
Longing for some solitary company



4 Years
08-17-2014, 12:15 AM

It was all empty. Nothing was happening. It seemed like months since she had last seen her brother, and then that was it. She loved him, even though he was pathetic. A weak scrap of fur the ebony man was, chasing after his useless memories. Keeping to the shadows, all she did was stalk and run. What a bloody waste of her life. She could be doing more, more than she ever dreamed of. But instead she was here, alone in the darkness, cold and abandoned. What point was there of her even being here? Was there anybody that understood her? Was she the only one in this desolate world?

The magnificent maple beauty lumbered through the everlasting night, delicate claws catching the innocent moonlight. A part of her longed for company, though the other part wickedly despised friendship and love. It was like as if she had two souls, one dark and the other affectionate. Who could free her from this animal she has become?

She kept to the shadows. Always. Only a bitter snarl escaped her panting jaw.


[Image: 4LyHbab.png]


08-18-2014, 08:21 AM
This world was not what most wanted it to be, it was harsher then what one would find. Hidden traps at every corner, Striking only seconds before you even have time to run. It will consume you, leave you nothing but a empty slate. Ready for someone to come along and rewrite who you are. The world is funny like that, so beautiful, yet so dangerous. It can change anyone, all that is needed is the right environment, and the right conditions. Tain was no stranger to this threat that everyone is vulnerable to. He too had his share of all of this pain that the world had to offer him. He found this world to be the place that evil resides in, yet where their is evil, there must be good.

Tain walked gently upon the earth, he respected this land. Taking such a great beauty for granite was not the wisest thing to do. Tain looked up at the moon that resided above him. It too needs the help of another to shine as bright as it dose. Or dose the sun need the moon to show off its ideal powers. Things like this had always fascinated Tain, he enjoys the sounds and sights of the world. Maybe that is why he was a loaner for how long as he was. Waling at a slower pace as the sound of a growl brought the male to a stop. He turned his head in the direction of the sound. His deep blue eyes locked on a shadow of a figure just in the brush. He looked at the other, he was not sure if this individual was growling at him.

Speaking in a deep, calm voice, Tain addressed this other."You know growling like that is no way to bring out any strains that you might have consumed." He paused and waited for any response before he spoke once more."I would not mind seeing the individual i am speaking with. Would you care to come out of hiding."His words rolled off his tongue like water off skin. So smooth and effortless, it was just a combination of confidence, and awareness.



4 Years
08-18-2014, 03:35 PM

A confident and deep voice spoke to her, breaking the silence. It was the voice of a masculine, powerful and clear.

You know growling like that is no way to bring out any strains that you might have consumed. I would not mind seeing the individual I am speaking with. Would you care to come out of hiding?

Strains I have consumed? She wickedly thought, the male's words echoing in her mind. It's more than just strains.

Her azure eyes flickered intriguingly before slender and delicate paws lead the woman out from the shadows. Sparkling like stardust, the wonderful moon brought a vivid display of silver and ash onto the lands. Lifting her head, her eyes met his, observing the creature that had spoken to her. He was around the same size as her with a unique pelt of ivory and gold. Well, she could only ask to know the name of such a man.

"Greetings, sir," She spoke with a dip of her head. She had an articulate and fierce voice, as if her words were like a weapon. "I am Aislinn. Who might you be?"

It was not every day the dame found herself meeting others, but with everything, it could be interesting. She didn't mind the company, after all it could be just what she's always wanted.

"Talk." Thoughts and voices
[Image: 4LyHbab.png]


08-21-2014, 06:28 PM
Tain smiled as the individual came out of hiding. His eyes locked upon the female, she was indeed his height. He smiled at her as she introduced her self as Aislinn, that was a beautiful name, and it suited her very well. He decided that he too should give his name, sitting on his haunches he spoke to her. "Nice to meet you Aislinn, i am Tain. SO what brings you here, just wondering?" he said as he rapped his tail around his paws. He looked at her, she seemed interesting and all, yet he did need to know who he was talking with. A name is one thing yet knowing her is another.

He smiled at her and spoke once more "This area is nice, i come here sometime to think. It is nice to just let your mind wonder you know." HE spoke, he was not sure what to say. He was not all that good at starting conversations, finishing them is another story. He is really good at doing that, yet sometimes he wonders if he is to good at doing that. He shrugged that thought off as his eyes focused on the female that stood by him.

(ooc:sorry for the crappy post Muse .low)



4 Years
08-23-2014, 02:32 AM

The man went by the name Tain. It was a nice name too, short, simple yet it sounded smooth and confident. She was quite good with remembering names and faces, even though she had not met many whilst her wanders, but she was sure to come across more, weak and strong. She had obviously found her brother, gotten herself into a fight with a bandit and made an alliance with another she-warrior. And now she was here, engaging herself in a conversation with a man! Just sheer luck that she has found herself in such a moment? Oh, but she wouldn't start her flirting just yet...she had to get to know this fellow and show some interest.

"This place is nice. I just wander here and there." She stated as she sat herself in an upright position, admiring the moonlit lands. These were probably the most familiar lands her paws had ever lead her. The East was a splendid place for an unwanted soul like her.

It seemed Tain was here for almost the same reason. She once let her spirit and mind wander, just for a little while, but they never came back. Oh well, she didn't a heart, or what was left of it. All she needed a heart for was to love somebody, and there was no need for that. She had a wonderful dark side instead, welcoming her in shadows.

