
The Player Might get played


08-16-2014, 10:04 PM

The summer season had arrived, and along with that brought many different characters. Interesting ones at that, something that Roseletta was all familiar with. She walked along the sandy beach side, slowly, just relaxing. Her tail swayed behind her, nothing seemed to be too interesting in this area. Just a few waves that crashed in to the beach, and some birds that flew overhead. Her pink-red eyes stared off in to the waters, it was beautiful, beyond all comparisons this place puts the iceing on the cake. From the obsidian rocks that place all over the area, to the clear blue waters. It seemed like the ideal place to come to take your mind off the harsh world.

Roseletta came to a halt as the summers wind wrapped around her frame.It was a soothing blanket, one that seemed to melt away the strains of the day. Anyone would find a slight smile arise upon their face when feeling something such as this. What world could be so beautiful, yet hold great evil hidden in the darkest debts of its crevices. This world was something else, one that kept you on your toes, always on the run from the endless chase of death. Yet, if you always worry about that chase, are you truly living. Her eyes lowered to her paws, she did not move at all, she just looked at them. Her mind drifted back to her mother, she smiled, knowing that her mother was safe now.




5 Years
08-17-2014, 12:41 AM

Happiness was not something that this coloured brute knew. Pleasure, for sure. But actual happiness? He did not care about anyone in this world but himself, and to some that was not living at all. But to him, to him it was the only thing. Charaz thought very highly of himself, and knew himself to be a better wolf than any out there. He didn't come to placed to explore, he came seeking pleasure and that alone. He was one sex-crazed fool who knew nothing else, and didn't feel at a loss for it. Everything was perfect for him, this game that he played. Because that is all it was to him, one big game. Everyone he met was their own pawn, and he was the mastermind of it all. While he had run into a few who played games of their own, his was the only one worth winning.

The black beach was interesting indeed, sand wasn't usually found in this hue. It cling to his orange legs and paws, stubbornly seeking refuge there. Huffing his irritation at the tiny grains, he knew that no matter how hard he shook himself that they would not let him go. Giving up, his gray eyes scanned the horizon, picking up the shadowed form of a wolf who was unmistakeably a female. Smirking, he picked his way down the shore line, eyes locked on his newest pawn. "Romance isn't really my thing, but a long walk on the beach would do just fine." He bellowed in his low baritone, that lopsided smirk not leaving his maw.


08-17-2014, 07:37 AM

Raising her gaze from her paws, the sound of another approaching her filled her ears. Well this is interesting, this individual seemed very interesting. His words about romance filled her mind.'So what did this male think was going to happen.' She sighed and turned to greet the brute that she got to grace with her presence. What she came to see was a large, orange male, surely not something you see everyday. He stood much taller then she, yet that did not bother Roseletta. Her tail swayed lightly as she pondered the words to give this brute.She could tell by that cocked smirk that he had on his face, this had to be some sort of game to him. So he liked games, that was reassuring, she her self loves to play games.

"How funny. I am not for romance my self strange brute.Yet,the game that presents it's self, seems quite like and interesting one don't you say." She spoke in a neutral tone, her eyes looked this male over. 'Maybe, just maybe he could be a suitable candidate.' She thought to her self.The smile that arose across her maw seemed a little sinister, yet maybe it was just that. Sinister, after all looks can be deceiving. Here is a small, innocent looking female, what could she possibly be thinking of that could cause such a smile to arise. She would play his game, after all she was quite bored. Roseletta did not move from her standing point, she just stood there waiting for his move.
