked ahead of her and slowly materializing out of the fog was a shadowy figure, slowly revealing a gray-hued wolf. She saw his eyes first, the bright hues cutting through the dreary surroundings. What an interesting way to encounter her first wolf of her new... what would she call these lands? Home? Was this continent her new home? She wasn't sure. "Someone piss you off, hm?" she asked as the male grew closer, her voice a smooth with just a hint of curiosity. Her head tipped slightly to the side as she looked at him. She really didn't even think he had intended to come in her direction, but now here they were and she was interested.

"Talk" "You" Think

Erebos I


6 Years
03-02-2016, 11:39 AM

No matter how hard he tried to push Liliya away, she stubbornly clung to his conscious. His flank hummed where she brushed against him, making him shiver with delight and... was that a tinge of fear there as well? Swallowing hard, his ears pressing against his skull. It had been months since she had last appeared, and nothing good came out of her being here. Erebos attempted to shove his shoulder against her, but it just cut through her form and hit nothing. She wasn't real, she wasn't real! But no matter how hard he fought with it, she was right beside him. 'You know that there is no way to get rid of me, no way to shut me up unless you take a life. Then we come back after its time to kill again,' she snarled, causing Erebos to snarl right back at her. He was trying to change, his brother had showed him that he could live his life without the blood lust, without the mindless killing. But their voices, it all made it so much harder.

"Someone piss you off, hm?"

Erebos blinked, that voice had actually come from outside, and not within his head. Mismatched gaze soon found the brown woman, catching her gaze with his own. He had not seen her standing there, it was like she had materialized out of the fog itself. His eyes tore away from her as he watched Liliya circle the woman, her ghostly eyes glowing with a look he knew all too well. 'Yes, she will do nicely. Kill her, just snap her pretty little neck and this will all be over. Your world will be silent again.'


Erebos forcefully shook his head, trying to ignore the voices in his head. He tried to ignore the spectral shape of Lili, just focus on the woman alone. His whole body was tense, ridged as he gazed at her. "What's it to you, mm?" he asked gruffly, eyes narrowing. Okay, so his social skills weren't the best. But that was no fault of his own, usually the only company he had were the three in his mind that drove him mad. Pushed his buttons.


'Aletha speaks' 'Eunike speaks' 'Liliya speaks'

This is a mean, cruel man at times. He can be unpredictable, swears, and bites. The voices in his head can say very not-nice things as well, please thread at your own risk.


03-02-2016, 04:45 PM

Livi quirked a brow curiously at the man as he shook his head, his taking a while to focus on her own. She had to resist the urge to glance around her and make sure there wasn't something next to her that would have caught his attention. His was the only scent she could smell so she knew there was no one else and nothing else there, but his reaction made her question it. In the moments between her own words and his she glanced over him, taking in the mix of grays on his form. His coat was monotoned in much the same way hers was, just variations on the same hue.

His sharp comment brought her eyes back to his narrowed two-toned gaze. She smirked slightly with a flick of her tail. Feisty. "It's nothing to me, but it seemed to be a lot to you. I couldn't help being curious," she responded coolly. She chuckled softly and gave a slight shrug of her shoulders. "It's not every day I'm walking through the woods and hear someone telling someone to piss off after all." Livi let herself settle on her haunches then, her tail curling neatly around her while she continued to assess the male across from her. This was quite interesting for her first encounter here. She could only hope that the rest of the wolves that lived here were just as interesting. "What's your name?" she asked without really giving him an opportunity to respond. By now the wolf himself was much more interesting than whoever it was that was pissing him off.

"Talk" "You" Think