Some conversation would be nice, just to show some interest in this man. What could she ask that would spice up the chat?

"You seem to be a loner," She never understood the concepts of pack life. Too happy and joyful with all their silly puppy arguments. A rogue life was much better, more comfortable, and she could do whatever her insane mind wanted her to do. "Do you at least have a past? I can tell you mine."

Was she really going to tell this man her past? Her dreaded nightmares that are the very memories that haunt her today? The memories that made her what she is today? Oh well. Memories could be mended. Someone could help fix those thoughts. Someone could heal her.

OOC: I'm horrible at starting wolf-based conversations >.<

"Talk." Thoughts and voices
[Image: 4LyHbab.png]


08-30-2014, 04:39 PM
His Ears swiveled on top of his head a she spoke to him. Her words were dead on the spot, this place was nice, yet very calming to wander upon. He did not mind it here, it was something that he liked. His eyes landed upon hers, they were beautiful, he could not deny that little fact. After all He did find her very appealing to the eye.

As the conversation went on, she spoke about Tain being a loaner, he looked more at her now. He gave a slight nod and responded to her statement."Yes I am a loaner, as for how long. That i am not sure about, how about you. You seem to be one as well. Pack life not for you hu."He spoke as a smile caressed its self upon his face. He did enjoy company, yet he was not sure as to if he would be pack material. He likes the loaner life, he enjoys it, but the pack life dose have benefits to it also.

He shook the thought off and focused on her next question. Did he have a past? Well of course he did have a past, everyone has one don't they. Tain looked away for a bit then back to her.[B]"Yes i have a past, Nothing to fancy. Lost family, and gained friends. I guess the normal. You do not have to tell me yours if you do not want to. Any way, I do not believe i have seen you around. It has to be fate that we meet. Anyone as beautiful as you, must be as gorgeous inside. Yet very fierce with a dark side." He said as he smiled. He did not know this dame that well, but he can read in on others a little.



4 Years
08-30-2014, 11:01 PM (This post was last modified: 09-06-2014, 03:47 PM by Aislinn.)

She dipped her head as a reply to Tain's question. His eyes met hers. She found herself staring into his deep obsidian gaze. The color and glow was so soothing, so comforting for a reckless being like her. She couldn't let herself get lost in one's eyes. That would be weak and she was strong. "Yes, I'm a loner. Though perhaps it is time I found a pack, but I'll let my paws decide that."

Tain seemed to have a normal history, and he held the potential for an interesting future. The lady listened like she always does, until she heard the interesting words that caught her attention.

Beautiful yet gorgeous inside with a fierce dark side? Oh, flattering, are we now? She wickedly thought before a slight sly smile spread to her maw. She kept silent, no words escaped her. She wouldn't say anything
until it was her turn to speak. She wouldn't mind a little sharing, after all, why would she let those foolish memories burden her life?

"Well, I believe it would be fair if I told you more about me," She spoke with her usual clear, dominant and cold words. "I had a family, long ago. There were arguments and fights between my mother and father, disputes that are unexplainable. What else could my brother and I do? We ran far from our home and tried to start again."

You can't start again. Those memories haunt you! The beatings, the wounds, the all lives in you.

She shook those whispers away. Even the voices in her head enjoyed messing with her. Those voices and echoes would never leave her empty body. No. Not for a long time.

"Talk." Thoughts and voices
[Image: 4LyHbab.png]


09-16-2014, 03:44 PM
Tain looked at this devilishly dame that rested in front of him. He smiled at the dame, as she spoke to him.So she did think of joining a pack one day, that was good and Tain knew that Aislinn would do very well among pack ranking systems. The area that they rested was a nice spot, Tain soon spoke in response of her statement."Well i hope that you find a nice pack some day. One that can appreciate and handle such a creature as your self." He stated with a soft deep voice, one could say he was flirting a little with such tone.

His tail flicked with joy as he looked at her, It was nice to hold a friend in this world. Well he was not sure that they were friends per-say, more like acquaintances as of now. His ears stood up as she spoke about it being fair if she told him more about her past. He did not mind hearing about one's past it was one way to get to know another; not something you usually do with a complete stranger. Yet this was something that Tain really enjoys. She spoke of a family dispute that went terribly wrong. So she and her brother ran away to start over.

Tain did not blame her for doing that, after all it was not the worst thing to do. In this situation Aislinn did the right thing for her, and as of now it seems that it was going decently for the dame. HE soon spoke his voice still deep, yet the hit of flirting was dieing out."Well, we all have a hard past in a way. All that matters is that we did what was best for us." HE smiled and spoke once more."So how about we take this talk on to a small walk. I heard this area has some wonderful views."



4 Years
09-16-2014, 04:29 PM

The usual chat when around, as the ivory and blonde man wished her the best in finding a pack. He also didn't mind hearing her past story. The next few words that he spoke caught her interest. A small night walk, adoring the scenery and views of such a place? Why not? It sounded like a marvelous idea for the lady, as this man was rather nice to talk to.

"Well then, shall we? She flirtatiously purred as she beckoned the man with a flick of her luxurious tail. Her paws carried her at a walk, the pace slow and enjoyable. As Tain had described, these lands were quite wonderful as the moonbeams lit up the greenery and creeks. The silver light danced amongst the water and grass. What better way to spend this than with the presence of another?

[Image: 4LyHbab.png]